
  • 网络Cellulite;anti-cellulite
  1. 目前普遍认为,毒素对皮下脂肪团堆积影响不大。

    Current thinking suggests that toxins only have a small part to play in the build up of cellulite

  2. 事实纠正:听说过用咖啡渣消减脂肪团的方法吗?

    Reality check : Heard the one about coffee grounds treating cellulite ?

  3. 脂肪团的产生是由于脂肪推挤结缔组织,造成上层皮肤褶皱。

    Cellulite occurs when fat pushes against connective tissue , making the skin above it pucker1 .

  4. 此外,拜斯特罗姆在她的Instagram上还分享了一些照片,展示了未修剪的腋下和脂肪团,以及不同体型的模特。

    On her Instagram feed , Bystrom also shares pictures showing untrimmed underarms and cellulite , and photographs of models with different body types .

  5. 如果能够负担的起,进行电动脂肪团分解装置治疗法。

    If you can afford it , get an endermologie massage treatment .

  6. 这种经过食品及药物管理局认证的疗法可以改善血液循环,帮助减少脂肪团。

    This FDA-approved treatment improves circulation and helps reduce the appearance of cellulite .

  7. 这个结果导致脂肪团更快的分解和更苗条的体格。

    This results infaster dissipation of cellulite and results in a leaner physique .

  8. 去除脂肪团至今仍是皮肤美容学上的终极目标之一。

    The removal of cellulite remains one of the holy grails of cosmetic dermatology .

  9. 如何消除脂肪团?

    What 's the secret to banishing cellulite ?

  10. 大约85%的女性遭受着脂肪团的困扰。

    Approximately 85 percent of women have cellulite .

  11. 脂肪团是由于脂肪累积造成的皮肤表面的凹凸不平。

    Cellulite is the uneven or dimpled appearance on the skin caused by fat deposits .

  12. 采用空穴效应非侵入式有效击破顽固脂肪团和橙皮脂肪。

    Adopting non-invasive equipment with cavitation transdermic 's Principle , it could smash adipose and cellulite effectively .

  13. 事实上,做什么都无法永久去除脂肪团——甚至吸脂也不行。

    The truth is , nothing can be done to permanently eliminate cellulite -- not even liposuction .

  14. 事实上,做什么都无法永久去除脂肪团(橘皮组织)&甚至吸脂也不行。

    The truth is , nothing can be done to permanently eliminate cellulite & not even liposuction .

  15. 这位歌星似乎没有意识到她暴露的衣着显露出了大腿上的脂肪团。

    But the star seemed unaware that her revealing outfit displayed a touch of unflattering cellulite on her thighs .

  16. 含有天竺葵和龙芽草等植物精华的面霜也可以暂时减少脂肪团。

    Creams that contain plant extracts such as geranium and agrimony may also temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite .

  17. 棕色脂肪团亦可在主动脉四周和肾脏的脐部附近找到。

    Masses of brown fat are also to be found around the aorta and in the hilus of the kidney .

  18. 这种治疗方法可用于皱纹、腿部静脉、粉刺、脂肪团,以及其它各种美容解决方案。

    Its treatments have been used for wrinkles , leg veins , acne , cellulite and a host of other cosmetic solutions .

  19. 这个平台可能会用来治疗脂肪团,或用来改善牛皮癣、干燥症等皮肤问题,或是可以延长香水的香味。

    The platform may be used to solve cellulite , help skin problems like psoriasis and xerosis , or house a long-lasting perfume .

  20. 无论它是以脂肪团的形式出现在我们的大腿上,还是以胆固醇的形式出现在我们的血管里,都没有关系,反正我们就是不需要它。

    It doesn 't really matter whether it appears as cellulite on our thighs or cholesterol in our veins & we just don 't want it .

  21. 它与你地胖瘦、贫富无关,基因库地随机性决定了谁会拥有或不会拥有脂肪团。

    It doesn 't matter whether you 're fat or thin , rich or poor , luck of the gene pool determines who will and won 't get cellulite .

  22. 含有咖啡因地专业紧肤霜会紧致和平滑肌肤,而一般地润肤霜也会令皮肤吸入水分而丰盈,让脂肪团看起来稍微以晒黑霜来帮助掩饰。

    Specialist firming creams containing caffeine tighten and smooth the skin , while basic moisturisers will also work to hydrate and swell the skin , making cellulite a little less obvious .

  23. 如果患水肿的话,脂肪团会更加明显,按摩则可以促进淋巴液循环和淋巴结的活动,所以可以帮助身体排出毒素。

    Cellulite always looks much worse if you are suffering from fluid retention , and massage activates the lymphatic flow and lymph nodes which help to expel toxins out of the body .

  24. 含有咖啡因的专业紧肤霜会紧致和平滑肌肤,而一般的润肤霜也会令皮肤吸入水分而丰盈,让脂肪团看起来稍微以晒黑霜来帮助掩饰。

    Specialist firming creams containing caffeine tighten and smooth the skin , while basic moisturisers will also work to hydrate and swell the skin , making cellulite a little less obvious . Slap on a bit of fake tan to aid camouflage .

  25. 他们希望我们看上去好看,所以他们不会说:“好酷,多棒的脂肪团呀。”以前我都尽量想显得好看,一旦拍起来,我就不去想了。

    They want us to look good , so they 're not going to be like , " Oh , cool , look what a realistic cellulite shot . " Beforehand I tried to look good ; once they 're rolling , it 's the last thing on my mind .