
  • 网络Napa Valley;NAPA VALLEY
  1. 游客可以前往像纳帕谷酒乡这样远离城市喧嚣的地方游览。

    Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country

  2. 大家品尝的下一种酒是2010年的Smith-Madrone纳帕谷雷司令(Smith-MadroneNapaValleyRiesling),它成了所有人的最爱。

    The next wine , the 2010 Smith-Madrone Napa Valley Riesling , was a universal favorite .

  3. 我最近与朋友共进晚餐时,品尝了2009姚明纳帕谷赤霞珠(cabernetsauvignon)葡萄酒。

    I poured the 2009 Yao Ming Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon at a dinner with friends recently .

  4. SilverOakCellars于1972年由雷·邓肯(RayDuncan)和贾斯汀·梅耶(JustinMeyer)创立,在40年前的纳帕谷是少数几家正经的酒庄之一。

    Silver Oak Cellars , founded in 1972 by Ray Duncan and Justin Meyer , was one of the few serious wineries in Napa 40 years ago .

  5. 与其他所有产自纳帕谷的解百纳不同的是,SilverOak是在美国橡木桶里陈酿的,从而增加了香草的甜味,有些人甚至会说有椰子味。

    Unlike just about every other Cabernet made in Napa Valley , Silver Oak is aged in American oak , which adds sweet notes of vanilla and , some even say , coconut .

  6. 酒庄于去年11月成立,出产的首瓶葡萄酒是纳帕谷赤霞珠干红葡萄酒(NapaValleyCabernetSauvignon),每支定价1775元,约合170美元。

    The winery was founded in November , and its first bottle was a Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon priced at 1,775 yuan , or $ 170 .

  7. 拥有500名成员的纳帕谷葡萄酒商协会(NapaValleyVintners)表示,目前判断该产业遭遇的损失还为时尚早。

    Napa Valley Vintners , an association with 500 members , said it was too early to tell what damage could have been done to the industry .

  8. 于是我买了一瓶1982年的SilverOakAlexanderValley(106美元),还有2008年和2009年产自纳帕谷和亚历山大谷的年份酒(分别为110美元和60美元)。

    So I bought a bottle of 1982 Silver Oak Alexander Valley ( $ 106 ) and the 2008 and 2009 vintages of both the Napa and Alexander Valley wines ( $ 110 and $ 60 , respectively ) .

  9. 尽管巴黎品酒会为我们的葡萄酒文化创造了奇迹,但是我相信,美国的葡萄酒文化从1966年就诞生了,那时RobertMondavi在纳帕谷建立了他的同名酿酒厂。

    While the Paris tasting did wonders for our wine culture , I believe America 's wine culture started in1966 , when Robert Mondavi opened his namesake winery in Napa Valley .

  10. 她曾在纳帕谷的FrenchLaundry等著名餐馆工作,如今她在台湾台中市拥有自己的餐厅——LeMoût,它是罗兰夏朵酒店集团(Relais&Châteaux)的成员。

    The chef , who worked at high-profile restaurants like the French Laundry in Napa Valley , owns Le Mo û t Restaurant in Taichung City , Taiwan , a member of the Relais & Ch â teaux group .

  11. 我想知道现在我怎么看这款酒。于是我买了一瓶1982年的SilverOakAlexanderValley(106美元),还有2008年和2009年产自纳帕谷和亚历山大谷的年份酒(分别为110美元和60美元)。

    I wanted to see what I thought of it today . So I bought a bottle of 1982 Silver Oak Alexander Valley ( $ 106 ) and the 2008 and 2009 vintages of both the Napa and Alexander Valley wines ( $ 110 and $ 60 , respectively ) .

  12. 她曾在纳帕谷的FrenchLaundry等著名餐馆工作,如今她在台湾台中市拥有自己的餐厅LeMo251;t,它是罗兰夏朵酒店集团(RelaisCh226;teaux)的成员。

    The chef , who worked at high-profile restaurants like the French Laundry in Napa Valley , owns Le Mo # 251 ; t Restaurant in Taichung City , Taiwan , a member of the Relais Ch # 226 ; teaux group .

  13. 问:你为什么决定专门在纳帕谷酿造葡萄酒?

    Why did you decide to make wine in Napa Valley specifically ?

  14. 纳帕谷似乎还可以像往常一样出口葡萄酒。

    It seems that Napa Valley will continue exporting wine as usual .

  15. 直到1979年才生产纳帕谷解百纳。

    It wasn 't until 1979 that the winery produced a Napa Cabernet .

  16. 这是周日在加州北部纳帕谷的景象。

    This was the scene on Sunday in northern California 's Napa Valley .

  17. 上周日,美国加利福尼亚州北部的纳帕谷地区发生地震。

    Last Sunday , an earthquake struck the Napa Valley area of northern California .

  18. 这次地震是纳帕谷15年来遭遇到的最强地震。

    It was the strongest earthquake to strike the Napa Valley in 15 years .

  19. 喜欢纳帕谷吗?

    How do you feel about Napa Valley ?

  20. 看来纳帕谷将继续一如既往的出口桶装酒。

    It seems that Napa Valley will continue exporting barrels of wine as normal .

  21. 我希望能够引发人们对纳帕谷和葡萄酒的兴趣。

    I hope I spark an interest in Napa Valley and in wine in general .

  22. 星期日清晨,旧金山北部的纳帕谷发生了6.0级地震。

    A six-point-o earthquake rocked Napa Valley , north of San Francisco early Sunday morning .

  23. 这“访问”主要包括美国大峡谷游、纳帕谷葡萄园游以及恶魔岛游;

    Its highlights included tours of the Grand Canyon , Napa Valley vineyards and Alcatraz prison ;

  24. 姚明:我看到了把纳帕谷的优质葡萄酒引进到中国的大好机会。

    YM : I saw a great opportunity to introduce fine wines from Napa Valley to China .

  25. 在加利福尼亚州纳帕谷,他拥有自己的葡萄园,目前已颇有名气。

    In California 's Napa Valley , , he has his own vineyard , which has established quite a reputation .

  26. 纳帕谷有着美国加州最慷慨的阳光,是让世界对美国葡萄酒刮目相看的第一个世界级葡萄酒产区。

    There is the brightest sunshine of California in Napa Valley , which is the first world-class wine appellation of USA.

  27. 这给我留下了深刻的印象,我给身在中国的姚明发了电子邮件,他亲切地谈论了他对葡萄酒、篮球和纳帕谷的看法。

    Impressed , I emailed Yao in China and he kindly shared his thoughts on his wine , basketball and Napa .

  28. 我品尝过几种优质的纳帕谷葡萄酒,有时是队友和朋友共进晚餐,有时是慈善活动和其他聚会。

    I tried some excellent Napa Valley wines at dinners with teammates and friends , charity events , and other get-togethers .

  29. 有机会帮助中国人更深入地了解纳帕谷葡萄酒,这对我来说是非常令人兴奋的事情。

    To be given the opportunity to help people in China learn more about Napa Valley is very exciting for me .

  30. 纳帕谷葡萄酒是我最欣赏的葡萄酒,我想把这种口味带回到中国。

    Napa Valley wines are the wines that I enjoy the most , and I wanted to bring a taste of that back home to China .