
  • 网络Nat;Knut;Nutter
  1. 第二年,哈林篮球队的纳特·“甜水”·克利夫顿(Nat“Sweetwater”Clifton)成为了首位与联盟签订合同的黑人球员。

    The next year , the Globetrotters " Nat " Sweetwater " Clifton became the first black player to sign a contract with the league .

  2. 纳特目前正在考虑为这个设计申请专利。

    Nat is even considering patenting his system .

  3. 当了20年的烟鬼后,纳特先生戒了烟。

    After twenty years as a chain smoker Mr Nathe has given up the habit .

  4. 我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠。

    I went to work as a painter in my hometown , Natrona Heights , Pennsylvania .

  5. 也有些鱼,能偶尔成功的在纳特龙湖待上一段时间,因为咸度较低的泻湖是在流入纳特龙湖的温泉外缘形成的。

    Some fish , too , have had limited success vacationing at the lake as less salty lagoons form on the outer edges from hot springs flowing into Lake Natron .

  6. 纳特龙湖的景观奇异而又致命——而它是世界上近75%的火烈鸟的出生地,这一事实令其更加怪异。

    The lake 's landscape is bizarre and deadly - and made even more so by the fact that it 's the place where nearly 75percent of the world 's flamingos are born .

  7. 在坦桑尼亚格雷戈瑞裂谷的一座山脚下,纳特龙湖呈现出火焰燃烧般的亮红色,周围都是不幸落入咸水中的动物遗体。

    At the base of a mountain in Tanzania 's Gregory Rift , Lake Natron burns bright red , surrounded by the remains of animals that were unfortunate enough to fall into the salty water .

  8. 班加罗尔印度管理学院(IndianInstituteofManagement)院长德文纳特?蒂鲁伯蒂估计,在全球商业教育市场上,多达三分之二的项目对这项考试没有要求。

    Devanath Tirupati , dean of the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore , estimates that as much as two-thirds of the global market for business programs doesn 't require the exam .

  9. 纳特是所谓多哈回合贸易谈判中四国集团(GroupofFour)核心谈判伙伴之一。他对本报表示,美国需要大幅削减农业补贴,以防止世界贸易扭曲。

    The US needed to scale back its farm subsidies radically to prevent distortions in world trade , said Kamal Nath , one of the Group of Four core negotiating partners in the so-called Doha round of trade talks .

  10. 怀尔德视纳特•西尔弗(NateSilver)的FiveThirtyEight.com数据统计博客为榜样,该网站在授权给《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)后,被体育频道ESPN收购。

    Mr Wild sees Nate Silver 's FiveThirtyEight.com statistics blog as a model - after it was licensed to the New York Times , it was bought by ESPN , the sports channel .

  11. 纳特荷兰的斯阔谷,加利福尼亚州,竞争途中赢得滑雪X战警最终在冬季极限运动会在奶油阿斯外,科罗拉多州,山上周六,2010年1月30日。

    Nate Holland , of Squaw Valley , Calif. , competes on his way to winning the snowboarder X men 's final at the Winter X Games at Buttermilk Mountain outside Aspen , Colo. , on Saturday , Jan.30,2010 .

  12. 电子邮件营销服务MailChimp的首席执行长切斯特纳特(BenChestnut)说,参考以前的软件更新情况来看,谷歌推出新的收件箱广告时可能会小心行事。

    If past software updates are any indication , Google will likely tread carefully as it introduces the new inbox ads , according to Ben Chestnut , chief executive of email marketing service MailChimp .

  13. 西弗吉尼亚州的纳特攠德斯(NateOrders)现年35岁,是一家建筑公司的首席执行官,他去年以8小时20分钟完成了这项比赛,这一成绩被认为接近世界级水平。

    Nate Orders , of West Virginia , a 35-year-old chief executive of a construction company , finished that race last year in eight hours and 20 minutes , which is considered to be nearly world class .

  14. 这部BBC电视剧于1963年开播,有许多演员参与主演,包括滑稽的汤姆·贝克、年轻的皮特·戴维森、极具魅力的保罗·麦克盖恩以及体贴的大卫·田纳特。

    This BBC series , which began in 1963 , has featured numerous actors in the lead role , including comical Tom Baker , youthful Peter Davison , charming Paul McGann and thoughtful David Tennant .

  15. 随后,他们在可可纳特岛上的实验室里,将这些珊瑚耐热耐酸性能培养得更强。该岛仅有28英亩大小,坐落于Oahu岛附近的Kāne'ohe海湾上。

    They then made them even more resilient by subjecting them to warmer , more acidic water at their research center on the 28-acre Coconut Island , in K ā ne'ohe Bay off the Island of Oahu .

  16. 印度知名政治家纳特(KamalNath)已接手负责道路与公路建设,这也被视为该职位新重要性的标志。

    Kamal Nath , a high-profile politician , has taken on responsibility for roads and highways in what is seen as a sign of the post 's new importance .

  17. Oculus产品副总裁纳特•米切尔(NateMitchell)表示,他希望直接接入Facebook的新闻推送(拥有17亿月度活跃用户)将有助于让更多人认识VR。

    Nate Mitchell , vice-president of product for Oculus , says he hopes being able to plug directly into the Facebook news feed , which has 1.7bn monthly active users , will help bring virtual reality to a wider audience .

  18. 他们告诉纳特:如果客人请少了,会得罪一大批人的。但纳特是一位生活在滨海地区果阿邦(Goa)的设计师,她坚持要简化婚庆活动。

    She was told she would offend a lot of people by restricting the guest list but Nath , a designer who lives in the coastal state of Goa , insisted on a pared-down event .

  19. 但正在家乡中央邦参加竞选的印度贸易部长卡迈勒•纳特(KamalNath)表示,发展中国家不会被迫签订此类协议。

    But Kamal Nath , the Indian trade minister , who is campaigning for state elections in his home state of Madhya Pradesh , said developing countries would not be bounced into making such agreements .

  20. Susie和Danelle的组合带来了大范围的影响,包括纳京高或纳特•金•科尔、法兰克辛纳屈、甲壳虫乐队、佩特班纳塔、碧昂斯、蕾哈娜、仙妮亚•唐恩、凯斯•厄本在内的很多知名歌手及组合。

    Susie and Danelle bring together a wide range of musical influences . They include Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra , the Beatles , Pat Benatar and Journey , Beyonce and Rihanna , and Shania Twain , Alabama , and Keith Urban .

  21. 詹姆斯称:“在应用于金融之前,分析学的革命便已在棒球界展开,这使得棒球在某种程度上成为分析学应用的范例。”并非偶然的是,当今顶尖的政治数据分析师纳特•西尔弗(NateSilver)是棒球统计员出身。

    James says , " The analytic revolution hit in baseball before it did in finance , for example , and that made baseball sort of a paradigm of how this works . " It 's no accident that today 's leading political number-cruncher , Nate Silver , began as a baseball statistician .

  22. 希望更多了解此类袭击的人士可以阅读美国政府提供的报告、纳特•维伦纽夫(NartVilleneuve)的博客以及有关间谍网络幽灵网(GhostNet)的报导。

    People wanting to learn more about these kinds of attacks can read this U.S. government report ( PDF ) , Nart Villeneuve 's blog and this presentation on the GhostNet spying incident .

  23. 纳特的这种节俭美学,让婚庆策划人贝迪感到震惊。

    Her restrained aesthetics shocked Bedi , her wedding planner .

  24. 纳特表示:我想办得简单一些。

    I wanted it simple , said Nath .

  25. 可可纳特坐在父亲腿上,喉咙里发出呼噜呼噜的声音。

    Coconut sat on his lap and purred .

  26. 纳特表示:托比当然喜欢这个啦!

    Nat said : Toby absolutely loves it .

  27. 鲁道夫,那位可爱的安冬纳特女士不会朝你看第二眼的。”

    The lovely Madame Antoinette won 't look twice at you , Rudolf . '

  28. 这也许是对的,但纳特做过的事情都完成的很好。

    That may be true , but what he has done , he did well .

  29. 假设我们招来了乔伊•切斯特纳特和小林尊这两位世界顶尖的大胃王。

    Suppose we recruit Joey Chestnut and TakeruKobayashi , the world 's top competitive eaters .

  30. 奇怪的是,当我们回家时,一张安冬纳特本人写来的纸条正等着我们。

    Strangely , when we returned home there was a message for me from Antoinette herself .