- 网络non-dipole magnetic field

Global Changes of the Non-Dipole Magnetic Field Since 1690
The results indicate that there is a periodicity about 60 years for the change rates of geomagnetic parameters , including geomagnetic moment , the spatial power spectrum and the average drift rate of spherical harmonic coefficients with different orders of the non-dipole magnetic field .
In this paper we modified the Briggs ' method of correlation analysis of moving random pattern and studied the characteristics of the westward drift and intensity variations of the non dipole geomagnetic field and 6 planetary scale geomagnetic anomalies .
Dispersion of the westward drift rate in the non-dipole geomagnetic field
During 1900 & 2000 , the non dipole field has drifted westward at an average speed of 0 15 ° / a , and has intensified by 29 % . Six planetary scale magnetic anomalies exhibit different characteristics in the drift .