
  • 网络unconventional superconductor
  1. 目前已经发现的铁基超导体的超导转变温度已经超过了BCS理论预言的极限,被证明是一类新的非常规超导体。

    Later the superconducting transition temperature in the iron-based superconductors broke through the limit that BCS theory predicted , which indicates that they are a new type of unconventional high Tc superconductors .

  2. 非常规超导体超导电性的研究是近十几年来凝聚态物理最引人注目的研究内容之一。

    The study of the nonconventional superconductivity is one of the most interesting and important topics in Condensed Matter Physics in resent years .

  3. d波超导体的一些理论结果,经过简单的变换或者是推广,基本上都可以直接应用于其它非常规超导体当中。

    After a simple conversion and development , generally , theoretical results for the d-wave superconductor can be directly applied to other unconventional SCs .