
diàn bào
  • telegram;telegraph;cable;message;cablegram;telecommunlcationicable;flimsy
电报 [diàn bào]
  • [telegram;telegraph;telecommunlcationicable;cablegram] 通过电报机发送的消息

电报[diàn bào]
  1. 几天前,他收到劳埃德勋爵发来的一封电报。

    A few days earlier he had received a telegram from Lord Lloyd .

  2. 总统收到用电报发来的一份简报。

    The President received a briefing by telegram .

  3. 我们给他发了一份电报请他加入我们的行列。

    We sent a wire asking him to join us .

  4. 他打电报把这个消息通知了我们。

    He wired the news to us .

  5. 他给我发来电报,叫我做点什么。

    He telegraphed to me asking me to do something .

  6. “拜托,”他在电报中说,“别管它了。”

    ' Please , ' he telegraphed , ' just leave it alone . '

  7. 她给母亲发了封电报。

    She sent a cable to her mother .

  8. 他们用电报发回了一长串书单。

    They wired back a long list of books

  9. 丘吉尔给韦维尔发了封紧急电报。

    Churchill telegraphed an urgent message to Wavell

  10. 拦截无线电报是非法的。

    It is illegal to intercept radio messages

  11. 无线电报消息很简短。

    The radio message was brief .

  12. 弗雷德舅舅发的一封电报来了。

    A telegram from Uncle Fred arrived

  13. 富兰克林收到她的信后给她拍了封电报,说:“别再那么做了。”

    ' Don 't do it again , ' Franklin cabled her when he got her letter

  14. 军官发来无线电报请求指示。

    The officer radioed for advice

  15. “我想发份电报。”——“好的,发给谁?”

    ' I want to send a telegram . ' — ' Fine , to whom ? '

  16. 他马上给主席发了电报。

    He wired the chairman immediately

  17. 今天上午我给妻子发了电报。

    I sent a wire to my wife this morning .

  18. 这两个地区之间的电报业务已经中断。

    The telegraph between the two regions has been cut .

  19. 1844年塞缪尔·莫尔斯发明了电报。

    Telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse in 1844 .

  20. 更确切地说,这是一封商业电报。

    To be more exact , it is a commercial cable / telegram .

  21. 他收到父亲的一封加急电报。

    He received an urgent telegram from his father .

  22. 他收到了一封从波士顿来的越洋电报。

    He received a transoceanic cable from Boston .

  23. 这封电报必须立即发出。

    This telegram must be sent at once .

  24. 这些岛屿用电报联系。

    These islands are connected by telegraph .

  25. 他一抵达北京就给母亲发了电报。

    He sent his mother a telegram upon his arrival in Beijing .

  26. 这两座城市之间的电报业务已经中断。

    The telegraph has been cut between the two cities .

  27. 他接到这封电报时并不心慌。

    He was not alarmed at receiving the telegram .

  28. 这是野战军首长拍来的十万火急的电报。

    This is a signal of the urgent urgency from Field Army Headquarters .

  29. 那两个城市之间架设了一条新的电报线。

    A new telegraph line has been set up between the two cities .

  30. 这封电报将把他截在巴黎。

    The telegram will intercep him at Paris .