
  • 网络Vichy;Visy;V-C
  1. 法国人非常不愿意开诚布公地讨论维希政府,以至于最终由一位美国人罗伯特帕克斯顿(robertpaxton)在1972年率先描写了这段历史。

    The French were so loath to discuss Vichy honestly that it took an American , Robert Paxton , to write the path-breaking history in 1972 .

  2. 维希政府迫害犹太人问题研究

    A Research of the Persecution of the Vichy Government on the Jews

  3. 面对这一切,维希的法国畏缩起来。

    In the face of it , Vichy France was folding up .

  4. 法国的维希在二战期间成为了德国的傀儡政府。

    The Vichy in France during the Second World War were German Stooges .

  5. 法国维希温泉产出的冒泡矿泉水或类似的水。

    Sparkling mineral water from springs at Vichy France or similar to it .

  6. 这一时期维希法国面临着新的困境。

    During this period , Vichy faced new difficulties .

  7. 从他的处境来说,他当然憎恨我们同维希之间的任何联系。

    He , for his part , naturally resented any kind of truck on our part with Vichy .

  8. 将近1941年初,他在维希政府的斥责下,郁郁寡欢地逝世,临终遗言,对我寄以厚望。

    When he died , broken and under the scowl of Vichy , towards the beginning of 1941 , his last words were of hope in me .

  9. 菲尔普斯将留在下周在法国维希,火车里,美国游泳队将在2012年伦敦奥运会前的训练营。

    Phelps will stay in France next week to train in Vichy , where the American swimming team will have a training camp before the London Olympics in2012 .

  10. 泽穆尔的祖父辈是阿尔及利亚犹太人,却为维希法国政府辩解,还认为身在法国的人就应该给自己的子女起法国名字。

    Mr. Zemmour , the grandson of Algerian Jews , is fairly apologetic for Vichy France , and argues that people in France should give their children French names .

  11. 由于废约运动而引起的法国在华利益之得失问题,使得维希法国的对华政策出现了错位。

    Movement caused by the denunciation of the French interests in China is the issue of gains and losses , making the Vichy French policy toward China appears misplaced .

  12. 这些事实和情况早些时候在法国维希举行的一个世界大会上被视为科学家和政策的挑战而置于显著的地位。

    These facts and circumstances were well to the fore earlier this year at a world gathering about aging as a challenge to science and to policy , held at Vichy in France .

  13. 这一仗标志着诺曼底战役的结束,盟军解放法国,法兰西共和国恢复和维希政府灭亡。

    This battle marked the end of Operation Overlord , the liberation of France by the Allies , the restoration of the French Republic and the exile of the Vichy government to Sigmaringen in Germany .

  14. 在维希,人口学家互相转告,在像英格兰和威尔士这些国家,他们对将有多少老人和他们能活多久的估计应向上调整。

    At Vichy the demographers were telling each other that their estimates of how many old there would be and how long they will live in countries like England and Wales are due for revision upwards .

  15. 让人印象非常深刻的是,里丁的书可谓对德占期法国的一次全面调查:法国的犹太人--特别是那些在国外出生的--被维希政权和德方残酷迫害;

    Mr Riding 's book is an impressively comprehensive survey of the occupation years : the relentless persecution of France 's Jews , especially the foreign-born , by the Vichy authorities as well as the Germans ;

  16. “通过无形实现平等”的理念在一定程度上是对维希政权治下犹太人的遭遇感到耻辱的后果,“共和主义者不让他们的国家忘记”这一点。

    The idea of " equality through invisibility " is partly a consequence of the shame at the treatment of Jews under the Vichy r é gime that " republicans do not let their nation forget . "

  17. 上世纪40年代时亦是如此,1940年她刚刚结婚,嫁到维希政权下的法国,那时她经常出现在另一家美国酒馆,在巴黎卢浮旅馆里或者在马赛和平旅馆里。

    In 1940 , when she was living as a newlywed in Vichy France , it could have been another American Bar , this one in the H ? tel du Louvre et de la Paix in Marseilles .

  18. 在这一时期,中日法三国的关系逐渐复杂化,中国与维希法国之间的关系由猜疑进一步向对抗转变。

    During this period , the relationship between Japan and France became more complex , the relationship between Vichy France and China changed from suspicion to a further confrontation , meanwhile the the policy of Vichy toward japan derive from compromise to cooperate .