
  • 网络MACE;METZ;maes;Meis;FC Metz
  1. 托尼在梅斯居住期间曾与一名漂亮的寡妇交往甚密。

    Tony hobnobbed with an attractive widow when he lived in Metz .

  2. 在梅斯时

    While he was at Metz ,

  3. 红衣主教梅斯基亚无疑是个怪人。

    Cardinal Meschia was without doubt a singular character

  4. 他伸展H型铅条,或卡梅斯,消除柔软韧性金属的脆性;

    He would stretch the H-section lead strips , or cames , to stop " creep " in the soft , ductile metal ;

  5. 家住西班牙的电影制作人康拉德&12539;梅斯(ConradMess)在iPhone电影节(iPhoneFilmFestival)上好几次获奖。

    Conrad Mess , a Spain-based filmmaker , has won several awards at the iPhone Film Festival .

  6. 根据梅斯的说法,Nook的小灯配件一直是最受欢迎的配件之一,还有和它配套的防眩光保护膜。

    According to MAEs , the nook light add-on remains one of the top accessories owners purchase , along with an anti-glare film .

  7. 梅斯、斯特尔林?K?布朗来自《我们这一天》剧组,一起出演开场曲,还有说唱歌手ChancetheRapper鼓励我们不光要热衷政治,还要纵享电视节目的黄金年代。

    Justin Hartley , Chrissy Metz and Sterling K. Brown from This Is Us ; and Chance the Rapper who encouraged everyone to remain politically active while also enjoying the current golden age of TV .

  8. 为了实现对iPhone摄像功能的控制突破现有拍摄应用所允许的范围,卡赞采夫和梅斯都使用了FilmicPro应用程序(适用于iOS操作系统,售价5美元(约合人民币31元))。

    For greater control over the iPhone camera than the stock Camera app allows , Messrs. Kazantsev and Mess both use the Filmic Pro ( $ 5 , available for iOS ) .

  9. 但之后和G-Unit说唱团一同出现在音乐现场,梅斯再次成为一名说唱歌手。

    But later returned back to the music scene with G-Unit to become a rapper once again .

  10. UCL生物多样性和环境研究中心(CentreforBiodiversityandEnvironmentResearch)主任乔治娜•梅斯(GeorginaMace)表示,到本世纪末死于极热天气的人数可能会增加12倍,这是全球变暖和越来越多的人居住在受影响地区的叠加效果。

    The number of people dying from extreme heat could increase 12-twelvefold by the end of this century , as a result of global warming combined with increasing numbers living in affected areas , said Georgina Mace , director of the UCL Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research .

  11. 德州大学的一位经济学家丹尼尔•汉姆梅斯一直在写关于“pulchronomics”。

    Daniel Hamermesh , an economist at the University of Texas , has long written about " pulchronomics . "

  12. 电视上突然之间充满了大权在握的女人,这缘于克林顿夫人,也同样缘于珊达·莱梅斯(ShondaRhimes)。后者关于华盛顿的耸人听闻的电视剧《丑闻》(Scandal)非常成功。

    Television is suddenly full of women in power , and that is as much because of Shonda Rhimes and the success of her Washington melodrama , " Scandal , " as because of Mrs. Clinton .

  13. 拉达梅斯进入殿内,披上战衣,领受圣剑。

    Radames enters dressed for battle and receives the sacred sword .

  14. 梅斯林干涉纹中心暗点的解释

    Theoretical interpretation of the central dark point of Maslin interference fringes

  15. 你们向我保证梅斯盖丝会被选作皇后。

    You guaranteed me that misgath would be chosen queen .

  16. 该机构的其他科学专家将协助梅斯博士的工作。

    Dr. Mace would be assisted by scientific specialists in the agency .

  17. 此刻,他的脑子里酝酿了一封给桑多希梅斯坦的信。

    He now composed a letter in his head to Sandor himmelstein .

  18. 你再说一遍吧,丁梅斯代尔兄弟,你对此看法如何?

    What say you to it , once again , brother Dimmesdale !

  19. 似乎一提到梅斯的名字他就怕得要命。

    He seems scared stiff any time mace 's name comes up .

  20. 名人堂的威利梅斯也同时出席。

    Hall of Famer Willie Mays was also in attendance .

  21. 梅斯说,婴儿们正在贝尔法斯特受到出格护理。

    Mayes said the babies were beingcared for in intensive care in Belfast .

  22. 虔诚的丁梅斯代尔牧师,难道当真是你吗?

    Pious Master Dimmesdale ! can this be you ?

  23. 我还会继续负责第一线的进攻,同梅斯交锋。

    I 'll still handle the frontline attack , the confrontation with Mace .

  24. 不过,有些总统也并不全听从梅斯尼尔的建议。

    Some presidents , though , didn 't always follow Mesnier 's advice .

  25. 但在这里在梅斯博士这样的人的教导之下

    And yet , here , under the tutelage of men like Dr. Mays

  26. 梅斯试图重新振作起来,眼里射出凶残、仇恨的光。

    Mace was attempting to recover ; there was savage hatred in his eyes .

  27. 而丁梅斯代尔牧师却哆里哆嗦地断然推开了那老人的胳臂。

    The minister tremulously , but decidedly , repelled the old man 's arm .

  28. 我向你们保证梅斯博士那时所需要的精神。

    And I promise you , what was needed in Dr. Mays 's time .

  29. 梅斯【4】击出平直球上到右边一垒,他抓住暴投机会上到二垒。

    Mays lines a single to right , he takes second on a wild pitch .

  30. 哈勒【7】一垒安打,梅斯占据三垒。

    Haller singles , Mays holds third .