
  • 网络MERIDA;Mérida;Fran Merida
  1. Juan同父母、四个弟弟及两个妹妹一起住在墨西哥梅里达外的一个小村镇里。

    Juan lives with his parents , four younger brothers and two younger sisters in a small village outside Merida in Mexico .

  2. 梅里达国立古罗马艺术博物馆,西班牙

    National Museum of Roman Art , Merida , Spain , 1984

  3. 我住在海兹恩达梅里达旅馆(HaciendaMérida),是个农场/咖啡加工厂改造成的生态旅馆,位于马德拉斯火山国家公园(VolcanMaderasNationalPark)里面。

    I was staying at Hacienda M é rida , aformer farm / coffee-processing plant-turned-ecolodge located inVolcan MaderasNational Park .

  4. 朵拉对梅里达在FARC的那段历史泰然处之。

    Dora took Melida 's FARC history in stride .

  5. 哈维尔的妈妈朵拉(Dora)承担起母亲的角色,教梅里达烹饪和清洁。

    Javier 's mother , Dora , was teaching Melida to cook and clean , taking on a mother 's role .

  6. 前段时间,梅里达的表姐,前FARC成员蕾拉自杀身亡。

    Recently , Melida 's cousin Leila , the former FARC member , committed suicide .

  7. 到晚上,梅里达开始和一个名叫哈维尔(Javier)的男人溜出去,他的母亲是中心的厨师。

    At night , Melida began sneaking out of the center with a man named Javier , whose mother was a cook there .

  8. 在营地里,梅里达被重新起名为玛丽索尔(Marisol),开始了她的学习。

    In the camp , Melida had been renamed Marisol and began her schooling .

  9. 中心主管维克多·雨果·奥乔亚(VíctorHugoOchoa)说,梅里达刚来时怒气冲冲,经常威胁要逃跑。

    V í ctor Hugo Ochoa , the center 's director , said Melida arrived angry and often threatened to run away .

  10. 两个星期后,梅里达被送进政府为离开FARC的土著青年开设的康复中心。

    After two weeks , Melida was taken to a government rehabilitation center for indigenous youth who had left the FARC .

  11. 一个加入叛军的荷兰女人操着结结巴巴的西班牙语,给他们讲授共产主义与FARC的历史,以及达尔文的进化论,这些都是梅里达从没在家乡的村庄里学过的。

    A Dutch woman who had joined the fighters and spoke broken Spanish taught lessons on the history of communism , the FARC and Darwin 's theory of evolution , something Melida had never learned in her indigenous village .

  12. 梅里达的父亲莫伊塞斯(Moises)是亚马逊库贝欧(Cubeo)部落的行医者,当时他不在家,接下来的一个月里也没有回村庄。

    Melida 's father , Moises , a traditional healer of the Amazon 's Cubeo group , was away at the time and did not return to their village for another month .

  13. 朵拉说,梅里达很坚强,不至于寻短见。

    Dora says Melida is too strong to take her own life .

  14. 但是她担心梅里达会回到游击队去。

    But she worries Melida might return to the guerrillas .

  15. 几个星期以来,身为人母的每日劳作让梅里达精疲力尽。

    The daily tasks of motherhood consumed Melida for weeks .

  16. 梅里达被送到一个又一个基地接受审问,她说。

    The soldiers interrogated Melida at one base after another , she said .

  17. 梅里达有时会去探望那座没有墓碑的坟茔。

    Melida sometimes travels to visit the unmarked grave .

  18. 尽管如此,梅里达和哈维尔发现他们相爱了。

    Despite this , Melida and Javier realized they were falling in love .

  19. 梅里达还学习做地雷。

    Melida was also learning to make land mines .

  20. 梅里达和父亲的关系也一直紧张。

    Melida 's relationship with her father remains strained .

  21. 在日落的时候,海兹恩达梅里达旅馆的房客聚集到了防波堤上。

    At sunset , the guests at Hacienda M é ridagathered on its jetty .

  22. 战争在梅里达的心头总是萦绕不去。

    War was constantly on Melida 's mind .

  23. 前不久,梅里达脸上受了伤。

    On a recent day , Melida was recovering from a blow to her face .

  24. 她被转至梅里达一所较大的医院住了许多个星期。

    She was transferred to a larger hospital in Merida where she stayed for many weeks .

  25. 举报了梅里达之后,莫伊塞斯希望能够在女儿的生活中拥有一席之地。

    After turning Melida in , Moises now wanted a role in his daughter 's life .

  26. 梅里达说,她不知道父亲第二天为何向军方告发了她。

    Melida says she does not know why her father turned her in to the military the next day .

  27. 梅里达还建立起了另一层关系——和她的父亲。他开始经常来探望她,重新了解她。

    Melida was forming another relationship - with her father , who began visiting to get to know her again .

  28. 这组科学家研究了墨西哥东南部的两个城市梅里达和切图马尔,追踪了登革热的传播。

    The researchers looked at two cities in southeast Mexico , Merida and Chetumal , tracking the spread of dengue virus .

  29. 原为梅里达山区的咖啡输出港,1918年随马拉开波湖石油的开发而大力发展起来。

    Merida mountain was the coffee output in Hong Kong , 1918 with the Lake Maracaibo oil development and vigorously develop .

  30. 梅里达(Melida)在外面玩耍的时候,被游击队员用吃的诱拐走了。那年她才9岁。

    Melida was only 9 when guerrilla fighters lured her away with the promise of food as she played on the floor .