
  • Weiss;【人名】Ves
  1. 科恩抱怨克拉维斯非要在他的买卖中插上一脚。

    Cohen complained that Kravis was muscling in on his deal

  2. 本月晚些时候,HBO将会给三对举行维斯特洛主题婚礼的新人送上特别的庆典惊喜礼物,包括权游主题的桶装葡萄酒、定制酒杯,以及和本地面包店合作设计的精美蛋糕。

    Later in the month , HBO will surprise three couples who held Westeros-themed weddings with special anniversary gifts , including Thrones-themed barrels of wine , custom chalices with local bakeries .

  3. 该剧将讲述在维斯特洛大陆发生的一次被称为“魔龙的狂舞”的坦格利安内战。

    That show will document the buildup to the Targaryen civil war in Westeros that is known as the Dance of Dragons .

  4. 中国的晚石炭世(纳缪尔BC期、维斯发期和斯蒂芬期)和二叠纪植物群为华夏植物群。

    The Late Carboniferous ( Namurian B_C , westphalian , and stephanian ) and Permian floras of China represent the Cathaysia flora .

  5. 沙兹•维斯兰在哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)就读工商管理硕士时,发现了一个改变婴儿喂养方式的契机。

    While earning her MBA at Columbia Business School , Shazi visram saw an opportunity to change the way children are fed .

  6. 曼哈顿地区检察官小塞勒斯·R·维斯表示,这件珍宝“不仅仅只具有经济价值”。

    Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R Vance Jr said the piece was " so much more than a piece of property . "

  7. 心理学家JeffTemple是德州医科大学加尔维斯顿分校助理教授。

    Psychologist Jeff Temple is an assistant professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston .

  8. 《冰与火之歌》和《火与血》的作者乔治·R·R·马丁和莱恩·康道尔将共同撰写新剧的剧本。新书《火与血》的故事发生在维斯特洛大陆上。

    The new show 's cocreators are George R.R. Martin , author of " A Song of Ice and Fire " and the latest Westeros-based novel " Fire and Blood , " and Ryan Condal .

  9. 杰夫•维斯蒙特曾是投资银行家,他创建了一家专注于消费品公司的对冲基金WestwoodsCapital。

    Jeff Westmont , a former investment banker , is the founder of westwoods capital , a consumer oriented hedge fund .

  10. 该项由盖里·W·勒万多维斯基负责的研究发现,人们认为,表现出不诚实和粗鲁等恶劣品质的人外表也不够吸引人。

    The study , led by Gary W.Lewandowski , Jr , found that people who exhibit negative traits , such as unfairness and rudeness , appear to be less physically attractive to observers .

  11. ETRⅠ-30调速器是瑞士爱舍维斯工厂生产的具有PID调节规律的电液调速器。

    ETR ⅱ - 30 governor is fabricated by a manufactory in Switzerland . It is a electronic and hydraulic governor with PID regulation pattern .

  12. 他求我们关押他,因为他不想杀了我们,维斯顿警员DanielErickson说。

    He was begging us to restrain him because he didn 't want to kill us , Galveston Officer Daniel Erickson said .

  13. 2014年,ISIS与维斯新闻合作,拍了一部纪录片,以向西方世界宣扬他们的信仰。

    In 2014 they worked with Vice News to create a documentary to disseminate their beliefs to the Western World .

  14. SakenaYacoobi荣获许多奖项,包括今年25万美元的亨利·R·克拉维斯奖。

    Sakena Yacoobi has received many , including this year 's two hundred fifty thousand dollar Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership .

  15. 维斯刚刚得到了一个CBA的主教练职务,另一位前超音速教练杜安。卡西向他推荐特纳作助教。

    Weiss was taking a head coaching job coach in the Chinese Basketball Association and another former Sonic coach , Dwane Casey , recommended Turner as an assistant .

  16. 案发时,邓恩停在一辆SUV旁边,那辆车里坐着截维斯和其他三名黑人青年,邓恩要求他们降低音乐音量。

    Dunn was parked alongwide an SUV contained Davis and three other black teenagers , when he asked them to turn down their loud music .

  17. 在他极富想象力的维斯特洛(Westeros)大陆诸王国的世界里,运气总是青睐那些行动迅速、准备充分的人。

    In his richly-imagined world of the kingdoms of Westeros , fortune favours the quick and the well-prepared .

  18. 这事只要问问“弑君者”詹姆·兰尼斯特。这家伙在“日落国度”维斯特洛(Westeros)的离职面谈最不堪。

    Just ask Jaime " Kingslayer " Lannister , the guy with the worst exit interview in Westeros .

  19. 毫不奇怪,吉诺维斯案引起了社会心理学家的关注,他们提出了“旁观者效应”(bystandereffect)理论,以说明大众的冷漠如何阻止了对遇害人的救助。

    Not surprisingly , the Genovese case earned the interest of social psychologists , who developed the theory of the " bystander effect " . This claimed to show how the apathy of the masses can prevent the salvation of a victim .

  20. 在他们右上方20英尺的地方是波特交往了很长时间的女友简·拉普(JenRapp)和他们的狗狗维斯普。

    About 20 feet to their right was Jen Rapp , Potter 's longtime girlfriend , and the couple 's dog , Whisper .

  21. 美国付费有线电台频道HBO继续保留其播放热门剧的风格,推出了这部关于一位精神治疗师&保罗•维斯顿(加布里埃尔•伯恩饰)和他的家庭的新作。

    HBO , the American premium cable channel , continues its tradition of top-notch drama with this new show about a therapist , Paul Weston ( played by star Gabriel Bryne ) and his family .

  22. “这完全是误传,”加尔维斯敦德州大学医疗分部母胎医学行政长官GeorgeSaade说。

    " That 's clearly a myth ," says George Saade , chief of maternal-fetal medicine at The University of Texas Medical Branch ( U.T.M.B. ) in Galveston .

  23. 过去一年,公司推出了强调设计的树形灯系列:约翰•帕森(JohnPawson)的Sleeve灯、克莱松•卡尔维斯托•卢恩(ClaessonKoivistoRune)设计的Grappa灯以及扎哈•哈迪德(ZahaHadid)设计的Luma灯。

    In the past year it has launched design-led chandelier ranges including John Pawson 's Sleeve , Claesson Koivisto Rune 's Grappa and Zaha Hadid 's Luma .

  24. 维斯,他在中国的名气就像BobaWee-sah(不知此人是谁),他仍然是主教练。

    Weiss , who is known as Boba Wee-sah in China , still is the head coach .

  25. 我不再吃自己的莴苣。我说,维斯特洛或许是自J•R•R•托尔金(JRR Tolkien)的中土世界以来想象最丰富的“其他”文明,同样也闯入了主流文学意识。

    Having given up on my lettuce , I suggest that Westeros is , perhaps , the most richly imagined " other " civilisation since JRR Tolkien 's Middle Earth , and has , similarly , broken into the mainstream literary consciousness .

  26. 他的父亲托马斯•奥尔森(ThomasOlsen)是蒙克在挪威小镇维斯滕(Hvitsten)的邻居,他从一位德国咖啡大鳄手中买下了这幅作品,很可能是这位咖啡大鳄委托他画的这幅画。

    His father , Thomas Olsen , a neighbor of Munch 's in the small Norwegian town of Hvitsten , bought the work from the German coffee magnate who likely commissioned it .

  27. 1968年,美国会计学者戴维·F·林诺维斯(DavidFLinowes)发表了一篇题为社会经济会计的论文,首先提出了社会责任会计的概念,并揭开了研究的序幕。

    David F Linowes , an American scholar , published an article named ' Socio-Economic Accounting ' in 1968 and introduced the concept of social responsibility accounting for the first time . It was the prelude of the research of social responsibility accounting .

  28. Tovée和伦敦维斯敏斯特大学的VirenSwami之前发现,当男性感到难受,例如极度饥饿,他们会更偏爱丰腴的女性,觉得他们更性感。

    Indeed , Tov é e and colleague Viren Swami of the University of Westminster in London have previously found that men under trying conditions - like extreme hunger - tend to rate heavier women as more attractive .

  29. 尽管人们对这部前传的剧情几乎一无所知,但HBO暗示说,这部剧会让粉丝重新思考他们已知的关于“维斯特洛历史的可怕秘密”和“白鬼的真正起源”的内容。

    While little is known about the prequel series " plot , HBO has teased that it will cause fans to rethink what they already know about the " horrifying secrets of Westeros " history " and " the true origin of the White Walkers . "

  30. 论文的第一作者、德克萨斯大学加尔维斯顿医学分部博士后米歇尔·梅耶尔(MichelleMeyer)表示,如果接触了几滴被感染的体液,呼吸道可能会成为埃博拉病毒的入口。

    The study 's lead author , Michelle Meyer , a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas Medical Branch , said the respiratory tract may serve as a portal for the Ebola virus if it is exposed to droplets of infected bodily fluids .