
  • 网络The Black Tulip
  1. 在抽噎间,她告诉祖父黑郁金香球根。

    Between convulsive sobs , she told him that these were his black tulip bulbs .

  2. 怒放的黑郁金香&评《宠儿》叙事手法的黑人女性身份

    Blooming Black Tulip & Analysis on Black Female 's Identity Embodied in the Narrative Techniques of Beloved

  3. 美国诗人朗费罗称这样一种“黑夜与白昼之间”的绽放,为“黑郁金香时刻”。

    The American poet Longfellow called this blossoming between days and nights a moment of black tulips .

  4. 你的眼睛是黑郁金香,某种美丽又陌生的东西,如此稀奇,恍若隔世。

    Your eyes are black tulips , something beautiful and strange , something so rare , so unlikely .

  5. 黑郁金香,不在别处,就在中国,在上海鲜花港。

    Black tulips , right here in China , not anywhere else , right at the Shanghai Flower Port .

  6. 多年以来,祖父试着培育一种没有人培养的黑郁金香。

    For years , Arnoldus had been trying to cultivate a black tulip , something no gardener had ever been able to do .