
  • 网络Modern World History;World Modern History
  1. 高校世界近代史教学中存在的问题及对策&世界近代史教学模式改革探索

    Problems and Solutions of Teaching World Modern History in Universities

  2. 在世界近代史教学中实施研究性学习的初步尝试

    Exploration of carrying out the Inquiring Study in teaching of the World Modern History

  3. 世界近代史分期问题是世界史研究领域的一个极其重大的理论课题。

    The modern world history should be divided into two stages by1760s .

  4. 《世界近代史》教学中存在的问题及其解决路径

    Existing Problems and Their Solutions in the Teaching of Modern World History

  5. 世界近代史断限问题新探

    A Study on the Starting Time of Modern World History

  6. 世界近代史中期分期的探讨

    On the Modern World History 's Division into Two Stages by 1760s

  7. 美国在世界近代史上扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    American has played a prominent role in modern history .

  8. 世界近代史研究若干问题的思考

    Studies On Some Aspects Of Modern World History

  9. 以1760年代为界标,世界近代史的前后两个时期表现出迥然不同的特征。

    By 1760s the two stages of the Modern World History had taken on different characteristics .

  10. 杨生茂教授是中国美国史学科的创建者之一,也是中国世界近代史研究领域中一位成就斐然的学者。

    Prof. Yang is one of the few gatekeepers of the American history research in China .

  11. 总之,汉密尔顿是世界近代史上最优秀的政治思想家之一。

    In a word , Hamilton is one of the most outstanding political thinkers in world modern history .

  12. 世界近代史是人类进入工业社会和工业社会发展的历史。

    Modern world history was the history that mankind entered industrial society and that industrial society developed with mankind .

  13. 1856年的克里木战争,是世界近代史上的重大事件。

    The Crimean War ( 1853-1856 ) was one of the important international wars in morden history of the world .

  14. 17世纪英国资产阶级革命拉开了世界近代史的序幕,具有近代意义的自由主义思想由此产生。

    17th century England bourgeois revolution has begun the world modern history prologue , the liberalism which has recent meaning show its way .

  15. 世界近代史上的第三次技术革命于20世纪中叶爆发,其核心技术是电子计算机技术。

    Computer technology is the core of the world 's third technical revolution that came into being in the middle of the 20th century .

  16. 英德两国从经济上说是世界近代史上的两个亮点,因为他们是两次技术革命及工业革命的发源地。

    Great Britain and Germany are two lights in the modern history of economy , because they were cradlelands of twice revolutions of technology and industry .

  17. 为了适应改革开放的新形势,我国世界近代史教学和研究工作必须进行改革。

    We must carry on reforms both on modern world history researches and teaching in order to meet the new situation of reform and open policy .

  18. 世界近代史上高等工程教育与军事教育完美结合的典范&哈军工创建动因、办学与内部管理模式的分析研究

    A Perfect Model of the Combination of Higher Education of Engineering and Military Education & Study of the Establishment Motive , Administration Mode , and Self-management Mode of China 's PLA Military Engineering Institute

  19. 法国是世界近代史上阶级斗争最激烈、政治发展最曲折的国家,其近代高等教育也随之潮起潮落,其中高等工程教育的发展和国家命运密不可分。

    France has the fiercest class struggle and the most circuitous politics in world modern history , and its modern higher education shifts along with such great variation , among which higher education of engineering sticks close to national destiny .

  20. 汉语和英语这两种文字毫无共同之处,并且中国和西方世界在近代史上很少接触。

    Chinese has nothing in common with English and China had little contact with the Western world in modern history .

  21. 近代资本主义世界的兴起与拓展&世界近代史教学内容改革研究

    Modern Capitalist World : Rise and Development & Study on the Reform of Modern World History Teaching

  22. 对于世界上古、中古史中的农耕世界与游牧世界,世界近代、现代史中的工业世界以及西方的崛起等问题,二人都有着相似的论述。

    They have many similar viewpoints on the issues such as agricultural and nomadic world in the ancient and mediaeval world history , the industrial world and the rise of western world in modern world history .