
  • 网络world record;TOP OF THE WORLD
  1. 香港地方虽小,却拥有不少世界之最,当中最有名的包括青马大桥和天坛大佛。

    Small as this place is , Hong Kong has created a number of world records , including the famous Tsingma Bridge and Big Buddha .

  2. 尽管很多国内外学者进行了大量相关研究,发现中国IPO初始收益率连续多年创世界之最,甚至时至今日,IPO长期表现的强弱势之争尚相持不下。

    Although lots of scholars in and out of our country have made many researches about them , they just have found Chinese initial return of IPO creating a world record for several years but the long-term performance is also a debate .

  3. 孟加拉国人口密度堪称世界之最。

    Bangladesh has the highest population density in the world .

  4. 日本动漫形象的数量堪称世界之最。

    Japanese cartoon image called the largest in the world .

  5. 美国的日报拥有量堪称世界之最。

    No country in the world has more daily newspapers than in the USA.

  6. 由阿尔巴尼亚人创作的前世界之最为25平方米。

    The previous one was made in Albania , which was 25 square meters .

  7. 这是敏感高危讯息的聚集之地.世界之最.

    It is the greatest repository of sensitive and dangerous information anywhere in the world ,

  8. 香港的房价和贫富差距都堪称世界之最。

    Hong Kong has the developed world 's highest housing costs and its widest wealth gap .

  9. 中国小麦总产量和贸易额均为世界之最。

    In China , both the total yield and trade volume are the first in the world .

  10. 此时的中国成为老年人口大国,居世界之最。

    At this time , China is becoming the elderly population country , ranking first in the world .

  11. 卢浮宫是举世瞩目的万宝之宫,每年慕名前来的游客多达970万人次,堪称世界之最。

    The Louvre is the world 's most visited museum and sees more than 9.7 million visitors annually .

  12. 上海长江隧道的直径和一次连续掘进距离迄今均为世界之最。

    Shanghai Yangtze Tunnel is the largest diameter and longest once-driving distance shield tunnel in the world until now .

  13. 此处黄金的富集度堪称世界之最,岩石被侵蚀之后财富终现于世。

    The seam is one of the densest on the planet . Rocks erode and the riches are released .

  14. 那里有数不尽的世界之最两极冰冠共储藏有地球上近80%的淡水

    They are places of superlatives . From ice caps that hold nearly 80 % of our planet 's fresh water

  15. 非洲象的体型为世界之最,它们也是最聪明的动物之一。

    The African Elephant is the world 's largest animal , and also among the world 's most intelligent animals .

  16. 双曲拱坝高292m,是当今拟建拱坝世界之最;

    The double curve arch dam is 292 high which is the highest proposed arch dam in the world at present .

  17. 俄罗斯记录大全的总编丈量了这幅巨画并将其作为世界之最载入俄罗斯纪录大全。

    The editor-in-chief of Russia 's Book of Records measured the painting and registered it as the biggest in the world .

  18. 《国家地理旅行者》杂志把挪威宏伟、未受破坏的美景评为了世界之最。

    Norway 's majestic , unspoilt landscape has earned it the ranking of the world 's top destination by National Geographic Traveler magazine .

  19. 欧盟现已出台的一些隐私保密法规的严厉程度堪称世界之最。目前欧盟还在拟定新的法规。

    Now the EU , which already has some of the most stringent data privacy rules in the world , is drafting new legislation .

  20. 俄罗斯冰淇淋,这一世界之最以及深入西伯利亚腹地的诱惑促使我不断前进。

    Russian ice cream , the world 's best , and the goal of getting to the far reaches of Siberia helped keep me going .

  21. 然而就在唐纳一行的尸骨下,内华达山脉深藏着一条黄金矿层,储量之大堪称彼时世界之最。

    But beneath the bones of the Donner Party , the Sierra Nevada conceals a seam of gold . Largest the world has yet seen .

  22. 在过去的十年中,中国经济保持年均10%左右的增长,为世界之最;

    In the past decade , China 's economy has maintained an average annual growth of10 % , which is the highest in the world ;

  23. 20世纪末的一次重大地理发现&雅鲁藏布江大峡谷为世界之最的论证

    A great geographical discovery in the end of 20 th century ── demonstration on the Yarlung Zangbo River Valley as the grandest Canyon in the world

  24. 肝癌是我国最严重的恶性肿瘤,高死亡率和高年增率已达世界之最。

    Liver cancers are the most serious malignant tumors in China , and the mortality rate the annual growth rate has reached the top in the world .

  25. 虽然小麦在中国是次于水稻的第二大作物,但中国小麦总产量和贸易额均为世界之最。

    In China , Wheat is the second most abvndent crop after rice , but both the total yield and trade volume are first in the world .

  26. 香港是全球第四大珠宝出口地,每平方千米土地拥有的珠宝店居世界之最。

    Hong Kong is the world 's fourth largest exporter of jewelry and it has more jewelry shops per square kilometer than any other city in the world !

  27. 此外,根据日本厚生劳动省的数据,同年日本妇女的平均寿命为世界之最,达86.83岁。

    Furthermore , Japanese women in the same year had the longest life expectancy in the world -- 86.83 years -- according to the Health , Labor and Welfare Ministry .

  28. 目前,钢箱提篮拱桥正向着大跨度、轻型化的方向发展(如卢浦大桥跨径达到了550米,为拱桥跨径世界之最),研究此类桥型的自振特性有十分重要的意义。

    At present time , the development of steel box handle-basket arch bridge is aimed at long-span and light-weight , study the natural vibration of this type bridge has great significance .

  29. 这条隧道超越了此前的世界之最--日本全长53.9公里的青函海底隧道,将全长50.5公里的英吉利海峡隧道挤到了第三的位置。

    The tunnel has overtaken Japan 's 53.9km Seikan rail tunnel as the longest in the world and pushed the 50.5km Channel Tunnel linking the UK and France into third place .

  30. 我们的幽默感倒仍为世界之最,但小酒馆却已今非昔比。令人痛心的是,再也没人享用全套英式早餐了。

    Our humour remains the best in the world , but pubs are no longer what they were and no one , sadly , eats a full English breakfast any more .