
  1. 所以扬州也是一座世界名城。

    Therefore , Yangzhou is an international city .

  2. 本杰明,听说你正在研究世界名城的历史?

    Benjamin , I heard that you 're studying the history of famous cities in the world . Really ?

  3. 至今,西安与世界名城雅典、开罗、罗马齐名,同被誉为世界四大文明古都。

    So far , Xi'an and the world city of Athens , Cairo , enjoying a status similar to Rome , known as the ancient capital of the world 's four major civilizations .

  4. 北京是世界文化名城和古都之一。

    Beijing is a world renowned city of history and culture .

  5. 认识这两者的关系,对广州世界文化名城建设和发展有重要意义。

    Acknowledging the relationship between them is important to the construction and development of Guangzhou .

  6. 世界历史名城博物馆扩建设计中地下空间的利用

    Use of Underground Space in Continuation Design of the Museums in the Famous Historical Cities of World

  7. 摘要以层递性的顺序,首先,依次分析:世界历史名城发展更新过程中地下空间的利用,其过程中博物馆的扩建,这些扩建项目叶地下空间的设计。

    First of all , this article analyzes with arrangement order as the use of underground space in the renovation process of the famous historical cities of world , the addition projects to the museums in the process , and underground space design in this kind of addition .

  8. 通过对哈尔滨市冰雪旅游定位及标准的研究,提出哈尔滨建设世界冰雪旅游名城的框架构想

    Forward the structure conception of building world ice and snow historic and cultural city by determing ice and snow tourism in Harbin and studying some relevant standards

  9. 西安作为世界历史文化名城,向来是我国重要的入境及国内旅游目的地,各级政府也都将旅游产业作为支柱产业予以了重点扶持。

    Xi ' an is a famous cultural city in the world as well as an important tourist destination at any level , so it is listed by the local governments as a mainstay industry .

  10. 加速滑雪产业的发展是哈尔滨建设世界冰雪旅游名城的重要内容,也是建设区域性中心城市的一项有力措施。

    Accelerating the development of the ski industry is important for Harbin to construct the world famous snow and ice tour city , it is also an effective measure to construct a regional central city .

  11. 西安建设世界性文物旅游名城的评价指标研究

    Study on the Indicators to Build a International Heritage Tourism City of Xi'an

  12. 本文认为南京应定位于享誉世界的历史文化名城和以上海为龙头的长江三角洲城市群副中心。

    This paper believes that Nanjing must be the famous historical and cultural city in the world and the sub-center of the cities group in Yangtze River Delta with shanghai as the " dragon head " .

  13. 最终通过这种城市品牌战略,使招远抓住我国城市化加速的历史性机遇,能够在新一轮城市竞争中脱颖而出,成为世界知名的黄金名城。

    Ultimately , by operating the city brand strategy , so as to let Zhaoyuan seize the historical opportunity of the speedy urbanization in China , and can be outstanding in the new competition among the cities and become a world-famous gold capital .

  14. 北京作为中国的首都和闻名世界的历史文化名城,对海内外游客具有巨大的吸引力,已经形成以国际旅游为中心和国内旅游为基础的旅游经济产业,旅游业已经成为北京市的支柱产业。

    As the capital of china and the world-famous city in the history and culture , Beijing has tremendous attraction for tourists from home and abroad . Tourism centered on the international tourism and based on national tourism has become a pillar industry in Beijing .