
shì jiè mào yì zhōnɡ xīn
  • World Trade Center
  1. 2001年的今天,美国总统乔治·W·华盛顿在恐怖袭击摧毁了世贸双塔三天后,参观了位于纽约的世界贸易中心的原址。

    2001-U.S.President George W.Bush visits the site of the World Trade Center in New York three days after the terrorist attacks that destroyed the Twin Towers .

  2. 2013年9月,AndrewRossigMarco、马尔科维奇和詹姆斯·布雷迪从一个世界贸易中心的顶点跳下。

    Marco Markovich , Andrew Rossig , and James Brady jumped from the top of One World Trade Center in September 2013 .

  3. UEA混凝土在重庆世界贸易中心工程中的应用

    The Use of UEA Concrete in the Construction of the World Trade Centre in Chongqing

  4. 而且,似乎是为了有意强调高塔和贸易能将人们连在一起,哈利法塔的设计也是SOM建筑事务所完成的,这跟世界贸易中心一号大楼一样。

    And , as if to reinforce the point that towers and trade bring peoples together , the Burj Khalifa was designed by SOM , architects of One World Trade Center .

  5. UKNOWNPILOT:“烟雾来自,啊,世界贸易中心大楼顶部,那里发生了严重火灾。”

    UKNOWN PILOT : " Coming out of the , ah , top of the World Trade Center building , a major fire . "

  6. 代表90余家借款机构的银行家周一齐聚迪拜世界贸易中心的马克图姆酋长(SheikMaktoum)会议大厅,听取迪拜世界债务重组小组的首次情况介绍,但是并没有就这家企业巨头停止偿债提出正式建议。

    Bankers representing more than 90 lenders gathered Monday at the Dubai World Trade Center 's Sheik Maktoum conference hall to hear an initial presentation from Dubai World 's restructuring team , but there was no formal proposal for a standstill on the conglomerate 's debts .

  7. 世界贸易中心飞机撞击后倒塌过程的仿真分析

    Dynamic finite element simulation for the collapse of World Trade Center

  8. 深圳世界贸易中心大厦是一超限高层建筑工程。

    Shenzhen world trade center building is an overrun highrise engineering .

  9. 深圳世界贸易中心大厦的有限元分析

    A Finite Element Analysis for Shenzhen World Trade Center Building

  10. 您能送我到世界贸易中心吗?

    Could you take me to the World Trade Center ?

  11. 它就坐落在世界贸易中心的原址。

    It sits in the precise footprint of the World Trade Center .

  12. 那天,迈克尔·斯戴克赶去了世界贸易中心的现场。

    Michael Stack hurried to the World Trade Center site that day .

  13. 去浙江世界贸易中心。

    A : Zhejiang World Trade Centre , please .

  14. A咱们明天在世界贸易中心附近的星巴克见面。

    Let 's meet tomorrow at the Starbucks near the World Trade Center .

  15. 世界贸易中心是世界上最高的大楼之一。

    The world trade center is one of the world 's tallest buildings .

  16. 你是否仍然认为,喷气燃料造成世界贸易中心毁灭?

    Do you still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center ?

  17. 非常靠近世界贸易中心。

    Very near to the World Trade Center .

  18. 世界贸易中心南塔楼倒塌导致帕斯车站被毁。

    A collapse of the World Trade Center south tower obliterated the PATH Station .

  19. 最近,吉恩·格罗斯曼又接手了世界贸易中心纪念基金会的形象项目。

    Most recently , Gene created the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation identity program .

  20. 烟台世界贸易中心张弦梁预应力拉索施工技术

    Construction Technology of Prestressed Cable of Beam String Structure in Yantai World Commercial Center

  21. 关于纽约世界贸易中心双子塔倒塌的分析和教训

    An analysis of the collapse of the New York World Trade Center Twin Towers

  22. 去浙江世界贸易中心。我10:15以前要赶到那儿。

    Zhejiang World Trade centre , please . I have to be there by10:15 .

  23. 美国纽约世界贸易中心主楼倒塌原因初探

    Discussion on Collapsing Reasons of the General Situation of Structure of the World Trade Center

  24. 重庆世界贸易中心5层地下室防水设计与施工

    Waterproof design and construction of a 5-storey deep basement of the Chongqing world-trade Centre Project

  25. 这个由光线做成的礼物代表了世界贸易中心失去的双子塔楼。

    The tribute in light represents the lost twin towers from the world trade center .

  26. 真可惜,我们再也没有世界贸易中心看了。

    It 's a pity we don 't have the World Trade Center any more .

  27. 世界贸易中心倒塌对高层建筑发展的影响

    Influence of the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers on the Development of High-rise Buildings

  28. 一个世界贸易中心遗址周围的游客期待通过建设围栏。

    A visitor to the World Trade Center site looks through the fence surrounding the construction .

  29. 三亚世界贸易中心深基坑降水工程设计与施工

    The design and construction of the deep foundation pit drainage project for Sanya Word Trade Centre

  30. 世界贸易中心联合会

    World Trade Centres Association