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  • the Star War Program
  1. 1983年3月23日晚,美国总统里根通过电视向全国发表了战略防御倡议(SDI)的电视讲话,该倡议后来被人们形象地称为星球大战计划。

    American president Reagan announced his " strategic defense initiative " to all his peoples through the TV on the night of March 23 , 1983 , which later was called " Star wars " speech .

  2. 灿烂卵石天基拦截系统&美星球大战计划新体制的基石

    Brilliant Pebble Space-based Interceptors & The Foundation - stone of New SDI System

  3. 第三章分析了星球大战计划的影响。

    Chapter three deals with the influences of the " star wars " program .

  4. 1983年,星球大战计划主任乔治卢卡斯瞄准老朽剧院音响系统。

    In1983 , star warsdirector George Lucas took aim at decrepit theater sound systems .

  5. 海湾战争后的美国星球大战计划

    US Star War Program after Gulf War

  6. 反对星球大战计划的人则担心这样的防御系统会把核武器引向外层空间。

    Opponents of Star Wars are worried that such a system might introduce nuclear weapons into outer space .

  7. 萨里夫和达兹贝尔教授两人都曾为英国政府一项太空电子武器计划工作,类似于美国的星球大战计划。

    Both of them worked on the development of electronic weapons for a British government program , similar to the American Star Wars .

  8. 星球大战计划对西欧国家的影响主要是技术层面上的,在它的影响下,西欧国家联合发起了尤里卡计划。

    The primary influences of the program to the western Europe are technological , under the influences , western Europe countries initiated the " Eureka program " .

  9. 本文主要评述了随着国际战略格局的变化,美国调整星球大战计划后,强激光武器的发展动向。

    This article mainly reviews the developing trend of powerful laser weapons after US adjusts the Star War to suit the changes of current strategic inter-national situation .

  10. 萨里夫和达兹贝尔教授两人都曾为英国政府一项太空电子武器计划工作,类似于美国的“星球大战”计划。

    Both of them worked on the development of electronic weapons for a British government program , similar to the American " Star Wars . "