
  • 网络Invalides;Les Invalides;Hotel Des Invalides;Esplanade des Invalides
  1. 我并不崇拜拿破仑,但荣军院的确成了我的第一个选择。

    I don 't adore Napoleon , but hotel des Invalides is my first in Paris .

  2. 棺木到达巴黎荣军院之前,医生们从如今被放置在那里的尸体上取下了一缕头发。

    Doctors took the strand from the body currently lying in Les Invalides just before the coffin arrived in Paris .

  3. 荣军院是有着半球形镀金屋顶的宏伟建筑。

    H & ocirc ; tel national des invalids is a majestic building with a golden hemispherical housetop .

  4. 反叛者冲入“荣军院”(军医院)抢夺武器,随后奔向巴士底狱。

    The insurgents invaded the h_tel des Invalides military hospital to seize weapons and then headed for the bastille .

  5. 刚去过滑铁卢,又辗转从那去了巴黎的荣军院、先贤祠,好像不仅在追寻拿破仑的足迹,还有其他名人,如卢梭、伏尔泰、雨果等。

    I went to the Invalides , Pantheon in Paris just after my visiting Waterloo , so it seemed that I was tracing the life of those celebrities such as Rousseau , Voltaire and Vitro Hugo besides of Nepoleon .