
rónɡ yù jiào shòu
  • professor emeritus;emeritus professor
  1. 查尔斯古德哈特是伦敦政治经济学院(londonschoolofeconomics)银行与金融学荣誉教授,曾任英国央行(bankofengland)首席经济学家。

    Charles Goodhart is emeritus professor of banking and finance at the London School of economics and a former chief economist of the Bank of England .

  2. 索利斯现在是华盛顿大学的荣誉教授。

    Thouless is currently emeritus professor at the University of Washington .

  3. 他的班级项目是一个移动支付公司,巴布森学院荣誉教授比尔•贝格雷夫(BillBygrave)承认,他曾对此感到怀疑。

    His class project was a mobile payments company , which Bill Bygrave , professor emeritus at Babson , admits he was dubious about .

  4. 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校(UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign)荣誉教授、定价问题专家肯特•门罗(KentMonroe)主张,学术书籍的价格已经超出“可接受的范围”,以至于大多数学生现在都在寻找获取课本的替代办法。

    Kent Monroe , a pricing expert and professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , claims that academic books have risen above the " acceptable price range " such that most students now find alternative ways to access texts .

  5. 本文介绍美国加州理工学院荣誉教授TomM.Apostol编著的《数学分析》一书,以供我国高校数学与计算机相关专业在进行函数论基础课课程和教材改革时参考。

    In this paper , we introduce the textbook 《 Mathematical Analysis 》 written by Tom M.Apostol , an honorable professor at Caltech of USA. This textbook can be used as a reference when we want to reform foundation courses of functional theory in universities of China .

  6. 他是大学里唯一一位尚健在的荣誉教授。

    He is the university 's only surviving professor emeritus .

  7. 金庸获得了国内外多所顶尖学府的荣誉教授称号。

    He has been honored by top universities in China and around the world .

  8. 荣誉教授是一种名誉上的东西。

    Honorary professor is a ceremonial position .

  9. 现任学校荣誉教授

    where you are now a professor emeritus

  10. 他现在还是澳门大学和墨尔本大学的荣誉教授。

    He is also currently Distinguished Professor at the University of Macau , and Laureate Professor at Melbourne University .

  11. 我们生下来是男人或女人,不是阳刚或阴柔&桑德拉。巴特基,哲学荣誉教授。

    We are born male or female , but not masculine or feminine & Sandra Bartky , professor emeritus of philosophy .

  12. 在1987年,他从伯明翰大学退休但是依然被聘为当代文学的荣誉教授。

    In 1987 , he retired from Birmingham University but retains the title of Honorary Professor of Modern English Literature of Birmingham University .

  13. 丹麦哥本哈根大学动物学荣誉教授同意这个问题还未被解答。

    Claus Nielsen , professor emeritus of zoology at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark , agrees that the question is not yet answered .

  14. 但是新西兰奥塔哥大学政治学和心理学退休荣誉教授詹姆斯•弗林说,人们能一辈子“升级”自己的智商。

    But James Flynn , Emeritus professor of political studies and psychology at the University of Otago in New Zealand , argues that people can ' upgrade " their own intelligence throughout their lives .

  15. 他同时亦是中国政法大学荣誉教授和中国复旦大学新闻及传播研究中心荣誉院士。

    He is also an Honorary Professor at the China University of Political Science and Law , and an Honorary Fellow of the Centre for Research in Information and Communication at Fudan University in China .

  16. 哈佛大学法学院荣誉教授艾伦?德肖维茨告诉《卫报》,学生们因互相之间“开非常恶劣的玩笑”而失去哈佛的入学资格,这样的“惩罚太苛刻”。

    Alan Dershowitz , an emeritus professor at Harvard Law School , told the Guardian that losing admission to Harvard was a " draconian punishment " for " very bad taste jokes that students were sending to each other . "

  17. 日本地震学家、琉球大学海洋地质学荣誉教授木村政昭博士日前预测,日本将于2017年遭遇另一场与2011年东日本大地震极为类似的9.0级强震。

    Dr. Masaaki Kimura , a seismologist and emeritus professor of submarine geology at the University of the Ryukyus , is currently predicting that another 9.0 magnitude earthquake , very similar to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake , will occur in Japan in 2017 .

  18. 据伊利诺斯大学香槟分校教授布鲁斯汉农和亚利桑那大学的荣誉教授蒂莫西洛曼估计,在节食期过后,大约每年将节省7.5亿加仑汽油。

    After the dieting period , about 750 million gallons of gasoline would be saved every year , said the authors , Bruce Hannon , professor at the University of Illinois , Urbana-Champaign , and Timothy Lohman , now professor emeritus at the University of Arizona .

  19. 邹谠是芝加哥大学霍默·J·利文斯顿政治学荣誉退休教授。

    Tang Tsou was Homer J.Livingston Professor Emeritus in Political Science at the University of Chicago .

  20. 罗杰•丹尼尔斯(RogerDaniels)是辛辛那提大学(UniversityofCincinnati)历史学系荣誉退休教授,也是16部书的作者和约90部书的编辑。

    Roger Daniels is a professor emeritus of history at the University of Cincinnati .

  21. HMLLabs总裁、波尔州立大学(BallStateUniversity)医学微生物学荣誉退休教授唐纳德·亨德里克森(DonaldHendrickson)说,这个结果相当糟糕。

    ' The results are pretty bad , ' said Dr. Donald Hendrickson , president of HML Labs and professor emeritus of medical microbiology at Ball State University .

  22. 尼格博士是加拿大卡尔加里大学(UniversityofCalgary)的运动学荣誉退休教授,也是世界上一流的生物力学专家之一,对于合适的鞋可以改变和纠正人的跑步姿势、减少伤害这种观点,他很怀疑它是否具有切实的科学依据。

    An emeritus professor of kinesiology at the University of Calgary in Canada and one of the world 's foremost experts on biomechanics , Dr. Nigg wondered whether science really supports the idea that the right shoes can alter and fix someone 's running form and lessen injuries .

  23. 俄亥俄州立大学纽瓦克分校心理学荣誉退休教授萨拉•斯塔茨(SaraStaats)在2009年主持的一项研究发现,具有英雄主义倾向的人与他人有较高程度的情感共鸣,即对他人的关爱或担心。

    Empathy , or care or concern for others , runs high in people with heroic tendencies , according to a 2009 study led by Sara Staats , a professor emeritus of psychology at Ohio State University in Newark .

  24. 她退休后成为荣誉语言学教授。

    She became emeritus professor of linguistics when she retired .

  25. 生物学荣誉退休教授

    The emeritus professor of biology

  26. 沈吕九教授现为美国加州大学圣地牙哥分校荣誉物理学教授。

    Professor Sham Lu-jeu is currently Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of California , San Diego .

  27. 我们亦深感荣幸,邀得歇拿奴教授出任中大医学荣誉讲座教授。

    We are also most honoured and privileged to have professor Ignarro agree to serve as our Honorary Professor of medicine .

  28. 我很感激你们的校长授予我荣誉客座教授的头衔,我向你们保证,我的第一场演讲会跟简短。

    I appreciate your president having made me an honorary visiting professor , and I will assure you that my first lecture will be very brief .

  29. 这位又高又瘦的老人是热那亚大学荣誉退休教授,满头灰发,礼貌有加,他学术生涯的大部分时间都在这所大学教授经济学史。

    Tall and slim , with a full head of grey hair and exceptional manners , he is an emeritus professor at the University of Genoa , where he has taught the history of economics for much of his academic career .

  30. WilliamH.Foege是埃默瑞大学国际卫生荣誉主席杰出教授。

    William H.Foege is Emeritus Presidential Distinguished Professor of International Health , Emory University .