
ɡāo jí ɡù wèn
  • senior adviser
  1. 本文作者是瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)高级顾问

    Robert Parker is senior adviser to Credit Suisse

  2. JeffSutherland作为高级顾问,是该公司的职员。

    The firm has Jeff Sutherland on staff serving as a Senior Adviser .

  3. 雪利的兄弟现在在瑞典做心脏外科高级顾问医师。

    Shirley 's brother is now a consultant heart surgeon in Sweden .

  4. 高级顾问医师中只有13%是女性。

    Only 13 per cent of consultants are female .

  5. 他是英国ANGLEplc公司的高级顾问。

    He works as a senior consultant at ANGLE plc in the UK .

  6. 难怪在中国开展研究项目的美国自然资源保护委员会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)的气候与能源高级顾问杨富强表示,围绕碳排放何时见顶的辩论一直问题重重。

    Small wonder that Fuqiang Yang , senior climate and energy adviser at the Natural Resources Defense Council , a US group that operates in China , says the emissions-peaking debate has been fraught .

  7. 它位于世贸中心(WorldTradeCenter)旧址附近,最近刚刚投入使用。上周我到那里会见了前央行官员、目前担任高盛高级顾问的克里甘。

    This opened recently near the former site of the World Trade Center , and last week I visited it to meet with Corrigan , the former central banker who is now working as a senior adviser at Goldman .

  8. 一位高级顾问表示,美国总统候选人之一巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)本周将对欧洲领导人表示,如果他在美国11月总统大选中胜出,美国将积极与亚洲及其它地区建立密切合作关系。

    Barack Obama will tell European leaders this week that the US would engage more actively with Asia and other regions should he win November 's election , according to a senior adviser .

  9. 奥巴马总统的高级顾问大卫?阿克希洛德(DavidAxelrod)周日拒绝排除通过政府支持的破产来重组汽车产业的可能性。

    On Sunday , David Axelrod , a senior adviser to President Obama , declined to rule out a government-backed bankruptcy as a possibility for restructuring the industry .

  10. 最近,国务卿希拉里·克林顿的高级顾问AlecRoss在VOA波斯语新闻网络中跟我们讨论了该项目所做的努力。

    Alec Ross , a senior adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , recently discussed these efforts with VOA 's Persian News Network .

  11. 白宫有关东亚的高级顾问JeffreyBader称双方关系超越了双边问题。

    The top White House advisor on East Asia , Jeffrey Bader , says that relationship goes beyond bilateral issues .

  12. 然而,一名政府高级顾问表示,希腊总理乔治·帕潘德里欧(GeorgePapandreou)昨晚在考虑是否最早在今天就启用这一救助计划。

    However , a senior government adviser said George Papandreou , the prime minister , was last night considering whether to activate the rescue package as early as today .

  13. 布什的一位高级顾问丹巴特莱特在CBS的电视节目《面对国家》露面时表示多德是他的老友。

    During an appearance on the CBS television program Face the Nation , Dan Barlett , one of the president 's top advisors , described Dowd as an old friend .

  14. -2011年,麦当劳董事理查德o伦尼进入私募公司Friedman,FleischerLowe担任经营合伙人,目前为高级顾问。

    – Director Richard Lenny joined private equity firm Friedman , Fleischer Lowe as an operating partner in 2011 and is now a senior advisor .

  15. Bach博士说,他是设在纽约的Sloan-Kettering纪念癌症中心的一名呼吸内科医生,同时也是医疗保险和医疗补助方面的前高级顾问。

    Peter B.Bach , a pulmonary physician at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York and a former senior adviser to Medicare and Medicaid .

  16. 另外,据开发团队的高级顾问JeffreyJacobsen表示,他们设计这套系统时在如何优化目镜的人体工程学设计以及光学性能方面也花费了很多心血。

    Jeffrey Jacobsen , senior advisor on the project , said a lot of design work had gone into the optics and ergonomics of the eyepiece .

  17. 主张对伊朗实施军事打击的是沙特国王,把伊朗政府描述成“法西斯主义者”的则是法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)的一位高级顾问。

    It is the Saudi king who advocates a military strike on Iran . It is a senior adviser to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France who describes the Iranian government as " fascist " .

  18. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)高级顾问赤松隆(noritakaakamatsu)表示,更具深度、流动性更强的债券市场,能提供稳定的长期资金来源,帮助中国经济为其急需的基础设施建设提供资金。

    Noritaka Akamatsu , a senior adviser at the Asian Development Bank , says deeper and more liquid bond markets would help the Chinese economy finance its much-needed infrastructure needs by providing a stable source of long-term funding .

  19. ArnoldoVentura曾经是基础研究科学家,他是牙买加总理的科学技术高级顾问。

    A former basic scientist , is senior advisor to the prime minister of Jamaica on science and technology .

  20. 该报告是由世界银行前高级顾问UmaLele领导的一组全球农业专家撰写的。

    It was authored by a global team of agricultural experts , led by Uma Lele , a former senior advisor at the World Bank .

  21. 吉利的高级顾问、欧宝(opel)前主管卡尔-彼得福斯特(carl-peterforster)强调称,研发中心将设在瑞典,并将由瑞典人领导。

    Carl-peter Forster , a senior adviser to Geely and former head of Opel , highlighted how the centre would be based in Sweden and headed by a Swede .

  22. Antezana博士目前担任玻利维亚卫生与体育部高级顾问。

    Dr Antezana is Senior Adviser in the Ministry of Health and Sports in Bolivia .

  23. 美国应该去掉中间人的论点是如此有吸引力,以至于最近在国会作证时,在乔治布什(GeorgeW.Bush)时期担任东亚事务高级顾问的迈克格林(MikeGreen)感到有必要阐明相反的论据。

    So seductive is the argument that the US should cut out the middle-man , that Mike Green , a top adviser on east Asia under President George W. Bush and a paid-up member of the Popeye Club , felt obliged to spell out the counter-argument in recent congressional testimony .

  24. 以香港为大本营的单伟建正计划设立一只关注亚洲机会的基金,不过他仍将在一段未指明长度的时期内担任tpg的高级顾问,并继续担任投资组合内一些公司的董事。

    Hong Kong-based Mr Shan is planning to set up a fund focused on Asia-wide opportunities , although he will remain as a senior adviser to TPG and continue to serve on the boards of some portfolio companies for an unspecified period .

  25. 有争议的叫车应用运营商优步(Uber)招募了一批高级顾问,包括曾经担任欧盟委员会专员的内莉•克勒斯(NeelieKroes),以帮助它对付在世界各地面临的许多监管障碍。

    Uber , the controversial ride-hailing operator , has recruited a host of senior advisers including former European commissioner Neelie Kroes to help it navigate the many regulatory roadblocks it faces around the world .

  26. 纽约美联储高级顾问帕特里夏莫瑟(PatriciaMosser)说:在我们不得不实施明显不同于美联储以前使用的传统信贷放松工具的新方案后,在当前结构内管理一些新方案开始变得不合逻辑了。

    Senior adviser Patricia Mosser said : Once we started to have to implement programmes that were clearly outside the traditional credit easing tools that the Fed has used before , it became illogical to manage some of the new programmes inside the current structure .

  27. 美国导演工会公开了年度终身成就奖名单,李安、福克斯探照灯联合主席NancyUtley、美国演员工会和广播电视人员联合工会高级顾问JohnMcGuire、议员Emick.AmyKlobuchar和AnnRoth,Anros均位列名单。

    The American Directors Union announced the annual Lifetime Achievement Award list , which includes Ang Lee , Nancy Utley , co-chairman of Fox Searchlight , John McGuire , senior adviser to the American Actors Union and the Federation of Radio and Television ActorsUnions ( SAG-AFTRA ) , and Senator Emick . AmyKlobuchar and AnnRoth , Anros .

  28. 军事部门的高级顾问。

    The senior legal advisor to a branch of the military .

  29. 罗纳德里根和高级顾问们在白宫开会。

    Ronald Reagan huddled with senior advisers at the white house .

  30. 布什及其高级顾问业已进行还击。

    George Bush and his senior advisers have already hit back .