
  • 网络University of Waterloo;Waterloo University
  1. LauraMiddleton是多伦多新宁研究院(SunnybrookResearchInstitute)和加拿大滑铁卢大学的研究人员。

    Laura Middleton is a researcher at the Sunnybrook Research Institute and the University of Waterloo in Canada .

  2. 两年前,加拿大滑铁卢大学IgorGrossmann博士的研究显示情况的确如此。

    A study two years ago in North America , by Igor Grossmann of the University of Waterloo , in Canada , suggested that it is .

  3. 刘氏本人从加拿大的滑铁卢大学(universityofwaterloo)获工科学位后,于20世纪70年代从其父手上接过吊扇厂,之后他转向贸易行业发展。

    Armed with a science degree from the University of Windsor in Canada , Lau inherited a fan-making business from his father in the 1970s , then branched out into trading .

  4. 米基科夫斯基拥有滑铁卢大学(UniversityofWaterloo)工学学士学位。某天他在骑自行车时突发奇想,为什么不设计一款能与智能手机无线相连的手表呢?而Kickstarter上无比成功的募资让他异常惊喜。

    The sudden swell in backing came as a surprise to Migicovsky , a University of Waterloo graduate with an engineering degree , who first dreamed up the idea of a watch that connected wirelessly with a smartphone while he was out cycling one day .

  5. 但他说出的却是:“滑铁卢大学(UniversityofWaterloo)。”这是加拿大安大略省的一所公立学校。截至去年夏天,YCombinator已经投资了八家由该校毕业生创立、并让其引以为豪的创业公司。

    But this is what he said : " The University of Waterloo . " It 's a public school in the Canadian province of Ontario , and as of last summer , it was the source of eight proud ventures that Y Combinator had helped along .

  6. 滑铁卢大学创新型科学与工程人才培养实践与启示

    On Practice and Inspiration of Innovative Science and Engineering Talent Training in University of Waterloo

  7. 滑铁卢大学文学院

    Faculty of University of Waterloo DATAFLOW LANGUAGES

  8. 大奖被颁给了来自普度大学和滑铁卢大学的程序员,他们开发的是一只由运动传感器控制的机器人手臂。

    Top honors went to programmers from Purdue and the University of Waterloo who developed a robotic arm controlled by motion sensor .

  9. 还有哪个滑铁卢大学计算机专业的高才生应该在警察局后院的大树上自缢身亡?

    Should any brilliant computer student of University of Waterloo hang oneself on the giant tree at the back yard of a police station ?

  10. 从拉瓦尔大学毕业后,他进入多伦多附近的滑铁卢大学学习保险精算学。

    After graduation from Laval , he enrolled at a new university , Waterloo , near Toronto . He would now be studying actuarial science .

  11. 不过,加拿大安大略省滑铁卢大学开展的这一调查显示,美国人在这方面更合乎常规,随着年岁的增长而加深认知。

    Americans , however , are more conventional and develop deep understanding over time , according to research by the University of Waterloo in Ontario , Canada .

  12. 在滑铁卢大学攻读博士学位及在加拿大帝国商业银行工作期间,李祥林的研究兴趣在于:如何利用联结曲线使当时的心碎综合症保险精算模型得以发展。

    Throughout his PhD at Waterloo , and at CIBC , Li had been interested in how he could use copulas to develop existing actuarial models of the broken heart syndrome .

  13. 但和其他12岁小孩不一样的是,迪基将在加拿大安大略省的滑铁卢大学主修物理,辅修数学、化学和经济学。

    But unlike other 12 year olds , Diki will study physics and take additional classes in math , chemistry and economics at the University of Waterloo in Ontario , Canada .

  14. 上世纪90年代,要赚大钱,当然不会是在滑铁卢大学,而是在硅谷、华尔街和伦敦金融城。

    The big money in the 1990s , of course , was not to be found at Waterloo but in Silicon Valley , on Wall Street and in the City of London .

  15. 加拿大滑铁卢大学的生物力学脊柱教授斯图尔特·麦吉尔对仰卧起坐已经研究多年,深信这一传统的收腹运动确实会有损我们的身体。

    Stuart McGill , professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has been studying sit-ups for years and is convinced that the traditional crunch does indeed cause us harm .

  16. 在滑铁卢大学,李祥林非常适合这种描述。他在攻读保险精算博士学位,但没有人希望他今后走学术道路。

    At Waterloo , Li fitted that description to a T. He was studying for his PhD in actuarial science , but no one expected him to go on to a career in academia .

  17. 滑铁卢大学的学生最令人惊异的第一印象,就是他们竞走般的步行速度:双臂摆动配合著交替的步伐,如野火蔓延穿梭于公园般美丽的校园,彷佛向著终点冲线。

    The first thing that strikes you about students at the University of Waterloo is how quickly they walk : arms pumping , legs churning , they burn across the park-like campus as if surging towards some invisible finish line .

  18. 在滑铁卢的沃特卢大学建筑学院是经认可的本科课程和专业的研究生课程。

    The School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo is accredited for both its undergraduate program and its professional graduate program .