
  • 网络correspondents;reporter station;News Bureau
  1. 我的小女儿们就把它叫做TwoFace。帕克女士告诉《每日邮报》澳大利亚记者站记者。

    ' My wee girls just called it Two Face , ' Ms Parker told Daily Mail Australia .

  2. 随着安徽记者站的成立,中国日报驻各省、区、市的记者站总数达到了26个。

    Anhui Correspondence is the26th one of China Daily across the country .

  3. 作者:蔡虹,《中国日报》东京记者站站长。

    The author is China Daily 's Tokyo bureau chief .

  4. 火车徐徐开走了,留下一群记者站在站台上。

    The train moved off , leaving a crowd of reporters on the platform .

  5. 日前,市新闻出版局已对《中国经营报》上海记者站作出行政处罚。

    Recently , the city has to press the " Chinese business newspaper ," Shanghai reporter stations administrative punishment .

  6. 安徽记者站的成立,也为我省和世界架起了一座崭新桥梁。

    With the establishment of the Correspondence , a new bridge will be built between Anhui and the world .

  7. 汤姆.德弗兰克是纽约日报华盛顿记者站主任,长期以来报导美国总统政治。

    Tom DeFrank is Washington bureau chief for the New York Daily News who has long covered U.S. presidential politics .

  8. 晚间电视新闻上,记者站在破旧的街道和冒烟的房屋前面报导着令人心寒的最新统计数字。

    On the television evening news , reporters mouthed the latest grim statistic against a back - drop of mean streets and smoking buildings .

  9. 中国官方新华社周二证实了朝鲜重估货币的消息,新华社在朝鲜首都平壤设有记者站。

    The ruation was confirmed Tuesday by China 's state-run news agency , Xinhua , which has an office in North Korean 's capital , Pyongyang .

  10. 那名记者总是站在国际时事的最前沿。

    That reporter is always at the forefront of world affairs .

  11. 昨日,记者从沈阳站、沈阳北站得到证实,他们的铁路售票系统也正在升级,升级工作预计在本月末前完成。

    Shenyang Railway Station and North Shenyang Railway Station yesterday confirmed their systems are under upgrading and will complete by the end of this month .

  12. 正当记者纳闷,站在他旁边的一名文化站工作人员介绍说:“他叫习梅根,是个聋哑人,也是个剪纸艺术的天才。”

    While reporters wondered , standing next to him a cultural center staff member said : " He called learning Megan , is a deaf mute , is also the art of genius . "

  13. 2009年初,美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)记者里克•桑塔里站在芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)的大厅里,大肆抨击一项联邦抵押贷款调整计划。

    In early 2009 , CNBC reporter Rick santelli stood on the floor of the Chicago Board of trade in early 2009 and ranted against a federal mortgage modification program .

  14. 今天上午记者在合肥火车站售票处一楼大厅看到,购票队伍已经排到了门口。

    This morning , our reporter noticed that people queued up even to the entrance in front of the ticket office on the first floor of Hefei Railway Station .

  15. 记者来到该康复站,发现该站设有健身俱乐部、阅读室、棋牌室、活动室、手工室、女红坊等多个服务项目。

    In the newly established center , our reporter found there were several rehabilitation facilities , including health club , reading room , chess room , activity room , handcraft-rooms and needlecraft room .