
hún shēn suān tòng
  • The whole body aches
浑身酸痛[hún shēn suān tòng]
  1. 昨天骑了那趟自行车,我觉得浑身酸痛。

    I 'm really stiff after that bike ride yesterday .

  2. 雷诺浑身酸痛,想洗个澡。

    Raynor ached all over and desired a bath .

  3. 他发烧、浑身酸痛,还有乾咳。

    He has a fever , aching muscles and hacking cough .

  4. 昨晚练了瑜伽功以后,我浑身酸痛得无法动弹。

    I 'm too stiff to move after that Yoga last night .

  5. 京晶:让我猜猜,你今天浑身酸痛吧?

    Let me guess : you 're sore now .

  6. 爬山后,他浑身酸痛。

    After climbing the mountain , he aches .

  7. 艾德·史塔克浑身酸痛,又累又饿,心情恶劣地骑马穿过红堡高耸的青铜大门。

    Eddard Stark rode through the towering bronze doors of the Red Keep sore , tired , hungry , and irritable .

  8. 这里比喻这样一个人,他心烦意乱,累得疲惫不堪,浑身酸痛,两眼直冒金星。

    The imagery here is of a person with hot , tired , aching muscles ; burning , exhausted eyes and mind swimming in confusion .

  9. 辛苦工作一天会让你浑身酸痛,但是在气垫床上睡一夜会让你第二天浑身使劲。

    A hard days work may leave you sore but a night 's on the air bed will make you as fit as a fiddle the next morning .

  10. 让我告诉你们,尽管他们告诉我不能练那么久,否则会浑身酸痛,但我训练了两个半小时,然后我离开健身房骑车回家。

    Well , let me tell you something . After two and a half hours -- I left the gymnasium , even though they told me that I shouldn 't train that much or I would get really sore -- I rode my bicycle home .

  11. 第二天早上起床,我浑身酸痛,连举手梳头都无能为力,只好叫我母亲帮我梳头——这真令人难堪!

    Well , let me tell you something . The next morning when I got up , my body was so sore that I couldn 't even lift my arms to comb my hair . I had to have my mother comb my hair , and you know how embarrassing that is .

  12. 那一跤摔得我浑身骨头酸痛。

    The fall jarred every bone in my body .

  13. 答:在高强度训练或长距离跑之后,您很可能感到浑身肌肉酸痛。

    Answer : After a hard workout or a long run , you 're most likely going to feel some overall muscle soreness .

  14. 但是这也是有代价的,仓顶很硬,当他醒来时总是浑身僵硬酸痛,双腿又痉挛的疼痛难忍。

    There was a price to be paid for such joys , though ; the deck was hard , and he woke stiff and sore , his legs cramped and aching .