
  • 网络turbidity;NTU;opacity;degree of turbidity
  1. 色度、浑浊度、总硬度、pH值等15项合格率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    There is no significant difference in 15 items as color , turbidity , total hardness and pH figures .

  2. 试验结果表明,MBR工艺对浑浊度的去除率在90%以上,出水浑浊度低于1NTU。

    The results showed that the effluent turbidity was lower than 1 NTU and its removal efficiency was over 90 % .

  3. 针对工业应用环境,用VISUALBASIC和Matlab开发出了一套数据分析系统,实现了浑浊度数据分析和实时显示。

    The data analyzing system of turbidity is designed by Visual Basic and Matlab , the function of data analysis and real-time display is implemented .

  4. 结果:池水温度、尿素、游离性余氯、PH值的合格率分别为2.8%、68.1%、92.4%、94.4%,浑浊度、细菌总数、大肠菌群合格率为100%,有5个游泳池尿素严重超标。

    Results : Yield of temperature or carbamide or residual chlorine or ph valve is 2 . 8 % , 68 . 1 % , 92 . 4 % , 94 . 4 % .

  5. 不同管理等级企业纯净水中浑浊度、高锰酸钾消耗量、电导率、菌落总数间差异有统计学意义,A组企业的纯净水水质较B、C级企业的纯净水好。

    There were significant differences in turbidity , potassium permanganate consumption , conductance and the toatl of bacterium of pure water of different management-level company . The quality of pure water in A-class enterprises was better than the B , C-class enterprises .

  6. 结果游泳池水pH值、浑浊度、尿素均符合卫生要求,合格率分别为93.9%、98.5%和98.5%。

    Results The pH values , the levels of turbidity and urea in swimming pool water all accorded with the related sanitary standards , and their related qualified rates were 93.9 % , 98.5 % and 98.5 % respectively .

  7. 主要方法是使用浑浊度传感器进行数据采集,采用串行通信方式实现计算机与传感器之间的数据交换,利用软件完成数据的数字滤波,运用Matlab中的信号处理工具对采集信号进行处理与分析。

    Based on APMS-10G turbidity sensor , the data is acquired and exchanged with computer by the serial communication method , the digital filter is finished by software , the signals are processed and analyzed by Matlab signal processing tools .

  8. 2级溪流的水质较好,pH值、浑浊度、温度均低于其它溪流,其它指标介于其它级别溪流之间。

    The water quality of 1st , 2nd order stream was better , pH value , DO , turbidity , temperature were lower than those of other order streams , other indexes were in the middle of those of other order streams .

  9. 基于APMS-10G传感器的多点浑浊度监测系统设计

    Design of Multipoint Turbidity Monitor System Based on APMS-10G Turbidity Sensor

  10. APMS-10G浑浊度传感器在模糊控制工业洗衣机中的应用

    Application of APMS-10G Turbidity Sensor in Fuzzy Control Washing Machine

  11. 检验指标包括色度、浑浊度、pH值、总硬度、铁、锰、氨氮、亚硝酸氮、硝酸盐氮、硫酸盐、氟化物、细菌菌落总数、总大肠菌群和粪大肠菌群。

    The indexes for the test were mainly chroma , turbidity , PH , the total hardness , Fe , Mn , ammonia nitrogen , nitrite nitrogen , nitrate nitrogen , sulfate , fluoride , colony forming unit ( cfu ), total coliform , and fecal coliform .

  12. 沙尘天气中,AOD增大,浑浊度系数与AOD变化趋势保持一致,呈正相关关系,波长指数与它们呈较弱的负相关。

    After dust the AOD was increased , with a trend of turbidity coefficient keeping consistently with AOD positively , and the AOD had a weak negative correlation with wave length exponent .

  13. 基于APMS-10G浑浊度传感器的模糊控制工业洗衣机取得了良好的节水、节电、省时效果,提高了洗涤效率。

    Fuzzy control washing machine based on APMS-10G turbidity sensor acquires good effect about economizing water , economizing electricity , economizing washing time and improving washing efficiency .

  14. 为了实现对浑浊度的实时监测并对检测数据进行计算机管理,本文研究了APMS-10G型数字式浑浊度传感器的工作原理,设计了简易实用的RS-485总线多机通信协议。

    In order to realize the real time monitoring of turbidity and manage the data of turbidity measuring by computer , the working principle of the APMS-10G digital turbidity sensor is studied , and a practical RS-485 bus multipoint communication agreement is designed .

  15. 用Hach2100-N散射式浊度仪测定水中浑浊度

    Determination of Turbidity of Water by Hach 2100-N Scattering Turbidimeter

  16. 大气透明度光谱和浑浊度的观测

    The observation of the atmospheric transparency spectrum and the turbidity

  17. 基于红外线的数字式浑浊度传感器设计

    Design of the Digital Turbidity Sensor Based on Infrared Ray

  18. 智能光纤浑浊度传感器中微弱光信号调理

    Study on the Weak Light Signal Condition of the Intelligent Fiber Turbidity Sensor

  19. 洗衣水浑浊度检测中模糊逻辑控制方法研究

    Research on Fuzzy Logic Control Method for Turbidity Detecting

  20. 平流层气溶胶浓度反常对于中国上空大气浑浊度的影响

    Effect of anomalous concentration of the stratospheric aerosol on the turbidity over China

  21. 高浑浊度河口沉积物的沉积机理评述

    A review of the deposit mechanisms of sediment in estuaries of high turbidity

  22. 复合电磁场降低浑浊度及除氟功能研究

    Study on effect of electromagnetic fields on turbidity value and fluoride decrease in water

  23. 利用浑浊度推算含沙量方法的限制性与适用性研究

    The Restriction and Applicability for the Method of Using Turbidity to Deduce Sand Content

  24. 由于大风扬沙的作用,造成春季大气浑浊度明显增大。

    Fly ash by strong wind cause the β to increase rapidly in Spring .

  25. 为使饮料具有诱人的外观,其浑浊度和色泽度也要很低。

    Turbidity and color must be low for an attractive appearance of the drink .

  26. 大口径水井沉井施工及井水浑浊度处理方法探讨

    A Study on Technical Method of Large Diameter Sunk Well and Pocess of Water Turbidity

  27. 结论复合电磁场可有效降低水的浑浊度和去除其中的氟离子。

    Conclusion Electromagnetic fields can be used to reduce turbidity value and fluoride in water .

  28. 洗涤液的浑浊度数据分析系统

    Data analyzing system of washing liquid turbidity

  29. 张掖地区的大气浑浊度

    Characteristics of atmospheric turbidity over Zhangye region

  30. 高浑浊度水是指浊度较高、有清晰的界面分选沉降的含沙水体。

    High turbidity water which has high concentration particles is characterized by distinct interphase precipitation .