
nì lǚ
  • inn;hotel
逆旅 [nì lǚ]
  • [hotel;inn] 客舍;旅店

  • 宿于逆旅。--《庄子.山水》

  • 寓逆旅。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

  1. 夫天地者,万物之逆旅。(李白《春夜宴》)

    Heaven and earth are an inn for all things of creation .

  2. 随着私营逆旅的出现,亭传逐渐废弃,但民间仍有在交通要道和村口路旁筑亭的习俗,以作为旅途歇息之用和迎宾送客的礼仪场所。

    With the emergence of private hotel , " pavilion transmitting " was gradually abandoned while the custom of build pavilion at the road side or entrance to a village for rest and farewell was persisted .