
nì fǎn xīn lǐ
  • Reverse psychology;negative mentality;psychology of aversion;reversal mind;rebellious state of mind
逆反心理 [nì fǎn xīn lǐ]
  • [counterreactional tendency;mind to rebel] 一般指某种宣传(理论、规定等)的要求产生的相反的心理活动、心理反应

  1. 调查显示,四星级高中的借读生存在焦虑心理、自卑心理、孤独心理、消沉心理、逆反心理等心理倾向。

    According to the research , the transient students in the four stars senior middle school have psychological tendency of anxiety , self-abased , loneliness , depression , reversal mind and so on .

  2. 大学生的逆反心理给校园保卫工作带来了很大的影响。

    College students ' psychology of aversion is a big problem in campus security work .

  3. 有逆反心理现象的学生家长与无逆反心理现象的学生家SCL-90因子得分间差异有显著性意义(P<0·05)。

    There was a significant difference in scores of SCL-90 between the parents whose children have psychological inversion and those whose children have no psychological inversion ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 新形势下如何看待青年学生的逆反心理

    How the adverse psychology of young students should be treated with

  5. 谈大学生逆反心理及其疏导方法

    Research on Adverse Psychology of University Students and the Way Out

  6. 如何克服预科汉语教学中的逆反心理

    How to overcome the contrary mind in the elementary Chinese teaching

  7. 大学生逆反心理成因探析与对策研究

    On the Causes and Strategies of College Students ' Rebellious Psychology

  8. 我相信现如今人们称之为“逆反心理”。

    I 'm sure it 's called reverse psychology these days .

  9. 大学思想政治教育中的逆反心理与创造性

    Antagonistic Psychology and Creativity in College Ideological and Political Education

  10. 浅谈高校政治思想教育过程中学生的逆反心理及对策

    An Analysis of College Students ' Disobedience in Ideological and Political Education

  11. 幼儿逆反心理期的正确对待

    On Treating Children 's " Adverse Psychological Period Correctly "

  12. 大学生逆反心理的疏导

    On the Guidance for the Negative Mentality of College Students

  13. 对他们幸灾乐祸的高兴劲儿,逆反心理起了作用。

    The reverse psychology of their cheerful sense of doom worked well .

  14. 青少年逆反心理产生的原因分析

    Cause Analysis On the Teen - agers ' Back - reaction psychology

  15. 如何克服和防止德育中的逆反心理

    How to Overcome and Prevent the Antagonistic Psychology in Moral

  16. 看着一头乱糟糟不寻常的发型,一看就像是个典型的有逆反心理的年轻人。

    His unconventional hairstyle could be that of a typical rebellious teenager .

  17. 药物滥用的主要原因是好奇和逆反心理。

    The main reason of their drug abuse was curiosity and contrary psychology .

  18. 青少年学生逆反心理的表现特征

    Manifesting characteristics of the contradictious psychology in teenage students

  19. 如何正确看待大学生的逆反心理

    How to Correctly Treat Psychological Inversion of College Students

  20. 逆反心理是大学预科汉语教学中的一种常见现象。

    The contrary mind is a very common phenomenon .

  21. 目的探索青春期逆反心理的高效解决途径。

    Objective To grope for the highly effective resolving approach to adolescent psychological inversion .

  22. 希拉里:汉娜是有一点逆反心理。

    Hillary : Hanna is rebelling a little .

  23. 初中生心理不成熟是通过逆反心理表现的。

    The heart of junior high school students isnot mature performance through reverse psychology .

  24. 结论团体家庭治疗是解决青春期逆反心理的高效治疗方法。

    Conclusion The group-family treatment is a highly effective treatment of adolescent psychological inversion .

  25. 这跟逆反心理没关系。

    This is not an act of rebellion .

  26. 大学生逆反心理的新特点与疏导

    College Students ' Go - Counter Psychology : Its New Features and straightening out

  27. 医学生对医学外语教学逆反心理的产生及克服

    Reasons and Countermeasures of Students ′ Rebellious Mentality in English Teaching for Medical Purpose

  28. 教师在教育学生时,有时会遇到学生产生逆反心理这种现象。

    Teachers sometimes encounter the phenomenon of adverse psychology in students in process of teaching .

  29. 试析现代广告设计中的消费者逆反心理

    Pay Much More Attention to the Antagonistic Psychology of the Consumer in Modern Advertisement Designing

  30. 逆反心理是当前高校学生思想教育过程中的一种现象。

    Inverse psychology is a general phenomenon in the process of the college moral education .