
nì shuǐ
  • against the current
逆水 [nì shuǐ]
  • [against the current] [船行驶] 跟水流方向相反(跟顺水相对)

逆水[nì shuǐ]
  1. 我们的船逆水而行。

    Our ship stemmed on against the current .

  2. 水来,我在逆水中想你。

    Water , I think you in against the current .

  3. 结果表明,在催化剂的程序升温还原过程中,CuO和ZnO表面吸附的CO2可进行加氢反应和逆水汽变换反应。

    The results revealed that the reactions of hydrogenation and RWGS of CO 2 proceeded on the surface of both CuO and ZnO .

  4. 结果表明,CO能占据催化剂表面部分CO2的吸附位,能抑制CO2加氢的逆水汽变换反应和促进甲醇含成,从而大大提高了CO2加氢合成甲醇的选择性和收率。

    The results indicated that CO could occupy some of the CO2 adsorption sites on the catalyst surface , suppress the reverse water-gas shift reaction and promote methanol synthesis , therefore methanol selectivity with CO2 conversion increased obviously .

  5. 对于碳纳米管内负载CeO2催化剂,活化的表面氧和氧空穴在这个两步脱氢中通过促进逆水汽反应承担重要的作用。

    The activated surface oxygen and oxygen vacancy from CeO2-CNT composites play an important role in two-step ODH reaction by promoting reverse water-gas shift reaction .

  6. 由于存在逆水煤气反应和Boudouard反应,CO2能显著促进乙烷的脱氢反应。

    The dehydrogenation of ethane was enhanced by CO2 because of the existence of the reverse water gas shift reaction and the Boudouard reaction .

  7. 结果表明,CO占据了部分催化剂表面起逆水汽变换反应的活性位,从而降低CO2转化率,但甲醇选择性和收率得到了提高。

    The results indicate that CO may capture a small amount of active sites on the catalyst surface which bring about the reverse water gas shift reaction . Thus the conversion of CO 2 is suppressed , but the selectivity to and yield of methanol are improved .

  8. CO2对乙苯脱氢的显著促进作用要归因于金属氧化物催化剂的氧化还原机制以及乙苯脱氢和逆水煤气变换反应耦合的协同作用。

    The mechanism of CO 2 oxidation is also discussed . It can be concluded that the remarkable promoting effect of CO 2 on the dehydrogenation of EB is due to both redox cycle of oxide catalyst and coupling of EB with reversed water gas shift reaction .

  9. 过量的MgO助剂对催化剂的反应性能产生负面影响,MgO的碱性可以促进逆水煤气变换反应,从而导致H2选择性降低和CO选择性提高。

    In addition , the basicity of MgO promoted the reverse water-gas shift reaction , which led to the increase of CO selectivity and the decrease of H_2 selectivity . The suitable content of MgO promoter in Ni / Al_2O_3 catalyst was about 7 % .

  10. 这艘轮船靠自己的动力逆水驶过了长江三峡。

    The ship went up the Yangtze Gorges under her own steam .

  11. 意思就是说学习像在逆水中行船。

    It means that learning is like sailing upstream .

  12. 划桨者发现他必须逆水划船。

    The oarsman found that the he had to pull against the tide .

  13. 逆水煤气变换耦合乙烷脱氢制备乙烯反应的研究

    Studies on Coupling of Dehydrogenation of Ethane with Reversed Water-gas Shift Reaction for Ethylene

  14. 他们驾驶着一船逆水而上。

    They sailed a boat up the river .

  15. 冒着酷热划这么一条船逆水而上是根本不可能的事情。

    Rowing our heavy boat against stream in the heat was out of the question .

  16. 我们划船逆水而上。

    We were rowing against the current .

  17. 采用逆水解法进行氯硅烷水解&缩聚反应,制备了适用于耐高温涂料的甲基苯基硅树脂。

    The methyl phenyl silicone resin for heat resistant coatings was prepared by converse hydrolysis-polycondensation of chlorosilane .

  18. 逆水游泳的人知道潮流的力量。&威尔逊

    The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it . & Thomas Woodrow Wilson

  19. 乙苯脱氢与逆水煤气变换偶合反应的铁/活性炭催化剂研究

    Study of Fe / AC Catalysts for the Coupling of Dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene with Reversed Water Gas Shift Reaction

  20. 转化酶(EC3.2.1.26)是蔗糖代谢中的关键酶,它催化蔗糖不可逆水解成葡萄糖和果糖。

    Invertases ( EC ) are enzymes that catalyze the irreversible hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose .

  21. 参赛龙舟先是顺水而下,而后逆水而上,最后冲刺决出输赢。

    The participated dragon boat first go along the stream and then go against it , at last sprint for wining .

  22. 他要想从后方打击他们,就得先用船把人运过河,再逆水而上。

    He must ship his men across the river and upstream , if he is to attack them in the rear .

  23. 在CH4/CO2重整反应中,H2/CO的比值总是小于1,这是因为存在逆水煤气反应。

    Because of reverse-water gas reaction , the ratio of H_2 / CO is always less than 1 in reforming reaction .

  24. 划桨者发现他必须逆水划船。与此同时,加油工和记者划着船。

    The oarsman found that the he had to pull against the tide . In the meantime the oiler and the correspondent rowed .

  25. 根据美国国家公共广播的报道,事实上,最近一部18小时记录三文鱼逆水而上产卵繁殖的慢电视遭到观众批评,理由是节目太短了。

    In fact , a recent 18-hour live show of salmon spawning upstream received complaints from viewers for being too short , NPR reported .

  26. 乙烷脱氢与逆水煤气变换耦合制乙烯反应&助剂对Fe/SiO2催化剂活性的影响

    Study of Coupling Reaction of Dehydrogenation of Ethane with Reverse Water-Gas Shift for Ethylene & Effect of Promoter on Fe / SiO 2 Catalyst

  27. 同时,为帮助鲑鱼逆水,游回产卵的地方,他们在较小的水坝和急流上建设鱼梯。

    Then , to help the salmon swim upstream to deposit their eggs , they build special fish ladders up the smaller dams and rapids .

  28. 经皮给药电穿孔技术是利用电穿孔脉冲作用在皮肤上,产生可逆水性电孔道,促进药物的经皮渗透速率。

    Electroporation for transdermal drug delivery ( TDD ) is an alternative method to enhance drug trans - port through skin that is the creation reversible transient aqueous pores in skin by the application of a short electric pulse .

  29. 有时候起了狂风,把他打得出不来气,可是他低着头,咬着牙,向前钻,像一条浮着逆水的大鱼;

    Sometimes there would be a raking wind which beat the breath out of him ; but he would lower his head , grit his teeth and forge doggedly ahead , like a large fish swimming against the current .

  30. 将可逆水印应用于视频完整性认证,利用可逆水印的水印信息可以完全提取出来的特性,使得认证后的视频和原始视频完全一样,实现严格意义上的完整性认证。

    Introduces invertible / reversible watermarking to video complete authentication , in this means , the watermark can be totally subtracted from the original video . The video after authentication is exactly the same compared with the original video to realize the proper complete authentication .