
gěng gài
  • outline;synopsis;skeleton;gist;bare bones of;broad outline;main idea;model;précis
梗概 [gěng gài]
  • [broad outline;main idea;gist] 粗略;大概,大略的内容、要点或讨论题的主要原则

  • 略举梗概

  • 故事梗概

梗概[gěng gài]
  1. 宝鸡市抗震防灾规划梗概

    An outline of the Baoji earthquake resistance and disaster preparedness program

  2. 我可以简单地给你们讲讲这个故事的梗概。

    I will give you a brief outline of the story .

  3. 那本书他目前只写了一个情节梗概。

    He has written only a skeletal plot for the book so far .

  4. 伍德为他们的故事勾勒出了一个合理的梗概。

    Wood roughed out a possible framework for their story .

  5. 一名不愿透露姓名的捐助者试写出这篇故事的梗概,以供写书评使用。

    An anonymous benefactor tried to abstract this story for a Book report .

  6. 这本书的梗概非常好。

    The synopsis of the book is very good .

  7. 我理想中的评估要简单得多,它是那种柏拉图式的形式,就像《办公室》(theoffice)故事梗概中描述的那样。

    My ideal appraisal is far simpler , and its Platonic form is described by a sketch fromthe office .

  8. 二进制下载包括运行和使用Geronimo所必需的Geronimo的梗概。

    The binary download includes the bare bones of Geronimo necessary to run and use Geronimo .

  9. 类似地,SUBTITLE是文章的副题,并在该Atom提要内被用于文章的梗概。

    Likewise , the SUBTITLE is the subtitle of the article and is used in the Atom feed for the article synopsis .

  10. 本章首先定义了在视频被改动后仍然有效的视频序列的相似性。同时采用基于哈希的视频梗概(Sketch)来有效的计算视频序列的相似性。

    In this paper , we first define video sequence similarity that is robust with respect to changes of videos , and a hash-based video sketch for efficient computation of sequence similarity .

  11. YTC-250型液压万能试验台的研制梗概

    Development of the YTC-250 Hydraulic Universal Test Platform

  12. 综述了计算机网络的分类、网络体系结构、局域网及其交换技术、异步传输模式ATM局域网仿真与虚拟网的实现、公共广域网、路由器技术,以及铁路科技信息网的梗概等问题。

    This article describes issues regarding the categorization of computer networks , network system structure , the LAN and the switch technology , ATM LAN emulation and virtual network , public WAN , the router technology as well as the gist of the railway scientific and technological information network .

  13. 针对数据流上近似查询中的梗概计算,提出了一种新的基于最小误差的维压缩小波变换算法(MEDC)。

    Aiming at synopsis computation of approximate query in data stream , a novel wavelet transformation algorithm , Minimum Error based Dimension Compression ( MEDC ) algorithm , is proposed in this paper .

  14. 中国百合科的系统梗概及对今后研究的一些意见

    A preliminary survey and comments on future studies of Chinese Liliaceae

  15. 故事梗概写在了封面上。

    The sketch of the story was written on the cover .

  16. 黑格曾经简略地给我描述了这项折衷建议的梗概。

    Haig had given me a brief sketch of the compromise .

  17. 作者试图提供参考文献的梗概。

    The writer will attempt to provide a survey with references .

  18. 我为新剧本中的一幕拟写了个梗概。

    I 've roughed out a scene for my new play .

  19. 观察只获得试验性质的梗概、猜想,而不是证明。

    Observation yields only tentative generalizations , conjectures , not proofs .

  20. 请你把这件工作的梗概告诉我即可。

    Please just give me a general idea of the work .

  21. 别忘了,此提要只为用户提供一个梗概。

    Recall that this feed provides only a synopsis to the user .

  22. 纺织行业废水污染控制技术梗概与进展

    Status and progress in pollution control technique for wastewater from textile industry

  23. 教授要求彼得写这本书的梗概。

    The professor asked Peter to write a resume about this book .

  24. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。

    Please give me a general idea of the work .

  25. 看戏前我读了故事梗概。

    I 'd read the plot summary before I saw the play .

  26. 她的笔记只给我们提供了她的理论的梗概。

    Her notes give us just the bare skeleton of her theory .

  27. 我们希望这本小册子能提供一个基本的梗概。

    We hope this leaflet will provide a basic outline .

  28. 他正在为一篇书评撰写故事梗概。

    He is abstracting a story for a book review .

  29. 《宠儿》的故事梗概,材料来源,批评回顾等;

    The plot , the source , the literary review of Beloved ;

  30. 这些就是情节的梗概。

    Such are the bare bones of the plot .