
  • 网络Passenger Transportation Contract
  1. 爱国有罪,冤狱遍于国中;铁路客运合同限额赔偿的法律适用

    Applicable Laws for the Compensation Norm of Railway Passenger Transport COntract

  2. 铁路客票是铁路客运合同的书面形式;

    A railway ticket is a written form of railway passenger transportation agreement , and a warrant of railway passenger agreement and railway passenger transportation .

  3. 笔者通过对客运合同中承运人承当违约责任的分析,认为本案被告应当对原告承担违约赔偿责任。

    By the author of the carrier passenger assume liability for breach of contract analysis , finds that the defendant , the plaintiff should bear the liability for breach of contract .

  4. 本文通过对各国铁路客运合同调控方式的比较分析,论证了对铁路客运合同行政法规制的必要性、可行性,进而提出对我国铁路客运合同进行行政法规制的路径。

    Through the different regulations in contracts of railway passenger traffic , this text demonstrates the administrative regulations for railway passenger contract is necessary and feasible , and then proposes administrative regulation methods of China railway passenger transport contract .

  5. 在代理行为完成以后,汽车客运站退出客运合同关系,客运合同直接约束客车经营者和旅客。

    After the act of proxy , the station withdraws from the contract of passenger traffic contracts , leaving the other two sides as the direct participants .

  6. 而我国铁路客运的行政法规制目前还没有得到重视,对铁路客运合同的行政法规制还很难得到承认,规制方式也不完善,进而引发了铁路客运中的一系列问题。

    But it is still not attached importance to it in China . With faultiness regulation , administrative regulations are difficult to get admitted in railway passenger transport contract which trigger a series problems of railway passenger traffic .