
  • 网络cdd;Customer Due Diligence
  1. 报告称,尽管澳门在打击非法资金流动上已取得一些进展,但该地区依然存在一些重大漏洞,提高对澳门客户尽职调查要求的立法陷于停滞,加强对该地区越境货币控制的立法也同样如此。

    The state department said that while Macau had made progress in tackling illicit money flows : Important deficiencies remain ; legislation that would strengthen Macau 's customer due diligence requirements is pending , as is legislation to improve the jurisdiction 's cross-border currency controls .

  2. 多数大型跨国投行认为,他们的客户会自己做好尽职调查。

    Most of the bulge-bracket firms think their clients would do their own due diligence .