
  1. E公司网络支持部客户服务中心绩效管理体系设计与实施研究

    Performance Management Scheme Design and Implementation of Customer Interaction Center in E Company

  2. A企业客户服务人员绩效管理问题研究与实践

    Study and Implementation of Customer-service Staffs ' Performance Management in A Enterprise

  3. 通过分析Z财产保险公司四川分公司客户服务人员现行绩效管理中存在的问题,以及问题产生的原因,确定了构建以平衡记分卡为主要考核方法的战略向导型绩效管理体系的指导思想。

    The article looks into existing problems of the company 's current performance evaluation mechanism , analyses the reasons behind , then sets up the guidance methodology of a strategy-oriented performance management system , which is featured by applying BSC as the main evaluation measure .