
  • 网络customer profitability
  1. 客户利润贡献度评价的数据挖掘方法

    Study on method of evaluating customer profitability based on data mining

  2. 为了提高客户利润贡献度评估的可操作性,本研究在评价方法中引入数据挖掘技术,给出了这一方法的步骤和基于判定树的分类模型。

    It uses the data mining technique in order to supplement the lack of the operational method in evaluation of customer profitability .

  3. 供电企业为提高自身的核心竞争力需进行电力客户利润贡献度分析。

    Power supply enterprises need to analyze the profit contribution of power customer in order to improve core competition .

  4. 现代企业的核心竞争力就是争取新客户、维护老客户,提升客户价值和利润贡献度的能力。

    The central competitive ability of a modern enterprise is the ability of obtaining new customers , keeping old customers and promoting customers ' value and profit .

  5. 客户分类比较理想的依据是客户对企业的利润贡献度。

    The better foundation of customers ' classification is the profit contribution degree of the customer to the business enterprise .

  6. 通过对客户提供量身定做的服务来提高客户的满意度并改善客户的利润贡献度,使企业在提高效率、拓展市场和保留客户获得更大的收益。

    CRM system can provide customers with customized services to improve satisfaction and improve customer profit contribution , enable enterprises to improve efficiency , expand market share , and retain customers derive greater benefits .

  7. 通过实施客户关系管理,能够分析和了解处于动态过程中的客户状况,从而搞清楚不同客户的利润贡献度。

    By implementing CRM , customers ' situation may be analyzed , and so that different contribution may be cleared .

  8. 文章通过构建企业与客户交易记录的原始数据矩阵,应用主成分&聚类分析的方法来定量地研究客户对企业的利润贡献度,进行客户分类工作。

    In this paper , making use of the principal component-cluster analysis method , we research on the profit contribution degree and carry on the customers ' classification by setting up the original data matrix of trade record .

  9. 银行业客户关系管理是一个银行与客户关系的全面整合管理,通过CRM来维系并巩固既有客户,赢得并发展新客户,同时增进客户的忠诚度和利润贡献度。

    CRM of banding is an overall integral management combining banks and customer relationships . CRM can tie existing customers , create new customers , and enhance customer loyalty and contribute more for benefits .