
kè hù fú wù
  • customer service
  1. 他们制订了严格的客户服务标准。

    They set high standards of customer service .

  2. 客户服务部的员工往往是兼职者。

    Customer service departments are often staffed by part-timers .

  3. 请拨打我们的客户服务热线咨询。

    Call our customer careline for advice .

  4. 该公司有一个非常出色的客户服务部。

    The firm has an excellent customer service department .

  5. 如果遇到困难,请尽管和我们的客户服务部联系。

    In the event of difficulties , please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Department

  6. 公司宗旨是公正、公平、客观、合理地为客户服务。

    The tenet is to service our clients fairly , equally , impersonally and reasonably .

  7. 例句这家商店的客户服务真是不可理喻,他们连理都不理我的投诉。

    The shop 's customer service is beyond a joke – they won 't even listen to my complaint .

  8. GIS在客户服务中心的应用研究和实现

    Research on application of GIS to customer service center and its implementation

  9. 随着客户服务CRM系统的逐步推广应用和收集到的客户资料日益增多,利用信息智能处理技术来处理海量信息是CRM系统发展的必然趋势。

    With the customer service CRM system gradually application and increase the customer data .

  10. 康卡斯特使用Twitter的处理客户服务问题。

    Comcast uses Twitter to handle customer service issues .

  11. 客户服务中心(CallCenter)是一种新的基于CTI技术的综合信息服务系统。

    Customers care center , called call center in foreign countries , is a kind of new integrated information service system based on CTI technology .

  12. 本文阐述了如何利用J2EE技术,为广州某移动通信公司开发和部署了一个有关客户服务的应用系统。

    This paper analyses how to utilize J2EE technology to develop a client service application system for one mobile telecommunication company in Guangzhou .

  13. 系统分为登录控制、系统管理、客户服务、销售自动化、业务分析和基础资料六个子系统,其系统结构采用N层结构的J2EE体系结构。

    The CRM system is divided into six parts : login control , system management , customer service , sales automation , data analysis and base information .

  14. 在这里,终端用户是Jane,她是一位客户服务代表,正在与一个呼叫中心应用程序户交互。

    In this case , the end user is Jane , a customer service representative , who is interacting with a call center application .

  15. 客户服务数据库现在应当会有两张表:customers和interestgroup。

    The customer service database should now have two tables : customers and interestgroup .

  16. 研究了WebServices技术,并将该技术应用到客户服务支持系统中,完成了客户服务支持系统主要功能模块WebServices组件的设计。

    Researched into the technology of Web Services , applied it to the supporting system of customer service and finished designing the module of Web Services , the main functional module in the supporting system of customer service .

  17. 为了提高银行服务质量和其竞争力,可以利用GIS提供广泛的地理查询功能,辅助决策功能和客户服务功能。

    For promoting the service quality and competition ability of banking , we can apply Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ) to provide geographic query function , decision-making function and customer service function .

  18. 深入分析了华盛B2B电子商务平台的客户服务组织机构,并分析了不同类型客户的特点和客户服务流程。

    HS-depth analysis of B2B e-commerce platform of customer service organizations , and analyzes the characteristics of different types of customers and customer service processes .

  19. WTO带给服装企业的是瞬息万变的市场和更加激烈的竞争,服装企业要想在残酷的市场搏击中立于不败之地,就要保持较低的竞争成本、优质的产品质量和高水平的客户服务。

    What WTO brings the garment enterprise is unsteady market with much more competition . If the garment enterprise wants to be successful , they should keep the lower competitive cost , high-quality product and high-level customer service .

  20. 客户服务中心系统是一个利用现代通讯技术、计算机网络技术、数据仓库技术,集电话接入技术、人工座席、自动语音应答、Internet网络服务为一体,面向客户提供全方位个性化服务的组织机构。

    CallCenter System is an integrative organization which utilizes the technology of communication , computer network & dataware house , includes computer telephony integrated technology , customer service representative , interactive voice response technology , internet technology and supports the customers with full-oriented , individual service .

  21. 本文首先通过CRM理论及国内外对CRM的应用现状研究、我国邮政广告函件客户服务与管理现状研究,论述了邮政广告函件业务实施CRM的必要性。

    In this paper , by researching CRM theory and its application and analyzing the client service and management status of china postal DM , the necessity to apply CRM in china postal DM is talked firstly .

  22. 随着信息化、网络化的同新月异,以ATM交易为代表的自助交易将逐步取代网点交易,成为现代商业银行为客户服务的主流渠道。

    Accompany the fast pace of information and network industry development , the ATM transaction will substitute the transaction in branch organization of a bank and become the main channel in customer service system of local commercial bank .

  23. 澳大利亚TXU配电公司的客户服务

    TXU Distribution Company in Australia and Their Services

  24. 期望通过针对SANY公司客户服务问题的有关研究结论,能够对国内装备制造行业提升客户服务理念,改进服务质量措施提供参考和借鉴。

    I hoped this article can improve the service Participate and learn for customer service issues of SANY . Improving customer service concept of the domestic equipment manufacturing industry .

  25. 本文以当前我国电力销售市场为背景,结合陕西电力信通公司的具体业务需求,考虑到目前国内实施电子商务的具体环境,设计和实现了一个基于MVC的Struts框架的电力客户服务支持系统。

    In this paper , the background of current national power markets and requirements of the Communication Company of Shaanxi Power are introduced firstly . Then a customer support system is designed and implemented with Struts framework , considering the domestic market environment .

  26. 笔者从组织结构、业务流程、激励绩效、人员培训、软件开发、客户服务内容等几个主要方面对阜阳卷烟厂实施的CRM方案提出了解决办法;

    In combination with the eight principles of quality control , the paper states how to implement the operational plan of CRM in FuYang Cigarette Factory from some aspects ( organization , business process , drive strategy , personnel training , software developing , customer services , etc. )

  27. 供应链计划(SCP)是协调供应链成员的主要管理工具,对于整个供应链密切协作、更好地为客户服务具有重要意义,是供应链管理的核心。

    The Supply Chain Plan ( SCP ) is the main management tool for the coordination of Supply Chain partners . It 's very important to the closer cooperation of partners and better service for customers , and it 's also the core of SCM .

  28. GL市电信近几年员工意识与客户服务取得了一定成绩,但同时大客户管理、呼叫中心、客户经理制度中存在许多问题。

    Tough in recent years the idea of employee and the client service has made great process of GL telecom company . At the same time there are also many problems in the administration of Important Client Management , Call center and Client Manager system .

  29. 电子渠道系统属于中国电信CTG-MBOSS的渠道域,是中国电信客户服务渠道解决方案的重要组成部分。

    Electronic channel system belongs to the channel domain of China Telecom CTG-MBOSS and serves as an important part of China Telecom customer service channel solutions .

  30. 正确运用客户服务和管理提高医院竞争力

    Correctly use customer service and management to elevate hospital competition ability