
gōng gòng guān xi
  • public relation
公共关系 [gōng gòng guān xì]
  • [public relation] 指政府、企业、社会团体或个人和社会公众的关系

  • 所谓公共关系学,则是研究如何建立与保持人与人之间的良好关系,用以促进事业成功的学问

公共关系[gōng gòng guān xi]
  1. 赞助当地球队有利于公共关系。

    Sponsoring the local team is good for public relations .

  2. 尼基作为公共关系主管,需要花很多时间与别人打交道。

    Nicky 's job as a public relations director involves spending quite a lot of time with other people .

  3. 这篇文章有助于加强该剧院的公共关系。

    The article is very good PR for the theatre .

  4. 他自己开公司,做起了独立公共关系顾问。

    He set up shop as an independent PR consultant

  5. 浅谈MPA的公共关系战略

    Analysis on the Strategic of Public Relations of MPA

  6. 关于CI企划与公共关系的几个问题

    Some Problems on CI Design and Public Relations

  7. 公共关系是打造形象的业务,目的是说服他人喜欢(sell)某人,政府的政策,公司,以及其他的公共机构。

    PR is an image-creation business that is trying to sell persons , government policies , corporations , and other institutions .

  8. 美国专栏作家李普曼1922年出版的著作《民意》(PublicOpinion)一书是涵盖新闻传播学、政治学、社会心理学、公共关系学等领域的综合性的传世名著。

    American columnist Walter Lippmann ' Public Opinion published in 1922 was a masterpiece which covered many disciplines such as journalism , mass communication , political science , social psychology and PR.

  9. Cleveland委任她的秘书为该公司第一任公共关系主任。

    Miz Cleveland made her secretary the company 's first director of public relations .

  10. 史蒂夫·罗曼(SteveRoman)在亚利桑那州第一大银行担任公共关系总监,他担任这个职务长达18年;2000年,他被迫接受银行方面的买断协议,这个消息甚至上了当地报纸。

    For18 years , Steve Roman was the public-relations director of the largest bank in Arizona ; his forced buyout in2000 made news in the local papers .

  11. 而外界广泛认为,英国石油(BP)事后不力的公共关系和危机管理战略,进一步加重了墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件对其形象的损害。

    BPis widely perceived to have compounded the damage done to its image by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico through a poor public relations and crisis management strategy in its aftermath .

  12. 福特汽车(fordmotor)行动得更早,在2009年就将亚太和非洲地区总部从曼谷搬到了上海,首次将负责该地区制造、产品开发、采购和公共关系的职能高管派往中国。

    Ford Motor was an earlier mover , shifting its regional headquarters for Asia-Pacific and Africa from Bangkok to Shanghai in 2009 , locating functional executives for the region for manufacturing , product development , purchasing and PR in China for the first time .

  13. 他只追求纯写作的职业,比如小说家、记者或剧作家,而实际上,他也可以找代理人、公共关系助手、编辑或ZF说客之类的工作。

    He only pursues writing-only careers like novelist , journalist or copyrighter , when instead , he could have looked into being a minister , public relations assistant , editor or government lobbyist .

  14. 市场研究机构eMarketer和美国公共关系协会(PRSA)各自发布的数据显示,美国公司每年在广告上投入1500亿美元,在公关上仅投入50亿美元。

    US companies spend $ 150 billion annually on advertising and only $ 5 billion on public relations , according to emarketer and PrsA respectively .

  15. MargieNewman称该艺术节是“便携电脑,智能手机等新兴媒体的海洋,引领未来技术的新潮流。”Newman是华盛顿特区的公共关系教授。她今年已经是第三次参加西南偏南艺术节。

    Margie Newman describes the event as " a sea of Mac-toting , smartphone-obsessed , new media snobs on a mission to know what is next . " Ms. Newman is a public relations professional in Washington D.C. She made her third trip to the South by Southwest festival this year .

  16. 关于公共关系理论若干问题的看法

    The View on Some Problems of the Theory of Public Relations

  17. 学校外部公共关系管理问题探讨

    Inquiring into the management of the school 's external public relations

  18. 中国公共关系学发展与研究的新思考

    On the Development of China 's Public Relations of 21st Century

  19. 论医院公共关系危机及其处理

    Discuss on the public relation crises of hospital and its management

  20. 基于公共关系理论的个人发展探析

    Probe into the Individual Development Based on the Public Relation Theory

  21. 钟声:主要体现在公共关系方面。

    Zhong Sheng : It is mainly shown in public relation .

  22. 对于旅馆公共关系,还有一个相反的方面。

    There is also a negative aspect to hotel public relations .

  23. 论公共关系在社会主义道德建设中的作用

    About the Role of Public Relations in Moral Construction of Socialism

  24. 基于能力本位原则的公共关系教学方法探讨

    The education of public relations based on " competence-based " principle

  25. 公共关系中个人形象与组织形象的辩证关系

    The Dialectical Relationship Between Individual Image and Organizational Image in Public Relations

  26. 企业公共关系危机成因探析

    A Probe on Public Relations Crises of an Enterprise and the Causes

  27. 公共关系:现代医院管理的新领域

    Public relations : The new realm of modern hospital management

  28. 政府援助的内容与会计处理会计公共关系研究

    Public Subsidy and Accounting Process Research on Accounting Public Relations

  29. 论公共关系理论在学报编辑实践中的应用

    Theory of Public Relations and Its Application to Journal Editing

  30. 大学校长想与社区增进公共关系。

    The college president wants to improve its PR with the community .