
  • 网络Public communication;public release
  1. 新兴媒体要实现公共传播,关键是发展和培育交往理性。

    The public communication relies on developing communicational rationality .

  2. 新世纪可持续的社会文化发展需要什么样的公共传播政策?

    What type of public communication and cultural policy framework is necessary for sustainable development ?

  3. 在公共传播那里,在某些方面,可能有更迫切的文化需要

    There could be some cultural imperatives in there somewhere !

  4. 科技公共传播的传播主体及其参与动机

    The Subjects and Motives in Public Science Communication

  5. 这个问题也可以变成:门户式的公共传播是否将不合时宜?

    This problem also can become : The communal transmission of portal type whether will malapropos ?

  6. 公共传播与公益广告

    Public Communication And Public Service Advertising

  7. 通过交互,公众不再是消极的受众,而是积极的媒体使用者和公共传播参与者。

    Citizens turn to use and participate in the media positively , instead of being negative audience .

  8. 只有适应了新的传播媒介环境的政府公共传播方能促进社会和谐。

    Only adapt to the new media environment , public dissemination of government can only promote social harmony .

  9. 政府必须根据新媒介环境的特征和规律,采取相应的公共传播对策。

    The government must follow the characteristics and laws of the new media environment , and adopt corresponding public communication countermeasures .

  10. 科技新闻制作主体在构建科技新闻公共传播平台时必须尊重受众的意见。

    The unit of scientific news-making should accept the suggestions of the target audience when construct the platform of spreading the scientific news .

  11. 因此,如何通过必要的激励和支持,充分调动科学家的积极性,让科学家在科技公共传播方面承担更多的社会责任,已成为科技传播事业发展中需要迫切解决的一个大问题。

    So it is urgent how to fully stir up and mobilize the enthusiasm and get scientists undertake more social bearings in PCST .

  12. 在这个新的媒介环境当中,信息传播具备了新的特征,对政府公共传播的影响日益突出。

    In this new media environment , information dissemination with a new feature has been prominent in increasingly impacting the public dissemination of government .

  13. 这种把关可以被称为共同把关,是公众参与公共传播过程之后自然沉淀的结果。

    This kind of keeper could be called " joint keeper ", and it is the obvious result of precipitation in the process of civic public communication .

  14. 传播学家施拉姆把电视文化视为一种新型的公共传播方式;社会学家麦尔卡尔则将电视文化看成是一种社会学意义上的社会生活现实。

    Communication experts Schram put the TV culture as a new way of public communication ; Sociologists Mel Carle will TV culture as a kind of sociological significance of social reality .

  15. 在大众传播时代,公共传播是单向的,并且受到政治权力和商业权力的宰制而被异化,公众缺乏参与公共传播的机会和意识。

    In the time of mass communication , public communication is one-way direction , and also alienated by the political power and commercial control . Citizens are lack of the opportunity and idea of public communication .

  16. 在现代社会与科技发展的背景下,科技公共传播被赋予了更多的社会职责,演变成为多个社会主体积极参与的一个领域。

    With the development of the modern society and science , the public communication of science and technology ( PCST ) has been endowed with more social responsibilities , and became a field involved by multiple social main bodies .

  17. 而要最大化的实现政府公共传播的效率,就必须建立和完善政务信息公开机制、政府新闻发言人制度、突发事件危机传播机制。

    In order to maximize the efficiency of public communication of government , we must establish and perfect the mechanism of government information public , the government spokesman system , mechanisms for rapid dissemination of emergency and crisis information dissemination mechanism .

  18. 通过公共传播媒介以各种各样的文化艺术形式宣扬法治价值和法治精神,从而推动社会主义法治文明的发展,是法律新闻专业崇高而神圣的职责。

    It is a lofty and sacred duty of law and news to advocate the value and spirit of law by public information media with all kinds of culture and art , and promote the development of socialist law and culture .

  19. 具体而言,利用数字技术对作品的搜索功能确定作品的来源;结合数字技术在网络空间的支配性作用,将版权的内容合并为三项:接触权、公共传播权和演绎权。

    Specifically , use the search function of digital technology to determine the source of works ; according to the dominant role of digital technology in cyberspace , merge the copyright into three categories : access right , right of communication to public , and derivative works right .

  20. 而只有适应新媒介环境的政府公共传播才能取得好的传播效果,才能有利于政府更好地施政行政,才能有利于融洽政府和公众的关系,才能有利于社会主义和谐和社会建设。

    Only adapt to the new media environment , the government can get a good spread of public dissemination of results , to help the government better policy administration , can be beneficial and harmonious relationship between the government and the public can be harmonious and beneficial to society .

  21. 我国公共政策传播的公共关系管理

    The Public Relations Management for the Communication Process of Government Public Policy

  22. 随着信息技术的大力发展,社会文明的不断进步,电视媒体作为公共信息传播的重要手段持续增强,成为影响国家和社会发展的重要力量。

    With development of the social civilization and information technology .

  23. 新语境下公共危机传播中的媒体表现

    The Media 's Behavior in Public Crisis Communication in the New Context

  24. 企业公共关系传播理论分析

    A theoretical analysis of enterprise public relations communication

  25. 公共信息传播机制研究

    On the Dissemination Mechanism of Public Information

  26. 要实现公共关系传播中的信息社会化,就要采取与之相应的行之有效的对策。

    Thus , effective measures should be taken to realize information socialization in the realm of public relation communication .

  27. 注重公共关系传播,完善协调沟通机制。

    We should pay attention on the spread of public relations , perfect the mechanism of and coordinate and communicate .

  28. 我们和我们的合作者继续为数据交换和公共数据传播共同开发数据和元数据展示格式。

    We have continued to co-develop data and metadata representation formats with our collaborators for both data exchange and public data dissemination .

  29. 自媒体时代公共危机传播的渠道整合&以四川广元柑橘事件为例

    The channel integration of public crisis transmission in " we media " era & taking Sichuan Guangyuan citrus incident as an example

  30. 目前,学界还没有对大众媒介与农村公共政策传播现状和问题做过专门的、系统的探讨。

    At present , the circle of mass media and not rural public policy spread actuality and problems done special , system discussed .