
  • 网络company creditor
  1. 第三章是我国公司债权人保护制度的完善。

    The third chapter is perfection of China 's company creditor protection system .

  2. 股东虚假出资对公司债权人的民事责任研究

    Research on the Shareholder Invests Falsely to the Company Creditor 's Civil Liability

  3. 一人公司债权人保护研究

    Study on the Protection of the Creditor of One-Man Company

  4. 完善我国公司债权人保护法律制度的思考

    Thoughts on Improving the Legal System of Protection of China 's Corporation Creditors

  5. 公司债权人的利益保护已经是现代公司法中不容忽视的重要问题。

    Corporate creditor 's protection is an important problem in modern companies act .

  6. 论关联交易中从属公司债权人的法律保护

    On the legal protection of the creditors of subsidiary company in affiliated transaction

  7. 关联交易中从属公司债权人利益保护问题研究

    Study on the Controlled Company 's Creditor Protection Mechanism Caused by Related Transaction

  8. 公司债权人保护问题是公司法中的重要内容。

    The protection about creditors in affiliated company is very important in Company Law .

  9. 确立董事对公司债权人承担民事义务制度。

    Establishment of the system that director bears civil obligation of the company creditor .

  10. 股东与公司债权人利益之衡平保护

    Research on Even Protection of the Benefits of the Company 's Shareholders and Creditors

  11. 论股东对公司债权人的直接责任

    The Direct Duty of Shareholder for Company Creditors

  12. 为寻求公司债权人的法律保护,各国法律明确规定了公司设立的制定法根据。

    Various company acts in the world are formed by a uniform statutory act .

  13. 论公司债权人的保护

    Corporate Creditor 's Protection in Corporate Governance COMPANY

  14. 保护公司债权人的利益是公司法立法宗旨之一。

    Protecting the corporate creditors'interest is one of the aims of the corporation law .

  15. 我国公司债权人保护制度的缺陷及完善

    Blemish and Perfecting of Creditor-protected System in China

  16. 论我国一人公司债权人利益保护制度之完善

    Consummation of the Protection System of Creditors ' Interests of One-man Company in Our Country

  17. 从经济学的角度来看,公司债权人也存在诸多需要加强保护的原因。

    From the perspective of economics , it is required of strengthening the protection on creditors .

  18. 论控制股东对公司债权人的诚信义务及法律责任

    On the controlling shareholder 's fiduciary duty to the company 's creditors and its legal responsibility

  19. 股东有限责任和独立人格的滥用对从属公司债权人的利益产生了危害。

    The abuse of limited liability damages the interest of the creditor of the controlled company .

  20. 因此,各国都十分关注公司债权人利益的保护问题。

    Thus , States have begun to concern about the protection of creditors of the company .

  21. 该部分又可分为从属公司债权人利益保护的一般理论基础和特别理论基础。

    This chapter can be divided into two parts which are general rules and special rules .

  22. 于此过程中,家族公司债权人和家族公司非家族成员股东利益保护就显得重要。

    During this process , the protection of the creditors and non - family members is crucial .

  23. 就德国而言,以康采恩法分事前和事后两个层次对从属公司债权人提供了保护,对于事实康采恩,德国立法是不完善的,实践中存在一些巫待解决的问题。

    As to Germany , " Konzern law " is a written form in protection of creditors .

  24. 股东对公司债权人直接承担责任的理论基础是揭开公司面纱即公司人格否认原则。

    Its theoretical basis is to uncover the veil of the company or to deny company personality .

  25. 就公司债权人而言,股东出资是公司对其债权人承担责任的信用基础。

    For the creditors of company , capital contribution is the basis of credit for company to take responsibility .

  26. 试论减资方式多元化对公司债权人利益保护原则的影响

    Tentative Discussion about the Influence of Capital Reduction 's Diversity on the Principle of the Protection of Creditors ' Interests

  27. 我国立法较为注重提高企业的竞争力和生产效率,而比较忽视对从属公司债权人利益的保护。

    We always focus on the increase of company competition and productivity and ignore the creditors ' benefit of affiliate enterprises .

  28. 现代经济活动中,股东和公司债权人都为公司的发展壮大起到了很大的作用。

    Shareowners and creditors have made a great contribution to the development and growth of the company in modern economic activity .

  29. 在关联企业引起的诸多法律问题中,从属公司债权人的法律保护是其中较为突出的一个。

    In a great deal of legal questions , the legal protection of controlled company 's creditor is a comparatively outstanding one .

  30. 第三章,国外有限责任公司债权人法律保护制度及其启示;

    Chapter three , foreign countries ' practices and the revelation thereof of creditors legal protection system of the limited liability corporation ;