
Strong relationships with investment organizations like Blackstone and Calpers put the west coast-based firm in a position to capitalize on a once-in-a-generation opportunity in a city where the incumbents were largely overleveraged from the prior boom .
More important is over-leveraging by a few huge companies .
Resuming past excesses is not an option .
During the previous bubble , the US consumer was encouraged to over - borrow .
The logic cannot be faulted : Australian miners are generally over-leveraged and strapped for cash .
When the easy credit stopped in 2008 , the banking sector was over-leveraged and under-capitalised .
It also highlighted risks stemming from wasteful investment , overindebtedness and a weakly regulated shadow-banking system .
The one area where growth has been fuelled by excess borrowing has been in US subprime mortgages .
If Italy and Greece had not been so over-indebted and sclerotic , they would not be in such trouble today .
The parallel should not be dismissed altogether . A country whose government borrows beyond its capacity must eventually pay the price .
The Irish have been hurt not by the excessive borrowing , tax evasion or false national statistics that troubled the Greeks .
That , she says , is similar to what happened in South Korea , where enterprises borrowed excessively to chase bad investments .
The Fed tended to be hands-off in the upturn but super-active in loosening policy and rescuing overextended financial institutions when asset prices collapsed .
A recession caused by the central bank 's determination to squeeze out inflation is quite different from one caused by excessive debt and collapsing net worth .
It can only hope to survive , so that in future years the lessons of too much leverage and debt are taught to a new generation of capitalists .
And minimum margin requirements are being developed to reduce the cycle of excessive borrowing in economic booms that cannot be sustained when liquidity dissipates in core fixed-income markets .
In other words , the Brazilian consumer has twice the debt load from a cash flow perspective than a US consumer who is still widely regarded as being over-leveraged .
We agree that excessive leverage was a primary cause - not just in trading books but in large concentrations of high-risk lending assets , primarily related to US residential property .
Words such as ''toxic assets ' ' , ''double-dip ''and ''overleveraged ' ' ( having borrowed too much money and being unable to pay it back ) have all entered the book .
The crisis also revealed the vulnerability of the eurozone to excessive accumulations of private and public sector leverage , caused by floods of surplus savings into bad investments via undercapitalised financial institutions .
Contracting too large an amount of debts will affect the future expenditure in teaching and scientific research , sustaining expenditure , as well as the normal development or even the sustainable development of colleges and universities .
Again appealing to my work with MS Reinhart , both theory and history tells us that any economy that is excessively leveraged with short-term borrowing be it government , banking , corporate or consumer is highly vulnerable to crises of confidence .
Moreover , the present regulatory system can hardly restrict excessive borrowings of local governments . Especially with the impetus of current macroeconomic policy , the debt scale of Chinese local governments has become very huge after the rapid expansion for successive years .
For example , the Greek government faces high welfare and low surplus predicament and cannot support the excessive deficit spending by the public finance surplus , Greece and other EU countries have a debt crisis .
They worry that public sector debt , which they estimate at 76 per cent of gross domestic product at the end of 2009 , will increase inexorably because so much growth depends on debt-financed capital investment .
But we now know that much of that growth was illusory , based on unsustainable over-consumption by American households and over-leverage by American financial institutions .