
  1. 市场化&未来公用事业价格改革的主题及趋势

    Marketization The Theme and Trend of the Price Reform on Public Utilities

  2. 中国公用事业价格规制取向研究

    A Study on the Trend of the Public Utilities Prices Regulation in China

  3. 包括水、电、煤气在内的公用事业价格上涨5.6%。

    Utility prices , including water , electricity and gas , rose by 5.6 per cent .

  4. 广东公用事业价格形成机制及管理形式的研究

    The Research on the Formation Mechanism and the Management Methods of Price of Public Utilities in Guangdong

  5. 部分公用事业价格信号失真导致外部不经济;

    Fifthly , the price signals of some Public Utilities are so distorted that Public Utilities are not economical .

  6. 四是广东公用事业价格形成机制目标;

    The forth part is discussed on the goal of the formation mechanism of the price of Public Utilities of Guangdong ;

  7. 第三章尝试从我国公用事业价格听证产生的环境以及实现的价值进行探讨。

    The third chapter attempted to discuss the realization of the value and the environment of the hearing prices of utility .

  8. 在公用事业价格听证中,消费者的权力体现为获取和运用信息的能力。

    In the hearing of public utilities prices , the power of consumers embodies through the access and use of information .

  9. 第二章,国内外城市公用事业价格规制现状及理论发展追溯。

    The second chapter , review of the price regulation history and theory of municipal public utilities about China and International .

  10. 说明我国还没有找到在市场经济下管理公用事业价格的理想模式,所以研究它有一定的现实意义。

    So it is pointed out that the ideal model of public utilities pricing regulation in the market economy is not found .

  11. 通过调查问卷及其分析,笔者得出了消费者对于公用事业价格听证参与的第一手资料。

    Through questionnaires and its analysis , the authors come by the first-hand information about consumer participation in the public utility prices hearing .

  12. 公用事业价格听证制度在我国实施以来,取得了明显的成效,同时也存在着一系列亟待解决的问题。

    The price hearing system of our public utility has gained remarkable achievements , however , some problems exist and are urgent to solve .

  13. 在此基础上对当前我国公用事业价格规制中存在的问题进行分析,并提出政策建议。

    After the analyses , this paper analyzes the problems in public utility pricing regulation and puts forward the suggestion to improve public participation .

  14. 信息、能力和制度模型能系统解释公用事业价格听证中的消费者参与。

    This paper holds that consumer participation in price hearings can be systematically explained by a tripartite model of information , capacity , and institution .

  15. 调查数据显示,中国公用事业价格听证中的消费者参与在这三个方面都存在问题,这也是完善未来中国公用事业价格听证中消费者参与的重点所在。

    Our survey shows that China 's present consumer participation in price hearings on public utilities has a great deal to improve in these three aspects .

  16. 本文以公用事业价格听证中公众有效参与为研究对象,首先阐述了价格听证制度理论、公众参与理论,并简单介绍了这些理论在我国公用事业价格听证中的运用。

    Firstly , theory of price hearing system and theory of public participation are shown , and the application of these theories in public service price hearings is introduced simply .

  17. 论文的第六章继接前四章的内容,从信息、能力和制度三个方面论述了中国公用事业价格听证中消费者参与的改进路径。

    Continuing these four chapters ' contents , Chapter six discusses the improving way of Chinese public utility prices hearing from the three aspects of information , capacity and institution .

  18. 本论文运用公共管理的相关理论,主要从政府部门和公众的视角,分析公用事业价格听证这一制度存在的价值、实践中暴露的问题,以及完善措施。

    This paper used the theory of public administration , mainly from the perspective of government departments and the public , the value of existence of the hearing system of the utility prices , and improves the measures .

  19. 此外,价格听证作为公用事业价格决策的必经程序,消费者参与在实践中有较多的实例,笔者在论文中选取一些在某此方面具有代表情的侧面对消费者的参与进行了论证。

    In addition , the public utility prices hearing as an indispensable part of the decision-making process , the participation of consumers in practice has some more examples , the author choose some representative aspects to demonstrate the consumer participation .

  20. 只有这样,政府在组织公用事业价格听证时,才能做到以公共利益为出发点,在价格听证的过程中做到公平、公开、公正。

    Only in this way , the government in organization the price of public utility hearing in order to achieve the public interests as the starting point , in the price hearing process to achieve fair , open , justice .

  21. 公用事业价格听证作为公用事业价格管制的重要组成部分,近年来已经在相当程度上成为人们的公共话题。然而,理论上对于公用事业价格听证中消费者的研究还相当缺乏。

    Public utilities price hearing as an important component part of public utility prices control , to a considerable extent , has become public topic , but , theoretically , the study of consumer in public utility prices hearing is still unfledged .

  22. 其中,在博弈论方面,论文认为,公用事业价格听证的过程可以被模拟为一种由消费者利益集团和厂商在管制机构制定的规则下参加的非合作博弈。

    On the game theory , the thesis thinks that the process of public utility prices hearing can be modeled as a group from the interests of consumers and manufacturers in regulatory agencies under the rules established by the participation of non-cooperative game .

  23. 第四章提出了我国公用事业价格规制的现状和存在的问题。从价格形成方式、定价办法、价格水平、价格结构、价格监督机制和法律等方面介绍了价格规制的现状。

    The actuality and existent problems of price regulation of Chinese public utilities are introduced in Chapter IV. The actuality of price regulation are studied from the aspects of price formation way , price means , price level , price structure , price supervise mechanism and laws .

  24. 公用事业领域价格听证制度探究

    Studies of Price Hearing System of Public Utilities

  25. 随着价格改革的不断深入,公用事业产品价格的适度上调是有必要的。

    With the gradual deepening of the reform prices , utility prices moderate increase is necessary .

  26. 近十几年我国公用事业产品价格在经过多次调整后,价格有了很大提高。

    Over the last 10 years in our utility product prices after several adjustments , the price has been greatly improved .

  27. 此外,政府正在减少廉价信贷的供应,并已采取行动放开能源和其他公用事业的价格。

    In addition , the government is reducing the supply of cheap credit and has moved to liberalise prices for energy and other utilities .

  28. 经历了10多年的市场经济改革之后,我国公用事业在价格管制方面仍然还存在很多与公用事业发展目标不相适应的地方。

    Having experienced 10 years of market economic reforms , there are a lot of aspects which are not suited with the aims of Chinese public utilities in the price regulation .

  29. 通过这五部分的分析,探索公用事业产品价格形成机制,建立既有经济效益又体现社会效益的公用事业价格管理模式。

    I want to find out the formation mechanism of the price of Public Utilities through the analysis of these five parts , and to establish the administrative system of price of Public Utilities that can result in not only economic benefit but also social benefit .

  30. 然而近年来公用事业产品价格上涨较快,却少有配套措施出台,给广大人民群众,尤其是低收入群体带来了沉重的经济负担,低收入群体对公用事业产品价格改革的承受能力明显不足。

    However , in recent years public utilities prices rose faster , but few measures introduced . To the broad masses of the people , especially low-income families has brought a heavier financial burden . Low-income groups in the reform of public utilities bear price ability obviously inadequate .