
jì huà jià ɡé
  • planned price
  1. 企业材料物资计划价格管理的思考

    Deep Think on the Enterprise Goods and Materials Plan Prices Management

  2. 目前我国的建筑产品价格实际上仍然是计划价格,市场化改革要求建筑产品的价格由市场形成。

    The prices of construction products are still planned prices in China at present , and they are required by the market reform to be market driven .

  3. 最后基于对偶系统的性能指标,揭示了探讨最优计划价格的新途径。

    Based on the corresponding performance indices of the dual system , a new approach to the optimal planned prices is stated at the end of the paper .

  4. 本文通过对价格改革三十年来的回顾,从价格决策主体等六个方面,归纳了我国从计划价格体制向市场价格体制逐步转变的过程,以及这种转变对促进国民经济持续发展的重要作用。

    Introduction of this essay presents concisely the process that is changed from planning price system to market price system in China , the change how to push the development of the national economy .

  5. 明年,以色列摄像机制造商3DVInc.计划推出价格不到100美元的三维摄像机,它在捕捉动态图像方面比Wii目前的水平更高级。

    Next year , an Israeli camera maker , 3DV Inc. , plans to introduce a3D camera for less than $ 100 .

  6. 建筑计划和价格管制也应有助于缓和通胀压力。

    Building programmes and price controls should also help ease pressures .

  7. 舰船计划修理价格动态估算系统的研究

    On the dynamic estimating system of the intending reparative price of warship

  8. 公司计划提高价格,减少支出。

    The company plans to raise prices and cut spending .

  9. 部长们计划扩大价格控释的范围,以包括大量的非专利药。

    Ministers plan to expand price controls for a broader swathe of generics .

  10. 这一保险计划的价格和承保范围在各个城市有所不同。

    The cost and availability of the plan varies from city to city .

  11. 不过,要求不具名的知情人士谨慎指出,目前并未定下相关计划,价格区间可能会保持在此前披露的每股60至66美元。按照这一区间的高端计算,公司估值约为1630亿美元。

    But the people briefed on the matter , who spoke on the condition of anonymity , cautioned that no plans had been set and that the price range might remain within the already disclosed $ 60 to $ 66 a share , which values the company at roughly $ 163 billion at the high end .

  12. 尽管如此,CCH表示,“老牌”欧洲市场(比如意大利和瑞士)表现不错,正计划调高价格。

    Still , CCH says its " established " markets in Europe ( think Italy and Switzerland ) are doing well , and price increases are on the horizon .

  13. 航空公司股票走高,据中国媒体报道,根据一项新定价计划,机票价格将会上涨。

    Airlines rose on local reports that ticket prices will increase under a new pricing scheme .

  14. 传统的股权激励计划采用股票价格作为评估高管的标准;

    The original stock option incentive uses stock price as the standard to evaluate the senior executive .

  15. 在这种制度下,市场煤必定高于计划煤的价格。

    In the double-track price system , the market coal price must be higher than the planned coal price .

  16. 一边是养老金计划的资产价格总体下跌,另一边债台还在无情地架高。

    The assets owned by pension schemes have generally been falling in price while their liabilities have been relentlessly rising .

  17. 根据该计划,石油价格是固定的,但每个季度根据通货膨胀和货币波动等因素作出调整。

    A mechanism whereby the price of oil would be fixed , and adjusted every quarter automatically for such factors as inflation and currency fluctuations .

  18. 除非信贷环境有了明显松动,否则,要想维持根据这些计划确立的价格水平,只能通过持续获得低成本的政府融资。

    Unless credit conditions ease considerably , the price levels established under these schemes will be sustained only by continuing access to lower-cost government finance .

  19. 本文通过对互联网特征的分析,根据电子商务本身的特点,并列举了大量事实分析说明电子商务企业常用的几种营销策略,即版本差别化策略、忠诚度计划和检索价格差别策略。

    In this paper , I introduce three strategies in marketing , versioning , loyalty programs , and promotions , by analyzing the characteristic of E-business .

  20. 不过,他有关7澳元是“最低价”的说法引起了一些人的不满,因为根据一项激励计划,这个价格也是向公司董事提供期权的价格。

    But his mention of a $ 7 as a " minimum value " price raised eyebrows , as it is also the level at which options were awarded to directors under an incentive plan .

  21. 随着企业收益提高和新股发行量增加,A股的估值水平可能逐渐会变得适中,而QDII和港股直通车计划将为H股价格的持续调整提供支撑,李晶表示。

    A-share valuations are likely to moderate over time as earnings rise and new share supply is increased , while the QDII and through-train programmes will support a continued re-rating in H-share prices , Ms Ulrich says .

  22. 再生产组织计划模型及影子价格分析

    The Organization and Planning Model of Reproduction and Analysis of Shadow Price

  23. 为满足讨厌广告的人,这家新闻机构计划推出一份价格更高、但没有广告的订阅。

    To cater for people who hate advertising , the news organisation plans to introduce a higher-priced , advertisement-free subscription .

  24. 企业资源计划与电厂上网价格的制定火电厂资产管理系统开发与应用研究

    ERP and Power Plant s Pricing Method for Quotation on Network ; Research and Application of Enterprise Asset Management in Coal Power Generation Plant

  25. 而如果消费者计划减少支出,价格调整可能不会让他们改变想法;价格调整甚至可能不会发生。

    And if consumers plan to spend less , price adjustments may not induce them to change their minds ; the price adjustments may not even happen .

  26. 中国上周宣布的1580亿美元基础设施建设计划推动工业金属价格继续攀升,铜价和铝价触及四个月高点。

    Copper and aluminium prices hit four-month highs as industrial metal prices continued their ascent on the back of China 's $ 158bn infrastructure programme announced last week .

  27. 参议院通过的议案显示,上调年收入45万美元以上的家庭所承担的税率,取消国会加薪的计划,避免牛奶价格大幅上升。

    The Senate passed plan would raise taxes on annual family income over $ 450000 , cancel pay raises for Congress and help prevent milk prices from rising dramatically .

  28. 在政策方面,对卷烟品牌影响较大的是计划管理体制、价格管理体制、流通管体制和财税管理体制。

    On the policy side , a greater impact on cigarette brand is the plan management system , the price management system , the flow control system and financial and tax management system .

  29. 未来几年,随着零部件进口关税的下调,一汽集团公司将有计划地降低产品价格,最大限度地提升市场份额。其长效机制还在于构建和谐的城市体系和合理的房价梯度。

    In next years , with the slow down of the tax of spear parts , FAW will drop down its price step by step . To keep harmonious urban system and rational price step is also very important in the long run .

  30. 同时市场煤,计划电的煤电价格机制以及运力瓶颈等问题,煤电供需总是出现紧张的问题,尤其是在遇到自然灾害等突发事件的情况下,一度引发电荒问题。

    At the same time , owing to the mechanism of coal and power price and bottleneck of transport capacity , supply and demand of coal are always strained , especially encountering natural disasters and other emergencies , may lead to the problem of electricity shortage .