
  • 网络Computational Intelligence;Computing Intelligence;computation intelligence;computational intelligent
  1. 协同进化算法是近年来计算智能领域的一个研究热点。

    Co-evolution algorithm is a hot research topic in the field of computational intelligence in recent years .

  2. 基于GIS和计算智能的烤烟生态适宜性评价

    Study on the Flue-cured Tobacco Ecological Suitability Evaluation Based on GIS and Computational Intelligence

  3. 计算智能(CI)是多种智能方法的集合体。

    Computational Intelligence ( CI ) is the set of methods .

  4. 该软件系统由列车牵引计算智能客户端、列车牵引计算WEBService及列车牵引计算数据库组成。

    The web-based software system is composed of a smart client , a web service of traction calculation and a database for a train traction calculation .

  5. 近年来在国际上,计算智能(ComputationalIntelligence,CI)已成为一个热门的研究开发领域。

    Computational Intelligence ( CI ) becomes internationally a hot R & D field in recent years .

  6. 计算智能(ComputationalIntelligence)是进化计算和人工神经网络以及模糊系统理论一起形成的一个新的研究的方向。

    Computational Intelligence is a new research direction with the evolutionary computation , artificial neural networks and fuzzy systems theory .

  7. 人工免疫系统AIS(ArtificialImmuneSystem)作为新型的计算智能系统,在计算机安全领域得到了广泛应用。从生物免疫机制入手,归纳和分析了目前人工免疫系统在计算机安全领域的应用;

    Artificial immune system ( AIS ) is an emerging computational intelligent system , and is widely used in the computer security fields .

  8. 用于VLSI物理设计的计算智能算法研究及应用

    Research and Application on Computational Intelligence for VLSI Physical Design

  9. 基于计算智能的COPD急性加重期证候特征临床研究

    Research The Clinical Research on Syndromes Feature of serious period of COPD based on Computational Intelligence

  10. 给出了一种将BP算法和遗传算法有机结合的全局收敛的混合计算智能学习算法。

    In this paper , a hybrid computation intelligent learning algorithm with the global convergence that combines BP algorithm with genetic algorithm is proposed .

  11. 在计算智能领域里有一类用来模拟生物群体智能的行为的研究,称为是群体智能(SwarmIntelligence)。

    There is a class of simulated biological behavior of swarm intelligence , called swarm intelligence ( Swarm Intelligence ) in the field of computational intelligence .

  12. 进而引入全局性较好的模拟退火算法的思想,提出了广义Gauss模型的模拟退火算法。通过算例比较了几种计算智能算法的全局性。

    With the simulated annealing algorithm being taken into consideration , the simulated algorithm for the extended Gauss model is proposed .

  13. 本文使用RBF神经网络和遗传算法建立了转炉提钒终点预报模型,并取得了较好的效果,为计算智能方法在复杂工业过程建模中的应用作出了有益的尝试。

    This paper discusses the construction procedure of Converting Furnace Endpoint Prediction Model in Refining vanadium based on RBF neural networks and Genetic Algorithms .

  14. 目前,受生物免疫系统启发而产生的人工免疫系统(ArtificialImmuneSystem,AIS)作为计算智能研究的新领域正在兴起。

    Nowadays , drawing inspiration from the vertebrate immune system , a new research field of artificial immune system ( AIS ) is springing up , which is a novel branch of computational intelligence .

  15. 在计算智能的工程应用方面,本文提出了Fourier系数的进化计算和神经计算两种智能计算方法,为Fourier变换的工程应用提供了方便。

    In the engineering application of CI , Two methods of evolutionary computing and neural computing the Fourier factors are proposed which redound to the application of Fourier transformation to the engineering .

  16. 而计算智能算法的主要应用对象是优化问题的难解问题,也就是优化理论中的NP问题。

    The main application area of the computational intelligence methods is the hard solved problems in the optimization , namely the non-deterministic polynomial ( NP ) problems .

  17. 图像分析与理解是目前国内外的一个热点与难点问题,对它们的研究方法较多,但很多方法较少同时考虑图像物体与3D场景中的先验知识及计算智能。

    Image analysis and understanding are hotspots and difficult problems in image areas . Many methods have been proposed in research on image analysis and understanding , but few of them considered prior knowledge and computing intelligence simultaneously .

  18. 同时,本文基于滑模变结构和计算智能相融合的控制技术,还分别设计了基于固定滑移率控制的ABS、TC系统。

    Also , based on the combination of the computational intelligence and the sliding mode control , an ABS and a traction control ( TC ) systems are , respectively , developed .

  19. 克隆选择算法(CSA)已经广泛应用于计算智能领域,而针对其理论方面的分析和研究工作相对较少。

    Clonal Selection Algorithm ( CSA ) has been widely applied in intelligent computation field , but the theoretical analysis and research works regarding CSA are relatively lacking .

  20. 本文将对计算智能类技术给出一个大体概述和部分相关代码,包括以下两部分:最优化(GAPSO),分类(ANNSVM)。

    This paper aims at giving out an introduction to computational intelligence and its related programming code , which includes two parts : optimization ( GA PSO ) and classification ( ANN SVM ) .

  21. 遥感(RS)技术在高等级公路工程中的应用正不断发展,而RS图像的计算机自动分类解译是RS数据解译计算智能化和自动化的关键技术之一。

    The application of RS technique is developing continuous in the express highway engineering and The computer automatic classification expounding of RS image is one of key technique on RS Date expounding and computing .

  22. 然后,本文结合华中电网利用EMS实时信息进行自动计算智能决策并实现控制的新型稳定控制系统的工程实践任务,对预决策稳定控制系统的实用化问题进行了研究。

    Then the paper devotes to solve some project problem by the working in the novel on-line pre-decision transient stability control system of Central China Power System based on online stability calculation using real-time data from EMS .

  23. 为了克服传统的统计和计量经济学模型的局限性,人工神经网络(ANN)、支持向量机(SVMs)和遗传规划(GeneticProgramming)等计算智能方法被运用于原油价格预测。

    Computational intelligence methods such as Artificial Neural Network ( ANN ), Support Vector Machines ( SVMs ) and Genetic Programming ( GP ) are applied to predict crude oil price so as to overcome the limitations of traditional statistical and econometric models .

  24. 1995年Storn和Price给出的差异演化是一种基于群体差异的计算智能类优化算法,具有全局并行快速搜索的特点,已成功应用于各种全局优化问题。

    DE is proposed by Storn and Price in 1995 , which is a stochastic , population-based , and relatively unknown evolutionary algorithm for global optimization that has recently been successfully applied to many optimization problems .

  25. 当前,隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的广泛应用以及计算智能(CI)技术的不断发展,为股票价格时间序列预测研究开阔了新的思路,提供了新的理论和技术支持。

    Currently , the extensive use of Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) and the continues development of computational intelligence ( CI ) technology , open a new way for stock price time series prediction research , and provide a new theoretical and technical support .

  26. 简要介绍了数据挖掘的基本知识和数据挖掘的两种主要模式:联机分析处理(OLAP)和数据挖掘的计算智能方法,最后给出了数据挖掘在通信侦察信号处理中的应用实例。

    This paper introduces the basic knowledge of data mining and it ′ s two main modes : on-line analysis processing ( OLAP ) and calculation intellectual method of data mining . It also gives a sample of the application of data mining in communication signal processing .

  27. 给出了计算智能引入CACDT(03)优化案例库规模的实例。

    The example of introduction of computational intelligence to the CACDT ( 03 ) to optimize a case base is given .

  28. 自组网体系结构研究计算智能的新框架:生物网络结构

    A new scheme for computational intelligence : bio - network architecture

  29. 基于计算智能方法的企业财务分析与预警的研究

    Research on enterprise financial analysis and warning based on computing intelligence

  30. 改进的粒子群计算智能算法及其多目标优化的应用研究

    Modified PSO Computational Intelligent Algorithm and the Application of Multi-objectives Optimization