
jì huà jīnɡ jì
  • planned economy
计划经济 [jì huà jīng jì]
  • [planned economy] 一种经济制度。经济要素(如劳动资本及自然资源)须受政府的控制和调节以期达到一个综合经济发展计划的目标

  1. 我国的经济从社会主义计划经济转变到社会主义市场经济时间不长,现在又加入WTO,过去在企业管理方面不科学的地方需要尽快完善,才能保证企业的健康发展。

    It was not long when our socialistic planned economy converted to socialistic market economy , and now we entered WTO , only perfect the enterprises ' management could we keep the enterprises going healthily .

  2. 由于目前我国国有商业银行基本制度是在计划经济下建立起来的,随着社会主义市场经济改革推进过程中和中国加入WTO,现行国有商业银行制度越来越成为银行进行市场化经营的障碍。

    Due to the basic system of the state owned commercial bank is founded in the planned economy , when the market economy reform boosted in China and China entered the WTO , present system of the state owned commercial bank became the obstacle of marketing management .

  3. 自军工企业于1999年开始体制改革及中国加入WTO,以中国北方工业公司为代表的军工产品研发制造单位开始走出计划经济体制,以独立市场主体身份进入到市场竞争环境中。

    Research and manufactory companies of military industry represented by NORINCO started to step out of the planned economic system which kept for decades to enter the market competition environment as an independent market player .

  4. 从计划经济到社会主义市场经济。

    From a planned economy to a socialist market economy .

  5. 区别于计划经济的新型劳动关系研究综述

    Review on the Study of New Labour Relationship Known from Planning Economy

  6. 高等学校人事工作的管理模式,是在计划经济条件下形成的。实行的是固定用人制度、职务终身制度和人才单位所有制度。

    The present personnel employment system is a product of planned economy .

  7. 传统计划经济存在着主观性、盲目性、产品性、非商品性。

    Plan economy retains attributes of subjectivity , blindness , product and non-commodity .

  8. 改革完善我国计划经济条件下形成的土地征收制度已成为当务之急。

    Therefore , it is urgent to reform and consummate the land expropriation .

  9. 中国的零售企业在告别了过去的计划经济模式后,转入了市场经济。

    Retail business of China enter market economy after leaving previous planned economy .

  10. 一是完全的计划经济时代(建国至1984年);

    First , planned economy era complete ( found a state until 1984 );

  11. 一般在计划经济体制下,都是卖方市场。

    Fall in planned economy system commonly , it is seller 's market .

  12. 计划经济、行政性分权和市场经济

    Planned Economy , Administrative Decentralization and Market Economy

  13. 建立计划经济制度是一个制度移植及其本土化改造的过程。

    It is a course of transplantation and localization to set up planned economy .

  14. 在传统计划经济体制下,国有企业中的委托代理问题解决得并不成功。

    The principle-agent problem of SOEs was solved unsuccessfully under the traditional planned economy system .

  15. 或是计划经济体制下部门管理的延伸,带有浓厚行政色彩;

    Some are the extension of department management in planning economic system with strong administrative color ;

  16. 从计划经济体制转向市场经济体制,包含着认识模式与机制的转变。

    It contains a change of cognition model and mechanism from planed economy to market economy .

  17. 本文认为,在传统计划经济体制下,市场秩序的建立主要采取行政手段;

    Under planned economic system , construction of market order was mainly achieved by administrative measures .

  18. 计划经济体制下,管理会计在我国就得到初步运用;

    Under the planned economy system , management accounting obtained the preliminary utilization in our country .

  19. 中国以计划经济为主导,土地基本无偿使用,并不能体现土地的价值。

    The land was basically for gratuitous utility and could not present the price of land .

  20. 实行政府计划经济和国家统一计划的对外贸易体制。

    The government planned economy and the state unified planned foreign trade system should be implemented .

  21. 由于我国长期计划经济导致的经济结构僵化,生产大量重复,不能形成有效的供给,加重了供需失衡。

    Because of the fixed planned economy for long time , the economic structure is rigid .

  22. 社会主义只能实行计划经济,而资本主义只能实行市场经济。

    Socialism can only implement the planned economy , but capitalism can only implement the market economy .

  23. 在计划经济时期为保证原油生产,不计费用;

    To ensure the produce in the period of planned economy , the cost is not calculated .

  24. 在20世纪50年代中期计划经济基础上建立起来的城市街道管理体制,在市场化和城市化的进程中暴露出许多不适应。

    Based on 1950s ' planned economy , the Urban Subdistrict Offices Administrative System was built up .

  25. 纳赛尔时期建立的体系化的现代社会保障制度是计划经济的产物,为巩固年轻共和国及社会各阶级的融合起到积极作用。

    The systematic social guarantee system that was built in Nasser Period is result of planned economy .

  26. 我国非正式制度变迁严重滞后,最大障碍来自于传统的计划经济体制及与之相应的文化;

    Architecture Related Culture The biggest obstacle arises from the traditional planned economy system and the related culture .

  27. 自上而下和自下而上是我国城市化在传统计划经济体制和市场经济体制下形成的两种模式,不同体制下制度安排上的差异是决定两种模式特点的根本原因;

    Country urbanization in China has formed two models in the traditional planned economy and the market economy .

  28. 中国社会转型最深刻的转变即是社会经济体制由计划经济向市场经济转型。

    The biggest transition in China is the transition of economy system from planned economy to free market .

  29. 计划经济方面,重点论述了经济计划的制定和实施情况。

    On the aspect of planned economy , the author stressed making and implementing of the planned economy .

  30. 改革计划经济体制,扩大地方和企业的权限;

    We should reform the system of planned economy and expand the power of local authorities and enterprises ;