
  • 网络Economic operation mode;Operation Model of Economy
  1. 我国找矿风险勘查经济运作模式的演化趋势

    The Pattern for Risk of Reconnaissance and the Prospecting Economy in China-Direction and Evolution

  2. 在城市化进程中,城市赋予了媒介新型的经济运作模式、新型的受众和新型的媒介文化。

    In the course of urbanization , the city gives the media new economic operation form , new receiver , new media cultural .

  3. 健全的劳动立法是将劳动力纳入法制化管理轨道、实行社会主义市场经济运作模式不可或缺的重要实施环节。

    Sound legislation on labour in China is a key and indispensable link in legislating the labour force under the socialist market economy system .

  4. Internet和电子商务改变了企业管理的运营模式和世界经济的商业运作模式,推动了全球性经济和产业结构的大调整。

    Internet and electric business changed the practical models of the business management and the world economics , promoted the big adjustment of the global economy and enterprice construction .

  5. 他是一个房地产经纪人。杭州经济租赁住房及其运作模式分析

    Analysis on Economic Rental Housing and Its Operation Mode in Hangzhou

  6. 走向市场经济的建筑运作新模式对传统的中国建筑界形成了前所未有的冲击,这种冲击一方面是业主越来越渴求建设项目在市场运作模式下的综合效益;

    With the development of the market economy , it has been important impact on Chinese groups from the new mode of architectural operation . One part of the impact is from the proprietors , who need more and more complex benefit of the building project in market .

  7. 注意力经济是以注意力资源的生产和分配为基础所形成的经济关系以及商业运作模式,关于注意力的探讨为传媒的研究提供了一个新视角。

    The author points out that " attention economy " is the economic relation and the business operation pattern that based on the production and distribution of attention resources , and that the study on " attention " provides a new approach to the study of media .

  8. 经济体制指的是国家在一定的经济制度基础上建立起来的具体经济关系和经济运作模式。

    The economic institution is the country 's concrete economic relations and economic operating pattern which is established on the basis of certain economic system .