
  • 网络Planning unit;ERP;Program Units;PI-Planning Item
  1. 家有一老的家庭在申请购买居者有其挝蜡私人参建居挝蜡住宅发售计划单位时,也会获优先处理。

    Families with at least one elderly member will also have their HOS / PSPS / FFSS application priorities upgraded .

  2. 无线传感器网络的发展,最早是美国加州柏克莱大学的一项由美国国防部研究计划单位支助的称之为智能灰尘的研究计划,最初的应用是在军事上。

    The wireless sensor network development originated from " Smart Dust " project of UC Berkley that supported by the American Department of Defense and the initial application is on militarily .

  3. 据Edmunds.com数据,1、2两月,通用汽车用于营销激励计划的单位成本是1000多美元/辆车。

    GM was spending $ 1,000 more per vehicle in January and February , according to Edmunds .

  4. 有些生产、利润都没有完成计划的单位也发了奖。

    Bonuses were issued even by some units which failed to fulfil their quotas of production and profit .

  5. 事务委员会讨论将居者有其屋计划剩馀单位用作纪律部队部门宿舍的建议。

    The panel discussed the proposed use of surplus home ownership scheme flats for reprovisioning departmental quarters for the disciplined services .

  6. 计划设立更多单位防控森林火灾。

    More units to fight forest fires are planned

  7. 伴随计划经济时期单位体制的衰落,非公有制经济和股份制经济的发展,城市社区作用日益重要。

    With the decline of the " unit system " of the planned economy period and with the development of the non-publicly-owned economy and joint stock economy , the function of community has become more and more important .

  8. 我们已经设计了许多计划来表示生态单位的体系性质。

    Many schemes have been devised to present the hierarchic nature of ecologic units .

  9. 尽管机场计划中说所有单位都将做出反应,但在坠机现场只有两辆消防车前来参与救援。

    Although the airport plan states that ALL units will respond , only two vehicles attended the crash site .

  10. 据介绍,1995年,中国人口福利基金会、中国计划生育协会等单位联合发起了“幸福工程&救助贫困母亲行动”。

    The Happiness Project was initiated in1995 and is jointly sponsored by the China Population Welfare Foundation and the China Family Planning Association .

  11. 计划经济时代,单位是中国城市人口的承载中心。而社区组织只是单位体制的一个补充,为没有单位的人提供少量社会服务。

    In the period of planned economy , unit is the bearing center of main urban population in China , whereas community organization is only a supplement of unit constitution , supplying persons without unit with a little community service .

  12. 高职生、专业培养计划和用人单位三者之间定位不均衡,是导致高职毕业生就业率低、跳槽频率高、工作稳定性差的重要原因。

    The imbalanced orientation among higher vocational school students , specialty cultivation plan and employment institutions is important reason which result in low employment rate , high rate of changing jobs and unstability of jobs of graduates of higher vocational school .

  13. 事务委员会讨论处理居者有其屋计划及私人机构参建居屋计划剩馀单位安排的进展。

    The panel discussed the progress of the proposed arrangements for disposing of the surplus flats under the home ownership scheme and the private sector participation scheme .

  14. 在厘定居屋计划、私人参建计划及住宅发售计划单位的售价方面,市民的负担能力是主要的考虑因素。

    Affordability is the primary consideration in determining the price of hos , PSPS and FFSs flats .

  15. 赎回风潮直到美国财政部公布了一项临时担保计划方才得到遏制,财政部将担保所有付费参与该计划基金的单位资产净值不低于1美元。

    The resulting investor anxiety led to billions of dollars of outflows from money funds that were only stemmed when the Treasury announced a temporary guarantee of the $ 1 net asset value for all funds that paid a fee to participate in the programme .