
  • 网络supply price
  1. 使用该模型通过扰动分析,导出了减排量的最高需求价格和最低供给价格的计算公式。

    In the model , the formula of the highest demand price and lowest supply price for a country are derived through the perturbation analysis .

  2. 对于农产品批发价格而言,主要受到其自身价格和生产资料价格的影响;对于食品零售价格而言,受到上游供给价格的影响明显,但影响时间较为短暂。

    For wholesale price of agricultural products , it mainly impacted by prices of its own and production materials ; for food retail price , it is impacted by upstream supply price significantly in a relatively short time .

  3. 应用混沌理论研究了供应链产品定价行为的混沌特性,基于最大Lyapunov指数对供应链产品供给价格序列进行预测。

    Chaotic theory is applied to analyze the chaotic properties of pricing behavior in a supply chain , and a numerical forecast on the series of prices in a supply chain is given based on the maximum Lyapunov exponent .

  4. 体制性缺陷是供给价格与需求价格之间矛盾激化的根本原因。

    Deficts in system are the main reasons that intensify the conflicts .

  5. 赋税如何在消费者和生产者之间分担,取决于该商品的需求价格弹性和供给价格弹性。

    How to share the taxes between consumers and producers depends on the price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply .

  6. 建筑成本对于低分位房地产价格影响最大,这说明当地的房地产价格更真实地反映了房地产的供给价格。

    Construction cost has the greatest impact on low quantile regions real estate prices , indicating that local house prices more truly reflect the supply of real estate prices .

  7. 其中,客观测度之国民经济层面,逐步运用需求&供给价格弹性视角和国民收入分配视角对中国税负进行分析。

    In one aspect of objective measures which is on the national economy level , use demand-supply price elasticity perspective and the distribution of national income perspective gradually to analyze the tax burden in China .

  8. 基于水资源价值理论以及供给价格和需求价格的平衡关系,构建了包含供给价格评价模块、需求价格评价模块和均衡价格评价模块的水资源定价模型。

    Based on water resource value theory and supply price and demand price balance relationship , this paper represents the water pricing model which include supply price evaluation module , demand price evaluation module and equilibrium price evaluation module .

  9. 但仍有原因需要顾虑:消费者调查显示预期收入下降的人口比例有史最高,批发价格图表显示除能源类产品,其他产品价格下降远超供给价格。

    Still , there are reasons to fret . Consumer surveys suggest the share of people who expect their incomes to decline is the highest on record . Wholesale-price figures suggest that prices other than energy are falling further down the supply chain .

  10. 规则再造的关键在于将传统市场逻辑下的价格需求供给价格机制,改造成非竞争性市场逻辑下的效用需求供给成本机制,重新塑造新的供求法则。

    The key of rule reengineering lies in a change in which the " price-demand-supply-price " mechanism under the logic of traditional market is transformed into " utility-demand-supply-cost " mechanism under the logic of non-competitive market , thus reengineer new rule of demand and supply again .

  11. 当前,我国农民教育消费力有减弱的趋势,其影响因素主要有农民收入增长缓慢、教育供给价格偏高、农村教育消费的社会环境不佳等。

    The present peasant 's educational consuming capacity of our country has the tendency to weaken , and the main impact factors including peasant 's slowly growth in earnings , the high supply prices of educational consumption , social environment and the psychological expectancy of educational consumer .

  12. 分析均衡价格与经济均衡的价格、需求价格、供给价格和供给与需求称谓存在的问题,笔者发现,供求与价格反正比关系是难以成立的。

    This part is the comment on analysis of titles of price , demand price , supply price , supply and demand in the theory of equilibrium price and the economic equilibrium . This shows the view of inverse and direct proportions between supply and price are untenable .

  13. 现在,稳定的供给比价格更重要。

    Now stable supply is more important than the price .

  14. 资本流动、货币供给与价格总水平&一个理论分析框架

    Capital Flow , Money Supply and Price Level : A Theoretical Frame

  15. 我国货币供给与价格之间关系的实证分析:1978-2004

    Relationship between Money Supply and Price in China : a Case Study on 1978-2004

  16. 评介了1996年世界钼的需求、供给和价格。

    The demand , supply , price for molybdenum in 1996 in the world were reviewed .

  17. 为此,基于宏观经济模型建立了三部门模型并引入费雪方程来调整货币供给和价格水平。

    A grid model called Three-Department model is built and Fishers equation is presented based on macroeconomics .

  18. 对货币供给与价格关系的研究,可用来检验货币政策的效应及货币是否中性。

    The studies on the relationship between money supply and price are helpful to test the effect of monetary policy and the neutrality of money .

  19. 美国农民说,政府对乙醇的需求正在开始减少,因此目前对玉米供给和价格产生的冲击已有所缓和。

    American farmers say that government demand for ethanol is starting to abate , so the impact on Maize supplies and prices is more modest now .

  20. 还呼吁通过各种金融与法律制度,引导企业加强与农户之间的垂直协作关系,以减少企业商品型农业技术供给对价格的弹性,进而提高企业对农户技术服务的质量。

    The vertical cooperation between enterprises and peasant household should be further strengthened through financial and lawful policies to improve the service quality provided by enterprises .

  21. 可再生能源开始让电力供给和价格产生波动之际,有专家认为,如果新建立的市场规则足够明智,应该可以把成本控制在合理范围内。

    As renewable energy sources start to cause gyrations in power supplies and prices , experts contend that clever new market rules could keep the costs reasonable .

  22. 正如第二章内容所指出的,单个厂商的供给是价格与每个价格上厂商提供销售的数量之间的关系。

    As indicated in Chapter Two , an individual firm 's supply is a series of prices and the quantities that would be offered for sale at each price .

  23. 当前形势提醒我们,即使是最发达的农业体系也无法摆脱天气无常的影响,这不仅会导致国内市场供给和价格波动,还会波及国际市场。

    The situation reminds us that even the most advanced agricultural systems are subject to the vagaries of the weather , leading to volatility in supplies and prices not just on domestic markets but also internationally .

  24. 在依靠外围粮食供应网络的背景下,城市粮食的安全供给和价格平稳都无法保证,而且由食物运输带来的石油资源耗费及碳排放严重阻碍城市的可持续发展。

    Rely on the external food supply network , city cannot assurance food supplying safety and the stable prices of the food , and the oil resources consumption and carbon emissions that come from the transportation of food are a serious impediment to the urban sustainable development .

  25. 在EUETS下,受政策和制度影响的配额供给是交易价格最重要影响因素,但是随着政策与交易制度的完善,影响程度逐渐变小。

    In the EU ETS , quota supply affected by policy and institution is the most important factor , but it has less and less effect on price with trading policy and system consummation .

  26. 文章通过估计和检验结构VAR模型,发现货币冲击、供给冲击和价格冲击都对短期利率产生了持续显著的影响,而对长期利率则没有显著作用效果。

    By estimating and testing the structural VAR model , we find that the monetary shock , supply shock and price shock have significant and persistent effects on the short term interest rates , but have no significant effects on long term interest rates .

  27. 土地供应政策对住房供给与住房价格的影响研究

    The impact of land supply policy on housing supply and prices

  28. 供给冲击、价格总水平下降与货币量紧缩

    Supply Shock , The Alteration of General Price Level and Deflation

  29. 但过度供给意味着价格还将继续下跌。

    But the oversupply means that prices will keep falling .

  30. 去年石油供给充足,价格降到最低点。

    Last year there was a big supply of oil and the price hit bottom .