
  • 网络Supply changes;change in supply
  1. 财政支出受货币供给变动的影响较小;

    The fiscal expenditure has little effect on money supply .

  2. 寿险市场的需求每增加1%,大约会带动寿险供给变动1.5%左右;

    The demand of life insurance market each increase 1 % , can drive life insurance supply change 1.5 % probably ;

  3. 为了实现调控货币供应量的目标,防止高通货膨胀,央行使用各种货币政策工具来冲销这种由国际收支双顺差所带来的被动的货币供给变动。

    In order to control the money supply and prevent high inflation , PBC has used some monetary policy instruments to sterilize the passively expanded money supply driven by the double surpluses .

  4. 粮食供给的变动取决于多方面的因素。

    Many factors play roles in the change of supply of grain .

  5. 房价对地价的影响主要是通过房产需求和供给的变动影响房价,并进而影响地价。

    The effects of housing prices to land prices mainly through real estate demand and supply effects of changes in prices , thus affecting land prices .

  6. 同时,收入差距和公共财政政策都会影响到人力资本投资供给曲线的变动。

    On the other hand , income differences and public financial policies could affect the supply .

  7. 在市场经济条件下,电力总需求与社会总供给之间发生变动时,必然会反应到市场上。

    In the market economy environment , when the total power demands and social supplies change , the market inevitably responds to that .

  8. 另一方面,需求因素会引起物质资本投资、R&D支出、人力资本和FDI、进口等供给面因素的变动,从而对生产率产生间接的影响。

    On the other hand , aggregate demand can also result in the changes of physical capital investment , R & D expenditures , human capital and FDI , import , as well as other supply-side factors . This means aggregate demand has an indirect effect on TFP .

  9. 在由货币供给引起的消费变动中,房地产市场渠道发挥着一定的作用。

    In the changes of consumption caused by money supply , market channels of real estate play a certain role .

  10. 意指货币流通速度会呈现出与货币供给方向相反的变动,从而抵消货币供给的影响。

    Implying that velocity of circulation could move in the opposite direction to the money supply , thus negating its influence .

  11. 而供给与需求又是变动的。结论:影响体育商品供给变动的因素为政府行为、体育商品及其投入品的价格和相关商品的价格等;

    The authors point out based on analysis that the factors that influence the changes in sports goods supply are the governmental behavior , the price of sports and related goods , and all those used in the making of sports goods .

  12. 由于决定货币需求和供给的因素相互独立,因此货币供给的变动会导致价格水平的变动。

    Because supply and demand of currency are determined independently , the money supply will impact the price .

  13. 货币需求与货币供给的实证研究目的是为了建立稳定的货币需求函数和从定量上探讨货币供给因素变动规律及其内在传导机制的特性。

    The empirical analysis of money demand and money supply aims to make a stable money demand function , approach money supply factors fluctuating disciplinarian and the speciality of money supply transmission mechanism .

  14. 最后,对河北省饲草供给与需求的影响因素进行分析,指出这些因素共同综合地影响和决定着饲草供给与需求的变动和饲草产业结构的变动及发展。

    Finally , it analyzed the influencing factors of forage grass supplies and demands in Hebei province , pointed out that these factors comprehensively affected and determine the forage grass supplies and the demands changes and the forage industry structure changes and development .