
  • 网络supply management
  1. 而另一个被广泛关注的指数则来自供给管理协会,它现实了制造业在四月的表现超过预期。

    A widely watched index from the Institute for Supply Management showed manufacturing was unexpectedly strong in April .

  2. 医疗服务营销就是一项制度创新:面向需求进行服务的供给管理。

    Marketing in medical service is a system 's innovation and it is a supply management facing the demand .

  3. 水资源管理应尽快完成由供给管理向需求管理的转变;

    Water resources management should be transferred from supplies management to demand management ;

  4. 试论运用供给管理启动国内需求

    Starting The Inner Demands By Using Supply Manage

  5. 通过研究国内外城市水资源可持续利用需求和供给管理模式,提出了基于可持续理论的水资源可持续利用发展新模式。

    This paper puts forward a new model for sustainable utilization of water resources based on the theory of sustainable development .

  6. 从知识供给管理内容出发,阐述了现代图书馆服务的职能调整及管理模式的转换;

    From the provision patterns , this paper expands the functions of the modern libraries and the conversion of management models .

  7. 第二,宏观调控要从需求管理为主转变为供给管理为主,加快推进结构调整;

    Secondly , the macro control shall shift from demand management to supply management so as to accelerate the structure adjustment .

  8. 在中国产业结构转型和升级问题日益严峻的背景下,需求管理政策显得力不从心,客观上要求积极财政政策从原来的需求管理为主转向供给管理为主。

    Demand management policy is not suitable with the industrial structure transformation in China which calls for the positive fiscal policy .

  9. 传统的以供给管理为主、部门分散管理的水资源管理模式显然已不能有效解决这些水资源问题。

    Obviously , the traditional water resources management model where supply management and separating management predominate cannot resolve these water problems effectively .

  10. 强化供给管理,通过产业倾斜政策和现代企业制度的建立优化产业结构与提高供给效率。

    Heighten the management of supply , by the emphasized industry policy and modern factory system improve the struction and efficiency of supply .

  11. 美国20世纪80年代供给管理政策实践研究&暨我国当前宏观调控转向思考

    Research on the Fulfillment of America 's Supply Management Policies in 1980s & A Thought on Direction Change of China 's Current Macro-Control

  12. 长期以来,我国政府在解决水资源短缺问题上一直采用供给管理的策略,其对策主要以工程技术为主,如开发地下水、南水北调等。

    For a long time , our government always adopts the tactics of supply management on solving the problem of the water shortage .

  13. 因此,文章建议从加强供给管理入手,为社会提供更多的有效供给才是化解宏观经济矛盾的战略选择。

    The article points out the strategic choice that can resolve the macro economy contradiction is strength the supply management and bring more effective supply to the society .

  14. 结合西方国家及我国的经济实践,对宏观调控中的供给管理和需求管理进行了重新的思考。

    Based on the economic practice in western countries and in China , this paper gives a consideration on supply management and demand management in the macro-control system afresh .

  15. 随着水资源管理由供给管理向需求管理的不断转变,社会适应性能力(社会资源)作为一种重要资源而倍受关注。

    With the shift of water resources management form water supply management to water demand management , more and more attention was paid to the social resources ( anotherimportant resource ) .

  16. 宏观调控中的需求管理政策是一种见效较快的短期政策,供给管理政策则是一种能为提高经济效率和改善经济结构的长期政策。

    The needs management policy is effective but only function well in short term and the supply management policy is effective and good to improve the economic structure , but it takes a long time .

  17. 为此,首先要改变水资源管理思路,将水资源管理从供给管理转向需求管理,从资源化管理转向资产化管理。

    For this reason , firstly we should change train of thought of water resources management , transfer demand management to supply management of water resources , change from the resources into the assets management .

  18. 1985年我国确立了中央银行体制下的货币供给管理体制。该体制中的三要素&基础货币、货币乘数和货币供应量之间的相互独立、相互依存的关系开始形成。

    The management system of currency provision under the government of Central Bank was set up in 1985.The relationship of the three elements of base currency , currency multiplier and currency provisions began to be erected , which are mutually independent and dependent .

  19. 文章引入虚拟水的概念,将水资源管理分为供给管理、需求管理、内部结构性管理和社会化管理四个层次,从理论角度分析了水资源社会化管理与水资源恢复重建的关系;

    The paper first introduced the concept of virtual water , and classified the water management into supply management , demand management , inter-structure management and socialization management , and the relationship of water management and natural resource reconstruction was analyzed in theory .

  20. 又分为城市房产管理法律制度,城市交通管理法律制度,城市日常供给管理法律制度和城市卫生管理法律制度四大方面。

    Specifically , it can be split into four main aspects , that is , legal system of urban real estate management , legal system of urban traffic management , legal system of city daily supply management and legal system of city sanitation management .

  21. 强调需求管理政策以扩大内需能够较快地发挥作用,同时又存在许多弊端。采用供给管理政策虽见效较慢,但它却是提高企业的活力,实现经济持续稳定增长的治本之策。

    If we stress the needs management policy we can achieve the goals of enlarging the domestic market , but it has many shortcomings . While the supply management policy takes a long time to function well , but it can enhance the vigor of some enterprises .

  22. 值得一提的是,该院专家学者在供给链管理、服务营销和管理等商业新功能领域方面做出了突出贡献。

    Specially , within the school , scholars helped define new functional areas of business including supply chain management and services marketing and management .

  23. 加强营业厅服务供给需求管理,提高服务效率和服务质量,才可以为客户创造更多价值,实现客户满意、移动通信运营商获利的双赢目标。

    The management of supply and demand of service should be enhanced to improve service efficiency and quality and create more values for customers , so that the win-win goal may be realized to achieve satisfaction of customers and profits of operator .

  24. 货币供给与外汇管理体制改革

    Money Supply and the Reform of Foreign Exchange Administration System

  25. 略论政府建筑供给&公共管理的话语分析

    On the Provision of Government Buildings : Discourse Analyses of Public Administration

  26. 刺激有效供给的供给管理政策,就是要把促进优势企业的投资与企业加快技术创新和结构调整相结合。

    The supply management policy aimed at pumping effective supply is to promote investment , technical innovations and structural readjustment of advantageous enterprises .

  27. 之后,按照需求型财政管理理论和供给型财政管理理论的不同着眼点和优势,具体从政府支出政策和收入政策两个大方面提出了政策实施方式的对策。

    Third , according to the difference between supplying-type management theory and demanding-type financial management theory . Concrete to put forward policy implement the countermeasure of the way both in expenditure policy and income policy two great respect .

  28. 然而这一举措的实施,将会对现行政府间财政关系、农村基层政权、农村公共服务的供给方式和管理产生巨大的冲击和影响。

    However , with the implementation of this strategy we will have great difficulties in dealing with the financial relations between the present governments , the rural political power at the basic level and the supply and management of the rural public service .

  29. 针对社区环境市场化供给与社区管理的结合现状,通过生活垃圾典型管理模式分析,探讨不同模式运行的边界条件和推广的可能性,以及政府在促进社区力量生长、社区机制培育中应起的作用。

    According to status of community marketing supply combining with community management and by means of domestic waste typical management model analysis , boundary conditions and popularizing possibility of different models operation , and government function in promoting community power growth and community development mechanism were discussed .

  30. 公益组织是社会组织中的一个重要类型,在公共服务供给和公共管理过程中,尤其是在扶助弱势群体、开展公益性社会服务以及提供社会福利方面,公益组织在扮演着重要的角色。

    Social welfare organizations are an important type of organization , as the supply of public services and public management process , especially in helping vulnerable groups , to carry out public social services and the provision of social welfare , public organizations play an important role .