
  • Philips;Philips Electronics;NXP
  1. 飞利浦决心保持其在消费类电子产品领域的世界领先地位。

    In the field of consumer electronics , Philips is determined to remain a world leader

  2. 与飞利浦公司的交易也使斯巴克得以进入一个新市场——消费类电子产品。

    The Philips deal also gives Sparc a foot in the door of a new market — consumer electronics .

  3. 我知道你们中的很多人使用飞利浦的DirectLife。

    A lot of you have gotten that Phillips Direct Life .

  4. 飞利浦C型臂X光机无图像显示故障的分析和处理

    Analysis and Troubleshooting of A Failure Case for PHILIPS C-arm X-ray Machine

  5. GeneralMagic和飞利浦的袖珍电脑产品都未能取得大的成就。

    Neither General Magic nor the Philips pocket computers amounted to much .

  6. 飞利浦告诉他们“ph”的发音像”f”一样。

    Philip tells them " ph " sounds like an " f " .

  7. 这项工作是密切配合公司如IBM和飞利浦。

    This job is closely cooperated with companies such as IBM and Philips .

  8. 飞利浦Aura螺旋CT高压故障分析

    Failure Analysis of High Voltage in Philip Aura Spiral CT

  9. 1956年的“安魂曲”最初发布于飞利浦唱片,和很短的时间,飞利浦的CD。

    The1956 " Requiem " was originally released on Philips LP , and for a short time , on Philips CD .

  10. 飞利浦M3系列监护仪两类故障分析

    The two trouble analysis of Philips M3 monitor

  11. 飞利浦A3心电监护仪漫游轮故障排除

    Troubleshooting of Roaming Round for Philips A3 Electrocardiograph Monitor

  12. 索尼和飞利浦发明了CD-ROM技术并销售了首批播放器。

    Sony and Philips invented CD-ROM technology and sold the first players .

  13. 飞利浦表示,自从2006年卖掉PhilipsSemiconductor之后,它已不再生产该款设备的元件。

    Philips said it no longer made the components in question , having sold Philips Semiconductor in 2006 .

  14. 适用于飞利浦系列IIS总线芯片。

    Philips applied to a series of IIS Bus chip .

  15. 法德尔曾在先锋移动软件公司GeneralMagic就职,随后在飞利浦(Philips)创建了一个专做手持设备的部门。

    Fadell had done a stint at the pioneering mobile-software company General Magic and then created a division within Philips to make handheld devices .

  16. 出于同样的原因,飞利浦(Philips)去年撤销了出售旗下一家照明产品子公司的计划。

    Philips withdrew the sale of its lighting subsidiary last year under similar concerns .

  17. 企业投入了大量精力用于开发新产品,正如飞利浦公司美容市场经理大卫希尔(DavidHill)所说那样,这些投入带来的不仅仅是闪光灯。

    Great effort is invested in developing products that , as Philips ' grooming marketing manager David Hill puts it , offer more than just extra flashing lights .

  18. JenniferSandberg是费舍尔飞利浦亚特兰大办事处的一名合伙律师。

    Jennifer Sandberg is a law partner in the Atlanta offices of Fisher & Phillips .

  19. 飞利浦(PHILIPS)数字伺服技术

    Digital Servo Technology of PHILIPS

  20. 荷兰电子集团飞利浦(philips)去年将消费类电器业务总部搬到了上海。

    Dutch electronics group Philips last year switched the headquarters of its consumer appliances business to Shanghai .

  21. 上月,美国外国投资委员会(CommitteeonForeignInvestmentintheUS)阻止了飞利浦(Philips)一笔貌似无关痛痒的交易,这家荷兰集团欲以31亿美元将照明业务出售给一个中国财团。

    Last month , the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US blocked a seemingly innocuous $ 3.1bn sale of a lighting unit from Philips , the Dutch conglomerate , to a Chinese consortium .

  22. 2011年,飞利浦设计荣获了99项国际设计大奖,创下了公司的历史最高纪录,其中包括多个iF和红点(RedDot)等在业内极受推崇的产品设计奖项。

    In 2011 , Philips Design received 99 major international design awards , including multiple prestigious if and red dot prizes for product design & the most ever for the brand .

  23. 这一全球合作关系将为飞利浦和AOL时代华纳在全世界范围内带来新的顾客。

    This global partnership will bring Philips and AOL Time Warner to new consumers around the world .

  24. 我们的射频功率晶体管系列主要取代了摩托罗拉,飞利浦,汤姆逊和SGS的。

    Our line of RF power transistors primarily replaces those from Motorola , Philips , and SGS Thomson .

  25. 得益于其产品线条流畅的优雅美感,飞利浦得以比肩苹果(Apple)和宝马(BMW),在最纯粹的设计圈中也享有盛誉。

    Thanks to the elegant , streamlined aesthetics of its products , in the most rarified design circles , Philips ranks with the likes of apple ( AAPL ) and BMW .

  26. 荷兰的皇家飞利浦电子股份有限公司(KoninklijkePhilipsElectronicsN.V.)推出名为“精于心,简于形”(senseandsimplicity)的宣传活动,强调其如何开发富有内涵又便于使用的产品。

    Philips Electronics NV of the Netherlands has a campaign called'sense and simplicity'highlighting how it is developing products that make sense and are easy to use .

  27. 去年,ifl一直在为电子集团飞利浦公司(philips)设计一个新的养老金系统。

    In the past year IFL has been designing a new pensions system for Philips , the electronics group .

  28. 上个月,美国外国投资委员会(CommitteeonForeignInvestment)以“预想不到的担忧”为由,封杀了荷兰集团飞利浦(Philips)将旗下照明部门以31亿美元卖给一家中国财团的交易。

    The Committee on Foreign Investment in the US , last month blocked a $ 3.1bn sale of a lighting unit from Philips , the Dutch conglomerate , to a Chinese consortium due to " unforeseen concerns . "

  29. 荷兰电子产品集团飞利浦(philips)中国区总裁张(davidchang)表示,过去4年,对于制造商而言,中国成为一个更为稳定的市场。

    China has become a more stable environment for manufacturers over the past four years , according to David Chang , President of China at Philips , the Dutch electronics group .

  30. 在飞利浦棱镜系统中,当一定大小孔径角的照明光束斜入射到分色合色薄膜后,S偏振分量和P偏振分量存在一定的相位差,使得线偏振光变成椭圆偏振光。

    When illuminating light with a large numerical aperture incident on dichroic thin films at a non-normal angle in Philips prism system , linear polarized light is turned into elliptical polarized light because of the difference of the phase shift between s - and p-polarization component .