
kè lǐ mǔ lín gōng
  • the Kremlin
克里姆林宫 [kè lǐ mǔ lín gōng]
  • [Kremlin] 俄罗斯中央政府所在地

克里姆林宫[kè lǐ mǔ lín gōng]
  1. Natasha住在莫斯科,她在冬天的雪地中路过克里姆林宫。

    Natasha lives in Moscow She walks past the Kremlin in the winter snow .

  2. 克里姆林宫(还有aar)并不想再次赶走达德利先生,他们热衷的,是吸引bp更深入地参与俄罗斯商业活动,并增加对bp的影响力。

    Rather than wanting to chase Mr Dudley away again , the Kremlin ( and AAR ) are keen to draw BP deeper into Russian business and gain more influence over it .

  3. 为什么右派在克里姆林宫有如此大的权力?

    Why did the right wing have so much power within the Kremlin ?

  4. 这个职位将给他提供一个强有力的政治基点来挑战克里姆林宫。

    The post will give him a powerful political base from which to challenge the Kremlin

  5. 国防部会把你作为流氓极端分子把克里姆林宫爆炸案归咎于你和你的小组。

    Where the DOD will label you as a rogue1 extremist and hang the Kremlin bombing on you and your team .

  6. 50万美元的费用克林顿迄今得到的最高额演讲费之一是与克里姆林宫有关的俄罗斯投资银行复兴资本(RenaissanceCapital)支付的。

    The $ 500,000 fee among Clinton 's highest was paid by Renaissance Capital , a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin .

  7. G7警告,如果克里姆林宫企图吞并克里米亚,将采取进一步行动。

    They warned of further action if the Kremlin attempted to annex Crimea .

  8. 遗憾的是,弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)重返克里姆林宫可算不上什么好消息。

    Unfortunately , the return of Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin does not qualify as good news .

  9. 如今硬汉弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)又重回克里姆林宫,因此俄美关系能否恢复友好还很难说。

    The Russian reset is in danger , now that an angry Vladimir Putin has returned to the Kremlin .

  10. 这位克里姆林宫领导说,十年来,开支将首次超过收入,造成的财政赤字不低于政府GDP的7%。

    The Kremlin leader says will revenues for the first time in ten years , creating a budget deficit of seven percent of the country 's gross domestic product .

  11. 熟知克里姆林宫想法的人士表示,俄罗斯在外交上的转变,一定程度上是受到美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)重置美俄关系的推动。重置之说,缓和了莫斯科在布什时代的受围心态。

    People familiar with Kremlin thinking say the shift was facilitated in part by President Barack Obama 's reset of relations , which has eased Moscow 's Bush-era siege mentality .

  12. 这一指责,以及它所带来的可怕暗示——克里姆林宫密谋协助唐纳德·J·特朗普(DonaldJ.Trump)——直到周五前都还只是捕风捉影。

    Until Friday , that charge , with its eerie suggestion of a Kremlin conspiracy to aid Donald J. Trump , has been only whispered .

  13. 此次选举将总统职位交给了来自一个不同时代、且被视为克里姆林宫(kremlin)高层中相对持自由主义观点的人物。

    The vote hands the presidency to a man from a different generation and seen as a relative liberal among senior Kremlin officials .

  14. 据说,克里姆林宫完全了解并认可aar发起的法律挑战。

    The legal challenge from AAR is said to come with the full knowledge and approval of the Kremlin .

  15. 持强硬立场的共和党批评人士一再斥责美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)及其顾问对克里姆林宫太软弱了,没有比这更让后者恼火的了。

    There has been nothing more infuriating to US President Barack Obama and his advisers than being told time and again by his hardline Republican critics that he has been soft on the Kremlin .

  16. 然而莫斯科资本投资银行(CapitalInvestmentBank)的首席分析师卡里哈林(SergeiKarykhalin)对于来自西方的负面影响并不怎么担心,因为他认为,克里姆林宫领导人早已把可能出现的报复性因素都考虑进了他们的全面战略之中。卡里哈林说:

    But Sergei Karykhalin , chief analyst at the Capital Investment Bank in Moscow is not concerned about any negative Western influence on Russia , because he has confidence that Kremlin leaders factored possible retaliation into their overall strategy .

  17. 目前,克里姆林宫完全无视这些呼声,既不像一个正常的金砖国家,也不像一个正常的G8成员国。

    For the moment , the Kremlin has managed to ignore these voices , acting like neither a Bric nor a G8 member in good standing .

  18. 爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)抨击他目前客居的国家,他批评克里姆林宫的人权记录,并暗指俄罗斯与近期两起针对美国政府的重大黑客攻击事件有瓜葛。

    Edward Snowden has rounded on his hosts , attacking the Kremlin 's human rights record and implicating Russia in two of the US government 's latest major security hacks .

  19. 他打量了一番金苹果精品酒店(GoldenApple)——从这里溜达到克里姆林宫需要半小时——狭小昏暗的203号房间,一副在这种地方住过很长时间的样子。

    He eyes up the small , dimly lit room 203 of the Golden Apple boutique hotel - half an hour 's gentle stroll from the Kremlin - with the look of a man who has spent too much time in such places .

  20. 克里姆林宫发言人德米特里•巴斯科夫(DmitryPeskov)昨日对记者表示,俄罗斯对国际体育仲裁庭的裁决表示遗憾。

    Dmitry Peskov , a Kremlin spokesman , told journalists yesterday that Russia regretted the court 's decision .

  21. 但是YevgenyVolk称,克里姆林宫讲多样化和灵活性是在喊口号。

    But Yevgeny Volk says Kremlin talk of diversification and mobility amounts to sloganeering .

  22. 美国国土安全部(DHS)表示,将禁止联邦机构使用卡巴斯基实验室(KasperskyLab)的软件,理由是担心卡巴斯基与克里姆林宫之间有关联。

    The US Department of Homeland Security said it was banning software from Kaspersky Lab from being used by federal agencies , due to concerns over links between Kasperky and the Kremlin .

  23. 比如,2007年给爱沙尼亚造成严重损失的攻击,就被认为是由支持克里姆林宫的青年团体“纳什”(Nashi)所为。

    A crippling attack on Estonia in 2007 , for example , was attributed to the pro-Kremlin Nashi youth organization .

  24. 克里姆林宫表示,在俄罗斯正式加入WTO之后,外资电信企业将不再受到持有俄企业股权比例不得超过49%的规定限制,外资银行也能够设立分行,且参股俄罗斯金融机构的比例没有上限。

    The Kremlin agreed that , in the years following accession , foreign telecommunications companies will no longer be limited to 49 per cent equity in Russian businesses , while foreign bank will be allowed to establish subsidiaries , with no cap on foreign capital participation in individual Russian institutions .

  25. 其主要资产来自尤科斯石油公司(Yukos),这家公司在8年前,由于其老板米哈伊尔•霍多尔科夫斯基(MikhailKhodorkovsky)贪心不足蛇吞象而被克里姆林宫解散。

    Its main assets were grabbed from Yukos , an oil firm the Kremlin dismantled eight years ago after its boss , Mikhail Khodorkovsky , grew too big for his boots .

  26. 网安公司表示,这些组织使用的技术、活动的时区以及先前的目标(包括白宫、美国国务院、东欧各国政府及北约(NATO))表明,它们与克里姆林宫或俄罗斯安全机构之间存在密切联系。

    They say that the techniques these groups use , the timezone in which they operate and their previous targets - including the White House and US State Department , eastern European governments and Nato - suggest close links to the Kremlin or Russian security services .

  27. 因此,尽管一些袭击可能得到克里姆林宫的授意或默许,例如2006年女记者安娜波利特科夫斯卡娅(annapolitkovskaya)的遇害,但此类情况是少数。

    Thus while some attacks , such as the murder of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya in 2006 , may have taken place on Kremlin orders or with its acquiescence , these have been the minority .

  28. 因为它地处最佳地段,客房最为宽敞,周围还有着迷人美景,如果诸位入住在右侧客房,至少能欣赏到从红场到克里姆林宫(Kremlin)的胜景。

    For it is the best-located hotel in the city , its rooms are the biggest and have some of the best views , at least if yours is on the right with a view across Red Square to the Kremlin .

  29. 情报官员也会在那些看似正在寻找自我的人中间挖掘潜在的特工,他们的精神由于清洗、文化革命或旷日持久的税收调查(克里姆林宫(Kremlin)如今最喜欢用的一种手段)而被践踏摧毁。

    A case officer also looks for prospects among individuals who seem to be in search of an ego , their spirits stamped flat by purges , cultural revolutions or protracted tax investigations ( a favorite tactic of today 's Kremlin ) .

  30. 激进团体左翼阵线(leftfront)领导人谢尔盖乌达利佐夫(sergeiudaltsov)称:“我们总是来了又走,这次我们一定会坚守!”他誓言不会离开抗议现场,距离克里姆林宫一公里的普希金广场。

    Sergei udaltsov , leader of radical group left front , declared : " we keep coming and going , but this time we are going to stay . " he vowed not to quit Pushkin square , the site of the protest 1km from the Kremlin .