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lǐ bù shànɡ shū
  • Minister of Rites
  1. 他与明代杰出的科学家,后来官居礼部尚书的徐光启合译的《几何原本》,对西方平面几何知识在中国的传播起了巨大的作用。

    The " Elements "( of Euclides Geometry ) which Ricci and Xu Guanqi , an outstanding Ming scientist and minister of rites , jointly translated , spread the knowledge of plane geometry in China .

  2. 韩愈被尊为“唐宋八大家”之首,去世时被追封为礼部尚书(应该是吏部侍郎),谥号“文”。

    He is considered the first of the renowned " Eight Masters of the Tang and Song . " At his death the title of president of the ministry of rites was conferred upon him , as well as the epithet " Master of Letters , " both great honours .