- agricultural soil

Upland Agricultural Soil Irrigation and Need Water Management Decision Making Support System on Internet
N_2 O emission from agricultural soil in China
Comprehensive Evaluation of Agricultural Soils in Changge City by using GIS and SPSS Techniques
Study on forms and availability of cu , zn , Mn and Fe of principal agricultural
Grading Agriculture Soil Loss Amount Integrated GIS and USLE : A Case of the Dry Valley Region in Western Sichuan Province
The main agricultural soils in Changge city were comprehensively evaluated by using the technology of GIS and SPSS .
Fluxes of CH_4 from Non-Agricultural Soils in Central Guizhou Province and Their Affecting Factors
Spatial Variability of Zn in Agricultural Soils and Its Affecting Factors in Industrialized Peri-urban Areas ── A Case Study of Wuxi City
Analytical Method by EDTA Continuous Titration of Fe 、 Ti 、 Al in Agricultural Soil
This paper took typical loam soil in Central Northeast China as an object of study and made an approach to the mechanism of two-dimensional cutting problems with the finite element method ( FEM ) .
The contents of heavy metals such as Cu , Cd , Pb and Zn are more greatly than the background level of Shanghai agricultural soils , and JENSEN pollution evaluation value for sediments .
This paper details a method of creating data base management system with graphic programming by Auto CAD software package in agricultural soil pollution on EC-386 microcomputer .
The soil nutrient status is lack of nitrogen , less phosphorus , rich kalium and low organic matter .
Residues of HCH and DDT in typical agricultural soils of Huang-Huai-Hai plain , china ⅱ . spatial variability and vertical distribution of HCH and DDT
The heavy metal content of agriculture soil and vegetables in Guangzhou city were investigated with measurement of the total content and available content of Cu , Pb , Zn , Cr , Ni , Cd , As and Hg .
PAH in soils was dominated by three-ring and four-ring PAH and the dominant individual PAH was naphthalene , phenanthrene , fluoranthene and beozo [ b ] fluornthene .
In order to find the dynamic change law of phosphorus enrichment in facility agricultural soil , and the relationship between phosphorus nutrients and soil pH , organic matter , soil texture , nitrogen nutrient , rapidly-available potassium , cadmium and enzymes in the soil .
This paper chooses 7 factors to establish a system of comprehensive evaluation in order to evaluate the agricultural soil fertility in Xuchang based on the technique of GIS and SPSS Some proposals are put forward for the utilization of these soils
The total content and the available content of heavy metals ( Cu , Pb , Zn , Cr , Ni , Cd , As and Hg ) in soils from main cities ' suburbs of the Pearl River delta were analyzed .
Li Jun ( Institute of Geography , CAS , Beijing 100101 ) : An analysis of the factors affecting N , O emission from arable soils , EAR , 3 ( 4 ) 1995:63-66 Nitrous oxide ( N2O ) is an important greenhouse gas .
It is recommended that further study be focussed on quantitative description between N2O emissions and these key factors , estimation of regional and / or global amount , and development of reducing N2O emission from agricultural soils in the future .
Purple Soil is the most important agricultural soil type of Sichuan and Chongqing area , but its N2O emission intensity and rule are still not clear .
The CH4 emissions of paddy soils were one of the most important reasons for the increasing concentration of CH4 in the atmosphere . So the biogeochemical process model has been used by more and more scholars to simulate the complex trace gas emission of the agricultural soils .
The main components of PAE compounds in soils of Leizhou peninsula were DnBP , DEHP , DIP , BEHP and DAP , and their averaged concentrations in soils was 282.3 , 140.7 , 92.55 , 79.63 and 45.94 μ g · kg-1 respectively .
The composition of total soil nitrogen ( Nt ), mineral soil nitrogen ( Nmin ) andorganic soil nitrogen ( Norg ) of twelve different kinds of loessial soil in Shaanxi pro-vince were studied through soil testing technique .
The results show that : ( 1 ) In the agricultural soil of central Jilin , the content range of HCH is 0.42-44.96 μ g / kg , and the average content is 5.09 μ g / kg . Its residual level is low .
Microbial community level physiological profiling ( CLPP ) analysis showed that soil microbial function diversity changes significantly with soil use patterns shifted from the forest soils to the agricultural soils .
The paddy soil is very important in our agriculture soil .
Nitrogen Loss in Soil of Organic Agriculture and Its Control Procedure
Study on farming soil erosion and its control in Dandong Area