
  • 网络agricultural culture
  1. 长江农业文化的自然生态条件

    The natural ecological condition for the agricultural culture of the Yangtze basin

  2. 农业文化的开发是可能的和有条件的。

    Chances are that the agricultural culture is explored and conditions are favourable .

  3. 盆地经验与中国农业文化的生态节制景观

    Basin Experience of Chinese Agriculture and the Ecological Prudent Landscape

  4. 农业文化遗产的概念、特点与保护要求

    The Concept , Characteristics and Conservation Requirements of Agro-cultural Heritage

  5. 国际法律和公约背景下的农业文化遗产保护研究

    The Research on Traditional Agricultural Heritage Protection in International Law and Policy

  6. 基于农耕文明的农业文化性格。

    The agricultural culture character based on farming civilization .

  7. 都市型现代农业文化形态初探

    On Conformation of Modern Agricultural Culture of City Model

  8. 简论农业文化与古代文学的民族特征

    About agriculture and national characters of Chinese classical literature

  9. 农业文化旅游及其景观开发

    Development of Cultural Tourism of Agriculture and Its Landscape

  10. 《诗经》与传统农业文化的形成

    On The Book of Odes and the formation of Chinese Traditional Farming Culture

  11. 论中国古代农业文化在越南的传播和影响

    The Association and Influence of China 's Agricultural Culture to Vietnam in Ancient Times

  12. 盆地的这些效应都有利于盆地农业文化生态节制行为的发展,并实现资源和环境的持续利用。

    All these contribute to the development of cultural ecological prudent behavior in Chinese agriculture .

  13. 明清时期大陆对台湾农业文化的传播

    The Dissemination of Agricultural Culture from Mainland to Taiwan in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  14. 中国地域广阔而封闭,地理环境优越,在远古时期就有了发达的农业文化。

    The advantageously vast but closed geographic environments of China nurtured the then advanced farming culture .

  15. 洞庭湖区的早期农业文化

    Early Farming Culture in the Dongting

  16. 试析中国传统农业文化对苏轼文化品格的影响&从《前赤壁赋》看

    The Analysis of the Influence of Agricultural Culture of China on SU Shi 's Literary Works

  17. 正是在这片黄色的原野,我们的先民创造了旱作农业文化,辉煌灿烂。

    It was on this yellow land that our ancestors cultivated the crucial dry farming culture .

  18. 而中国传统农业文化的变迁和转型研究,则是一个新的课题。

    Study on the change and transition of traditional Chinese agricultural civilization is a new topic .

  19. 中国传统农业文化转型研究

    Primitive Agriculture Culture in Helan Mountain Cliff Carving Study on the Transition of Traditional Chinese Agricultural Civilization

  20. 传统文化大众化中国传统农业文化与农村发展

    The popularization of Chinese traditional culture A Discussion of Economic and Cultural Development of a New Countryside

  21. 这些不同类型的农业文化成为不同民族集团形成的基础。

    These different types of farming culture as the basis for the formation of different ethnic groups .

  22. 在这种制度下,精耕细作的汉农业文化在蒙地获得了推广。

    Under this system , the Chinese agricultural style of intensive and meticulous farming expanded to Mongolia .

  23. 发挥农业文化效应推进闽台休闲农业交流与合作

    Play Effects of Agricultural Culture and Promote Exchanges and Cooperation in Leisure Agriculture between Fujian and Taiwan

  24. 农业文化与《诗经》的史诗及饥者劳者之歌

    Agricultural Culture and the Epic in the Book of Songs and Songs Born in Famine Victim and Laborer

  25. 试论农业文化教育在农业院校农业人才培养中的作用

    Preliminary Discussion on the Function of Education of Agricultural Culture in Talented Training in Agricultural Colleges and Universities

  26. 古代农业文化是惰性的、奴性的文化,非日常生活世界狭小;

    Ancient agricultural culture is a lazy and servile culture and the world of non-daily life is narrow ;

  27. 优越的自然生态条件是长江流域农业文化的物质前提。

    The favourable natural ecological condition is the material premise for the agricultural culture of the Yangtze basin .

  28. 农村流动人口来到城市后,同时兼受城市文化和农业文化影响。

    After the rural people came to city , they have been influenced by urban-culture and rural-culture together .

  29. 内蒙古鄂尔多斯地区自古就是农业文化和游牧文化的接触地带。

    Ordos area in Inner Mongolia has been the contacting region for agriculture and nomadic cultures from ancient time .

  30. 另外龙也被认作是古代农业文化的重要元素之一掌管降雨之神。

    It is also regarded as the deity in charge of rain , an important factor in ancient agriculture .